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单词 view
释义 nounverb🔑 viewBrE /vjuː/ NAmE /vjuː/ noun ➤ opinion 想法🔑 [C ]a personal opinion about sth ; an attitude towards sth (个人的)看法,意见,见解;态度◆ to have different /conflicting /opposing views 有不同的/矛盾的/相反的观点◆ to have strong political views 持强硬的政治观点◆ ~ (about /on sth )His views on the subject were well known . 他对这个问题的看法众所周知。◆ This evidence supports the view that there is too much violence on television . 这一证据证实了人们认为电视节目中有太多暴力的看法。◆ We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere . 我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。◆ In my view it was a waste of time . 依我看,这是浪费时间。◆ What is needed is a frank exchange of views . 需要的是坦诚地交换意见。 ➡  see also point of viewaccording toReporting someone's opinion陈述某人的观点◆Photography is, according to Vidal, the art form of untalented people.据维达尔所言,摄影是没有天赋的人的艺术形式。◆For Vidal, photography is the art form of untalented people.对维达尔来说,摄影是没有天赋的人的艺术形式。◆His view is that photography is not art but merely the mechanical reproduction of images.他的观点是摄影不是艺术,而只是机械地复制图像。◆Smith takes the view that photography is both an art and a science.史密斯所持的观点是:摄影既是一门艺术也是一门科学。◆In Brown's view, photography should be treated as a legitimate art in its own right.在布朗看来,摄影本身就应该被视为一种正当的艺术。◆James is of the opinion that a good painter can always be a good photographer if he or she so decides.詹姆斯认为一个好的画家定能成为一个好的摄影师,只要他/她一心这样做。◆Emerson believed that a photograph should only reflect what the human eye can see.埃默森认为照片应该只是反映人们肉眼所能见到的东西。 ➡ language bank atargue , opinion ➤ way of understanding 理解方式🔑 [sing. ]~ (of sth )a way of understanding or thinking about sth (理解或思维的)方法,方式◆ He has an optimistic view of life . 他乐观地看待人生。◆ the Christian view of the world 基督教的世界观◆ The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last . 传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。 ➡  see also world view➤ what you can see 可看到的东西🔑 [U , sing. ]used when you are talking about whether you can see sth or whether sth can be seen in a particular situation 观看;看;视野;视域;视线◆ The lake soon came into view . 那湖很快映入眼帘。◆ The sun disappeared from view . 太阳看不见了。◆ There was nobody in view . 一个人也看不见。◆ Sit down —you're blocking my view . 坐下,你挡住我的视线了。◆ I didn't have a good view of the stage . 我看不清舞台。sightview ⬥ visionThese are all words for the area or distance that you can see from a particular position.以上各词均指视力范围、视野。sight the area or distance that you can see from a particular position指视力范围、视野:◆He looked up the street, but there was no one in sight.他朝街上望去,一个人也没看见。◆Leave any valuables in your car out of sight.把贵重物品留在车里看不见的地方。view(ratherformal ) the area or distance that you can see from a particular position指视力范围、视野:◆The lake soon came into view.那湖很快便映入眼帘。vision the area that you can see from a particular position指视野:◆The couple moved outside her field of vision(= total area you can see from a particular position).这对夫妇离开了她的视野。sight, view or vision?用 sight、view 还是 vision?View is more literary than sight or vision. It is the only word for talking about how well you can see. * view 较 sight 和 vision 书面化,是其中唯一指视野清晰程度的词:◆I didn't have a good sight/vision of the stage. Vision must always be used with a possessive pronoun. * vision 总是与物主代词连用:◆my/his/her etc. (field of) vision我/他/她…的视野It is not used with the prepositions in, into and out of that are very frequent with sight and view. * vision 不与介词 in、into 和 out of 连用,但 sight 和 view 常与这些介词连用:◆There was nobody in vision.◆A tall figure came into vision.Patternsin/out of sight/viewin/within sight/view of sthto come into/disappear from sight/view/sb's visionto come in sight/view of sb/sth to block sb's view/visionsb's line of sight/visionsb's field of view/vision🔑 [C ]what you can see from a particular place or position , especially beautiful countryside (从某处看到的)景色,风景;(尤指)乡间美景◆ There were magnificent views of the surrounding countryside . 四周乡间的景色壮观秀丽。◆ The view from the top of the tower was spectacular . 从塔顶远眺景色蔚为壮观。◆ a sea /mountain view 海景;山景◆ I'd like a room with a view . 我想要一个可以观看风景的房间。viewsight ⬥ scene ⬥ panoramaThese are all words for a thing that you can see, especially from a particular place.以上各词均指景色,尤指从某处看到的风景。view what you can see from a particular place or position, especially beautiful natural scenery指从某处看到的景色、风景,尤指自然美景:◆The cottage had a delightful sea view.这小屋可以看到宜人的海景。sight a thing that you see or can see, especially sth that is impressive or unusual指看见或看得见的事物、景象,尤指壮观、奇特的景象:◆It's a spectacular sight as the flamingos lift into the air.一群红鹳飞向空中,景象十分壮观。scene a view that you see, especially one with people and/or animals moving about and doing things指景象、景色,尤指有人和/或动物活动的风光:◆It was a delightful rural scene.那是赏心悦目的乡村风光。panorama a view of a wide area of land指全景:◆The tower offers a breathtaking panorama of Prague.从塔上可看到壮丽的布拉格全景。Patternsa view/panorama of stha beautiful/breathtaking view/sight/scene/panoramaa magnificent/spectacular view/sight/panoramato take in the view/sight/sceneto admire the view/sight➤ photograph /picture 照片;图画[C ]a photograph or picture that shows an interesting place or scene 风景照;风景画◆ a book with views of Paris 一本巴黎风光画册➤ chance to see sth 观看的机会 (also view·ing ) [C ]a special chance to see or admire sth (一次)观看;一睹;一览◆ a private view (= for example , of an art exhibition )画展预展 ● have , etc . sth in ˈview (formal ) to have a particular aim , plan , etc . in your mind 心中有…目的(或打算等)SYN have sb/sth in mind● in full ˈview  (of sb /sth )completely visible , directly in front of sb /sth 完全看得见;在眼皮底下◆ He was shot in full view of a large crowd . 他在众目睽睽之下被人枪杀了。● in view of sth (formal ) considering sth 鉴于;考虑到;由于◆ In view of the weather , the event will now be held indoors . 由于天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行。● on ˈview being shown in a public place so that people can look at it 在展出;陈列着;展览着● with a view to sth /to doing sth (formal ) with the intention or hope of doing sth 为了;指望◆ He's painting the house with a view to selling it . 他在粉刷房子,想把它卖掉。● a ˌbird's -ˌeye ˈview  (of sth )a view of sth from a high position looking down 鸟瞰;俯视● take a dim view of sb /sth to disapprove of sb /sth ; to not have a good opinion of sb /sth 对…持不赞成(或怀疑)态度;对…没有好感◆ She took a dim view of my suggestion . 她对我的建议持否定态度。● ˌheave into ˈsight /ˈview (formal ) (especially of ships 尤指船) to appear , especially when moving gradually closer from a long way off (从远处)出现;进入视野◆ A ship hove into sight . 远处出现了一条船。HELPHove is usually used for the past tense and past participle in this idiom .这个习语通常用 hove 作过去式及过去分词。● take the ˈlong view  (of sth )to consider what is likely to happen or be important over a long period of time rather than only considering the present situation 从长远考虑🔑 viewBrE /vjuː/ NAmE /vjuː/ verb present simple - I / you / we / they view BrE /vjuː/ NAmE /vjuː/ present simple - he / she / it views BrE /vjuːz/ NAmE /vjuːz/ past simple viewed BrE /vjuːd/ NAmE /vjuːd/ past participle viewed BrE /vjuːd/ NAmE /vjuːd/  -ing form viewing BrE /ˈvjuːɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈvjuːɪŋ/ ➤ think about sth 思考🔑 to think about sb /sth in a particular way 把…视为;以…看待◆ ~ (sb /sth as sth )When the car was first built , the design was viewed as highly original . 这种车刚造出时,其设计被认为是独具匠心。◆ How do you view your position within the company ? 你如何看待自己在公司中的位置?◆ ~sb /sth with sth She viewed him with suspicion . 她对他心存怀疑。regardcall ⬥ find ⬥ consider ⬥ see ⬥ viewThese words all mean to think about sb/sth in a particular way.以上各词均含认为、视为、看待之义。regard to think of sb/sth in a particular way指认为、视为、看待:◆He seemed to regard the whole thing as a joke.他似乎是把整件事当成玩笑。call to say that sb/sth has particular qualities or characteristics指认为…是、把…看作:◆I wouldn't call German an easy language.我并不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。find to have a particular feeling or opinion about sth指认为、感到:◆You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。consider to think of sb/sth in a particular way指认为、视为、觉得:◆Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这个事故负有责任?regard or consider?用 regard 还是 consider?These two words have the same meaning, but they are used in different patterns and structures. In this meaning consider must be used with a complement or clause: you can consider sb/sth to be sth or consider sb/sth as sth, although very often the to be or as is left out.上述两词意义相同,但用于不同的句型和结构。用于此义时,consider 必须与补语或从句连用,可说 consider sb/sth to be sth 或 consider sb/sth as sth,不过 to be 或 as 常常省略不用:◆He considers himself an expert.他认为自己是专家。◆They are considered a high-risk group.他们被视为高危人群。 You can also consider that sb/sth is sth and again, the that can be left out. Regard is used in a narrower range of structures. The most frequent structure is regard sb/sth as sth; the as cannot be left out.用 consider that sb/sth is sth 亦可,that 同样可以省略。regard 可用的句型结构较少,最常用的结构是 regard sb/sth as sth,但 as 不可省略:◆I regard him a close friend. You cannot 不能说:◆regard sb/sth to be sth or 或:◆regard that sb/sth is sthHowever, regard (but not consider in this meaning) can also be used without a noun or adjective complement but with just an object and adverb (sb/sth is highly regarded) or adverbial phrase (regard sb/sth with suspicion/jealousy/admiration).不过,regard 亦可不与名词或形容词补语连用,只与宾语和副词(如 sb/sth is highly regarded)或副词短语(如 regard sb/sth with suspicion/jealousy/admiration)连用;consider 则不能这样用。see to have an opinion of sth指认为、看待:◆Try to see things from her point of view.设法从她那个角度去看问题。view to think of sb/sth in a particular way指视为、认为、看待:◆How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待你自己在公司中的位置?NOTEView has the same meaning as regard and consider but is slightly less frequent and slightly less formal. The main structures are view sb/sth as sb/sth (you cannot leave out the as) and view sb/sth with sth. * view 与 regard、consider 意义相同,但略为不常用,也略非正式。主要结构有 view sb/sth as sb/sth(as 不能省略)和 view sb/sth with sth。Patternsto regard/consider/see/view sb/sth as sth to regard/consider/see/view sb/sth from a particular point of viewto find/consider sb/sth to be sthgenerally/usually regarded/considered/seen/viewed as sthto regard/consider/view sb/sth favourably/unfavourably➤ look at sth 看🔑 ~sth (formal ) to look at sth , especially when you look carefully 看;观看;(尤指)仔细察看◆ People came from all over the world to view her work . 人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。◆ A viewing platform gave stunning views over the valley . 从观景台向山谷望去,景色之壮观令人叹为观止。lookwatch ⬥ see ⬥ view ⬥ observeThese words all mean to turn your eyes in a particular direction.以上各词均含看、观看之义。look to turn your eyes in a particular direction指看、瞧:◆If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.你要是仔细看,从这里就可以看见我们的房子。◆She looked at me and smiled.她看了看我,笑了。watch to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens指看、注视、观看、观察:◆to watch television看电视◆Watch what I do, then you try.你注意看我的动作,然后试着做。see to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc.指观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等):◆In the evening we went to see a movie.晚上我们去看了一场电影。view(formal ) to look at sth, especially when you look carefully; to watch television, a film/movie, etc.指看、观看(尤指仔细观察);看(电视、电影等):◆People came from all over the world to view her work.观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。watch, see or view?用 watch、see 还是 view?You can see/view a film/movie/programme, but you cannot◆see/view televisionView is more formal than see and is used especially in business contexts.可以说 see/view a film/movie/programme,但不能说 see/view television。view 较 see 正式,尤用于商务语境。observe(formal ) to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them or it指观察、注视、监视:◆The patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。Patternsto look/watch for sb/sthto watch/observe what/who/how…to look/watch/view/observe (sb/sth) with amazement/surprise/disapproval, watch/see/view a film/movie/show/programmeto watch/see a match/game/fightto look (at sb/sth)/watch (sb/sth)/observe sb/sth carefully/closely~sth (formal ) to visit a house , etc . with the intention of buying or renting it 查看,察看(房子等,以便购买或租用)◆ The property can only be viewed by appointment . 察看这处房产须预约。➤ watch TV , film /movie 看电视/电影~sth (formal ) to watch television , a film /movie , etc .看,观看(电视、电影等)◆ The show has a viewing audience of six million (= six million people watch it ). 这个节目有六百万观众观看。◆ an opportunity to view the movie before it goes on general release 在公开放映之前观看这部影片的机会lookwatch ⬥ see ⬥ view ⬥ observeThese words all mean to turn your eyes in a particular direction.以上各词均含看、观看之义。look to turn your eyes in a particular direction指看、瞧:◆If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.你要是仔细看,从这里就可以看见我们的房子。◆She looked at me and smiled.她看了看我,笑了。watch to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens指看、注视、观看、观察:◆to watch television看电视◆Watch what I do, then you try.你注意看我的动作,然后试着做。see to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc.指观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等):◆In the evening we went to see a movie.晚上我们去看了一场电影。view(formal ) to look at sth, especially when you look carefully; to watch television, a film/movie, etc.指看、观看(尤指仔细观察);看(电视、电影等):◆People came from all over the world to view her work.观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。watch, see or view?用 watch、see 还是 view?You can see/view a film/movie/programme, but you cannot◆see/view televisionView is more formal than see and is used especially in business contexts.可以说 see/view a film/movie/programme,但不能说 see/view television。view 较 see 正式,尤用于商务语境。observe(formal ) to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them or it指观察、注视、监视:◆The patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。Patternsto look/watch for sb/sthto watch/observe what/who/how…to look/watch/view/observe (sb/sth) with amazement/surprise/disapproval, watch/see/view a film/movie/show/programmeto watch/see a match/game/fightto look (at sb/sth)/watch (sb/sth)/observe sb/sth carefully/closely




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