标题 | 写作基础托福写作练习之IF句式的使用 |
范文 | 【写作基础】托福写作练习之IF句式的使用 大家在举例的时候常常会这么说“如果………”,”假设………..”,即if……… 先不说这种举例的好还是坏,就本身的句子而言,很多都是有问题的。 总结了一些if的用法,大家考前看看 先看两个托福作文例子: [Scenery]Sue has lost her watch. She think it may be at Ann’s house. SUE: I think I left my watch at your house. Have you seen it? (1) ANN: no, but I’ll have a look when I get home. If I find it, I’ll tell you. If I find…., I’ll…… (2) Ann says: If I found a wallet in the street, I’d take it to the police. If I found……, I’d(=I would)……..(而不是if I find, I’ll…..) 这里两个句子有着不同的意思,前者表示Ann觉得她有找到手表的真实可能性.因此才说if I find….., I’ll….. 而后者是完全不同的情况.在这里Ann没有考虑真实的'可能性;她在虚拟这一个托福 作文 情景,并不认为真的可以在街上拣到手表.于是才说:if I found……,I’d…… if I do……….和if I did………的区别 用if+过去式(if I found / if you were / if we didn’t等)表示虚拟的事情,而不是指过去时间发生的事情: What would you do if you won a million pounds? I don’t really want to go to their party, but I probably will go. They’d be offended if I didn’t go Sarah has decided not to apply for the job. She isn’t really qualified for it, so she probably wouldn’t get it if she applied. If从句中一般不用would: I’d be very frightened if somebody pointed a gun at me.(而非if somebody would point) If I didn’t go to their party, they’d be offended(而非if I wouldn’t go) If …….would可以表示用来请求某人做某事: I would be grateful if you would send me your brochure as soon as possible. “Shall I close the door?” “yes, please, If you would.” Would(‘d) / wouldn’t用于句子的主句(不是if从句) If you took more exercise, you’d (=you would) probably feel healthier. Would you mind if I used your phone? I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep. 另外,if引导的条件句也能引起倒装,如果要是在作文里用到,也是一个加分点: 先看正常语序。 It would be a serious setback, if the talks were to fail. If you should need more information, please telephone our main office. If Alex had asked, I would have been able to help. 倒装是要省略if it would be a serious setback, were the talks to fail. Should you need more information, please telephone our main office. Had Alex asked, I would have been able to help 倒装句比if-从句更加正式。 但是在否定句里面,不可以用缩写。 e.g. Had he not resigned, we should have been forced to sack him(不用hadn’t he…..) .tab111 a:link,.table111 a:hover {padding:2px 4px;}.tab111 a:hover,.table111 a:active {background:#FFF;color:#FFCC99;padding:2px 4px;text-decoration:none;}.tab111 {font-family: 微软雅黑;}.tab111 a { color:#FFF;font-weight:bold;text-align:center; } |
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