标题 | 外国经典诗歌 |
范文 | 外国经典诗歌(精选5首) 外国经典诗歌有哪些呢?我们一起来看看范文吧!以下是小编为大家搜集整理提供到的外国经典诗歌,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎阅读参考学习! 外国经典诗歌1英雄 THE HERO MOTHER, let us imagine we are travelling, andpassing through a strange and dangerous country. 妈妈,让我们想象我们正在旅行,经过一个陌生而危险的国土。 You are riding in a palanquin and I am trotting byyou on a red horse. 你坐在一顶轿子里,我骑着一匹红马,在你旁边跑着。 It is evening and the sun goes down. The waste of Joradighi lies wan and grey before us. Theland is desolate and barren. 是黄昏的时候,太阳已经下山了。约拉地希的荒地疲乏而灰暗地展开在我们面前,大地是凄凉而荒芜的。 You are frightened and thinking--"I know not where we have come to." 你害怕了,想道——“我不知道我们到了什么地方了。” I say to you, "Mother, do not be afraid." 我对你说道:“妈妈,不要害怕。” The meadow is prickly with spiky grass, and through it runs a narrow broken path. 草地上刺蓬蓬地长着针尖似的草,一条狭而崎岖的小道通过这块草地。 There are no cattle to be seen in the wide field; they have gone to their village stalls. 在这片广大的地面上看不见一只牛;它们已经回到它们村里的牛棚去了。 It grows dark and dim on the land and sky, and we cannot tell where we are going. 天色黑了下来,大地和天空都显得朦朦胧胧的,而我们不能说出我们正走向什么所在。 Suddenly you call me and ask me in a whisper, "What light is that near the bank?" 突然间,你叫我,悄悄地问我道:“靠近河岸的是什么火光呀?” Just then there bursts out a fearful yell, and figures come running towards us. 正在那个时候,一阵可怕的呐喊声爆发了,好些人影子向我们跑过来。 You sit crouched in your palanquin and repeat the names of the gods in prayer. 你蹲坐在你的轿子里,嘴里反复地祷念着神的名字。 The bearers, shaking in terror, hide themselves in the thorny bush. 轿夫们,怕得发抖,躲藏在荆棘丛中。 I shout to you, "Dont be afraid, mother. I am here." 我向你喊道:“不要害怕,妈妈,有我在这里。” With long sticks in their hands and hair all wild about their heads, they come nearer and nearer. 他们手里执着长棒,头发披散着,越走越近了。 I shout, "Have a care! you villains! One step more and you are dead men." 我喊道:“要当心!你们这些坏蛋!再向前走一步,你们就要送命了。” They give another terrible yell and rush forward. 他们又发出一阵可怕的呐喊声,向前冲过来。 You clutch my hand and say, "Dear boy, for heavens sake, keep away from them." 你抓住我的手,说道:“好孩子,看在上天面上,躲开他们罢。” I say, "Mother, just you watch me." 我说道:“妈妈,你瞧我的。” Then I spur my horse for a wild gallop, and my sword and buckler clash against each other. 于是我刺策着我的马匹,猛奔过去,我的剑和盾彼此碰着作响。 The fight becomes so fearful, mother, that it would give you a cold shudder could you see itfrom your palanquin. 这一场战斗是那么激烈,妈妈,如果你从轿子里看得见的话,你一定会发冷战的。 Many of them fly, and a great number are cut to pieces. 他们之中,许多人逃走了,还有好些人被砍杀了。 I know you are thinking, sitting all by yourself, that your boy must be dead by this time. 我知道你那时独自坐在那里,心里正在想着,你的孩子这时候一定已经死了。 But I come to you all stained with blood, and say, "Mother, the fight is over now." 但是我跑到你的跟前,浑身溅满了鲜血,说道:“妈妈,现在战争已经结束了。” You come out and kiss me, pressing me to your heart, and you say to yourself, 你从轿子里走出来,吻着我,把我搂在你的心头,你自言自语地说道: "I dont know what I should do if I hadnt my boy to escort me." “如果我没有我的孩子护送我,我简直不知道怎么办才好。” A thousand useless things happen day after day, and why couldnt such a thing come true bychance? 一千件无聊的事天天在发生,为什么这样一件事不能够偶然实现呢? It would be like a story in a book. 这很像一本书里的一个故事。 My brother would say, "Is it possible? I always thought he was so delicate!" 我的哥哥要说道:“这是可能的事么?我老是在想,他是那么嫩弱呢!” Our village people would all say in amazement, "Was it not lucky that the boy was with hismother?" 我们村里的人们都要惊讶地说道:“这孩子正和他妈妈在一起,这不是很幸运么?” 外国经典诗歌2告别 THE END IT is time for me to go, mother; I am going. 是我走的时候了,妈妈,我走了。 When in the paling darkness of the lonely dawn youstretch out your arms for your baby in the bed, Ishall say, "Baby is not there!"--mother, I am going. 当清寂的黎明,你在暗中伸出双臂,要抱你睡在床上的孩子时,我要说道:“孩子不在那里呀!”——妈妈,我走了。 I shall become a delicate draught of air and caress you; and I shall be ripples in the waterwhen you bathe, and kiss you and kiss you again. 我要变成一股清风抚摸着你;我要变成水的涟漪,当你浴时,把你吻了又吻。 In the gusty night when the rain patters on the leaves you will hear my whisper in your bed,and my laughter will flash with the lightning through the open window into your room. 大风之夜,当雨点在树叶中淅沥时,你在床上,会听见我的微语,当电光从开着的窗口闪进你的屋里时,我的笑声也偕了它一同闪进了。 If you lie awake, thinking of your baby till late into the night, I shall sing to you from the stars, "Sleep mother, sleep." 如果你醒着躺在床上,想你的孩子到深夜,我便要从星空向你唱道:“睡呀!妈妈,睡呀。” On the straying moonbeams I shall steal over your bed, and lie upon your bosom while yousleep. 我要坐在各处游荡的月光上,偷偷地来到你的床上,乘你睡着时,躺在你的`胸上。 I shall become a dream, and through the little opening of your eyelids I shall slip into thedepths of your sleep; and when you wake up and look round startled, like a twinkling firefly Ishall flit out into the darkness. 我要变成一个梦儿,从你的眼皮的微缝中,钻到你睡眠的深处。当你醒来吃惊地四望时,我便如闪耀的萤火似地熠熠地向暗中飞去了。 When, on the great festival of puja, the neighbours children come and play about the house, Ishall melt into the music of the flute and throb in your heart all day. 当普耶节日,邻舍家的孩子们来屋里游玩时,我便要融化在笛声里,整日价在你心头震荡。 Dear auntie will come with puja-presents and will ask, "Where is our baby, sister? Mother, youwill tell her softly, "He is in the pupils of my eyes, he is in my body and in my soul." 亲爱的阿姨带了普耶礼来,问道:“我们的孩子在哪里,姊姊?”妈妈,你将要 柔声地告诉她:“他呀,他现在是在我的瞳仁里,他现在是在我的身体里,在我的灵魂里。” 外国经典诗歌3父爱 A Little Girl Needs Daddy 小女孩需要爸爸 A little girl needs Daddy 一个小女孩需要爸爸 For many, many things: 因为他可以做很多很多事情: Like holding her high off the ground 比如将她抛高远离地面 Where the sunlight sings! 那里有阳光在歌唱! Like being the deep music 比如哼唱低沉悦耳的曲调, That tells her all is right 告诉她一切都是安好的。 When she awakens frantic with 在她挣扎着突然醒来, The terrors of the night. 由于畏惧夜晚的的黑暗时。 Like being the great mountain 成为雄伟的山峰, That rises in her heart 矗立在她心间 And shows her how she might get home 给她指引回家的方向 When all else falls apart. 在其它一切四散流离之时。 Like giving her the love 比如献给她满满的爱, That is her sea and air, 成为她的大海和空气, So diving deep or soaring high 由此无论深潜海底抑或高空翱翔 外国经典诗歌4A Psalm of Life A Psalm of Life 人生礼颂 By Herry Wadsworth Longfellow Tell me not in mournful numbers, 请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲; Life is but an empty dream! 人生呵,无非是虚梦一场! For the soul is dead that slumbers 因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般, A Psalm of Life 人生礼颂 And things are not what they seem. 事物的表里并不如一。 Life is real! Life is earnest! 人生是实在的!人生是热烈的! And the grave is not its goal; 人生的目标决不是坟墓; Dust thou art , to dust returnest, 你是尘土,应归于尘土。 Was not spoken of the soul. 此话指的并不是我们的精神。 Not enjoyment , and not sorrow, 我们的归宿并不是快乐, Is our destined and our way; 也不是悲伤, But to act, 实干 That much to-morrow. 才是我们的道路, Find us farther than to-day. 每天不断前进,蒸蒸蒸日上。 Art is long , and time is fleeting. 光阴易逝,而艺海无涯, And our hearts , though stout and brave. 我们的心哪——虽然勇敢坚强, Still , like muffled drums , are beating 却像被布蒙住的铜鼓, Funeral marches to the grave. 常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。 In the world’s broad field of battle, 在这人生的宿营地, In the bivouac of Life, 在这辽阔的世界战场, Be not like dumb,driven cattle! 别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶, Be a hero in the strife! 做一名英雄汉立马横枪! Trust no future, howe’er pleasant! 别相信未来,哪怕未来多么欢乐! Let the dead Past bury its dead! 让死去的往昔将死亡一切埋葬! Act,act in the living Present! 上帝在上,我们胸怀勇气, Let us,then,be up and doing, 让我们起来干吧, With a heart for any fate; 下定决心,不管遭遇怎样; Still achieving,still pursuing 不断胜利,不断追求, Learn to labour and to wait. 要学会苦干和耐心等待。 外国经典诗歌5致少女之珍惜青春 To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time Gather ye rosebuds while you may, 快采下玫瑰花蕾, Old time still a-flying; 往昔如风恐难追; And this same flower that smiles today, 近日融融花语笑, To-morrow will be dying. 明日寂寂残红坠。 The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun, 灿灿朝霞比天灯, The higher hes a-getting; 载光载热朝天腾; The sooner will his race be run, 疾疾而行途乃近, And nearer hes to setting. 昏昏暮霭落九层。 That age is best which is the first, 年当豆蔻风华优, When youth and blood are warmer; 精力充沛血仍稠; But being spent, the worse, and worst, 韵华虚度朱颜改, Times still succeed the former. 春复秋来月悠悠。 Then be not coy, but use your time, 莫因娇羞惜爱怜, And while ye may, go marry; 趁此春光嫁少年。 For having lost but once your prime, 等闲负了青春约, You may for ever tarry. 此生难再觅良缘。 |
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