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单词 talker
释义 talk·erBrE /ˈtɔːkə(r)/ NAmE /ˈtɔːkər/ noun a person who talks in a particular way or who talks a lot 说话…的人;爱说话的人◆ a brilliant talker 能言善辩的人◆ She's a  (great ) talker (= she talks a lot ). 她很健谈。◆ He's more a talker than a doer (= he talks instead of doing things ). 他说得多做得少。speakercommunicator ⬥ gossip ⬥ talkerThese are all words for a person who talks or who is talking, especially in a particular way.以上各词均指说话者,尤指以某种方式说话的人。speaker a person who is or was speaking; a person who speaks a particular language指发言者、讲某种语言的人:◆I looked around to see who the speaker was.我四下环顾看说话的是谁。◆a fluent Arabic speaker阿拉伯语讲得流利的人communicator(ratherformal ) a person who is able to describe their ideas and feelings clearly to others指交际者、交流者:◆The ideal candidate will be an effective communicator.理想的候选人定要是善于沟通的人。gossip(disapproving ) a person who enjoys talking about other people's private lives指喜欢传播流言蜚语的人、爱说长道短(或说三道四)的人:◆Myra is a dear, but she's also a terrible gossip.迈拉是很可爱,但也是个讨厌的长舌妇。talker a person who talks in a particular way or who talks a lot指以某种方式说话的人、爱说话的人:◆He's a very persuasive talker.他是一个说话很有说服力的人。◆She's a (great) talker(= she talks a lot).她很健谈。speaker or talker?用 speaker 还是 talker?Talker is used when you are talking about how much sb talks or how well they talk. It is not used for the person who is or was talking. * talker 用以指说话多或少,或者话说得如何的人,不用以指正在或曾经在说话的人:◆I looked round to see who the talker was. You can say that sb is a good/persuasive speaker but that means that they are good at making speeches. If you mean that they speak well in conversation, use talker. * good/persuasive speaker 指的是擅长演讲的人。如果指健谈或能言善辩的人就用 talker。Patternsa good/great speaker/communicator/talkeran effective/excellent speaker/communicator ● a fast ˈtalker a person who can talk very quickly and easily , but who cannot always be trusted 快嘴快舌但不可信赖的人




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