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单词 (as) tough as nails
释义 ● (as ) tough as old ˈboots ● (as ) tough as ˈnails (informal ) very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations 很强壮;坚韧不拔;雷打不动not feeling or showing any emotion 铁石心肠;不为所动Similes in idioms(as) bald as a coot,(as) blind as a bat,(as) bright as a button,(as) bold as brass,as busy as a bee,as clean as a whistle,(as) dead as athe dodo,(as) deaf as a post,(as) dull as ditchwater,(as) fit as a fiddle,as flat as a pancake,(as) good as gold,(as) mad as a hattera March hare,(as) miserableugly as sin,as old as the hills,(as) pleased as Punch,as pretty as a picture,(as) regular as clockwork,(as) quick as a flash,(as) safe as houses,(as) sound as a bell,(as) steady as a rock,(as) thick as two short planks,(as) tough as old bootsSee also boot




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