新雨伞二年级英语日记带翻译 昨天,妈妈帮我买了一把新雨伞 ,我很高兴,它是天蓝色的.,它很漂亮,我真想早点用上它,今天终于下雨了,可以用上我的新雨伞了,一放学我就打开我的新雨伞,我越看越漂亮,心里可开心了。 
Yesterday, my mother bought a new umbrella for me. I'm very happy. It's sky blue. It's beautiful. I really want to use it earlier. It's finally raining today. I can use my new umbrella. I'll open my new umbrella as soon as school is over. The more beautiful I look, the happier I am. |