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单词 in general
释义 ● in ˈgeneral 🔑 usually ; mainly 通常;大体上◆ In general , Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare . 日本汽车通常是很可靠的,发生故障的情况极少。conclusionSumming up an argument总结论点◆In conclusion, the study has provided useful insights into the issues relating to people's perception of crime.综上所述,本研究为人们对犯罪活动的认识问题提供了有益的见解。◆Based on this study, it can be concluded that the introduction of new street lighting did not reduce reported crime.基于这项研究可以得出这样的结论:增加街道照明设备并没有使犯罪案件报案数量减少。◆To sum up, no evidence can be found to support the view that improved street lighting reduces reported crime.总而言之,没有证据表明街道照明的改进能使犯罪案件报案数量减少。◆The available evidence clearly leads to the conclusion that the media do have an influence on the public perception of crime.现有证据显然可以得出这一结论:公众对犯罪活动的认识确实受到媒体的影响。◆The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that public perception of crime is significantly influenced by crime news reporting.本研究可以得出的一个主要结论是:公众对犯罪活动的认识受到犯罪新闻报道的很大影响。◆This study has shown that people's fear of crime is out of all proportion to crime itself.本研究表明,人们对犯罪活动的恐惧与犯罪活动本身并不相称。◆Fear of crime is out of all proportion to the actual level of crime, and the reasons for this can be summarized as follows. First…对犯罪活动的恐惧与实际犯罪水平并不相称,其原因可归结为以下几点。第一,…◆Overall / In general, women are more likely than men to feel insecure walking alone after dark.一般情况下,天黑后独自行走,女人比男人更容易感到不安全。 ➡ language bank atemphasis , first , generally 🔑 as a whole 总的说来;从总体上看◆ This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular . 这一年总体上对你们的关系,特别是你们的爱情生活是非常关键的。See also general




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