标题 | 东盟博览会宣传标语 |
范文 | 东盟博览会宣传标语 一、主口号 再创辉煌东博会共筑海上新丝路 A More Glorious CAEXPO for the New Maritime Silk Road 二、副口号 1.亲诚惠容新十年海上丝路促五通 ANew Decade of Amity, Sincerity, Mutual Benefit and Inclusiveness, A NewMaritime Silk Road for Connectivity in Five Areas 2.海丝新门户广西新枢纽 ANew Gateway for the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century, A New Hub forGuangxi 3.共建海上新丝路构筑命运共同体 ConstructingA New Maritime Silk Road, Building the China and ASEAN Community of CommonDestiny 4.超越黄金十年打造钻石十年 Fromthe Golden Decade to the Diamond Decade 5.创新东博会升级自贸区 ANew CAEXPO, An Upgraded CAFTA 6.政策沟通道路联通贸易畅通货币流通民心相通 PolicyCoordination, Road Connection, Unimpeded Trade, Monetary Circulation and MutualUnderstanding between Peoples 7.中国—东盟博览会 10+1>11 China-ASEANExpo: 10+1>11 8.服务10+1面向10+6 Coredon 10+1, Open for 10+6 |
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