标题 | 有句话常挂嘴边英语作文 |
范文 | 有句话常挂嘴边英语作文 在日常学习、工作或生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编收集整理的有句话常挂嘴边英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 “我怎么这么倒霉呢!” "Why am I so unlucky!" 这是有些人在生活不顺、事业受挫,人际关系紧张、意外遭遇打击等等不如意后常挂在嘴边的一句话。 This is a sentence that some people often say after their life is not smooth, their career is frustrated, their interpersonal relationship is tense, they are hit by accidents and so on. “我怎么这么倒霉”,言外之意很丰富:一、我本不应该有这些不如意,但却偏偏让我赶上了,倒霉!二、别人遇到这些事往往会逢凶化吉、转危为安,而我却屋漏偏逢连阴雨,霉上加霉!于是捶胸顿足、呼天抢地、怨天尤人,好像自己是天底下第一大窦娥似的。 "How can I be so unlucky?" the implication is very rich: first, I should not have these unhappy, but let me catch up, unlucky! 2、 Others encounter these things often turn bad luck into good, turn a crisis into a good one, but my house is leaking and even rainy, and the bad luck is added! So I beat my chest and beat my feet. I cried to heaven and earth. I complained about everything, as if I was the biggest Dou'e in the world. 生活中,谁都不可能总是一帆风顺,“月有阴晴圆缺”,工作上出了点儿差错,婚姻上荡几个漩涡,闯红灯被扣分罚款,逛商场买到了伪劣产品,走在大街上被无赖纠缠,到机关办事被抢白勒索,等等。事儿发生了,吐一吐苦水,抱怨两三声,对着苍天高喊“我怎么那么倒霉呢”,舒缓一下内心的紧张,获得暂时的心理平衡,未尝不是一个好的办法。但若沉湎于“我怎么那么倒霉呢”的旋涡中不能自拔,我认为是一种很危险的情绪:轻者,情绪处于一种非常态的场中,没心思工作,没精神享受生活,这会影响自己的生命质量,还会影响自己的家庭、朋友、同事;重者,任这种失衡的情绪繁衍、泛滥,可能会对他人、对社会产生无名的敌意,冲动之下还可能做出不理智的`事,危害他人,也害自己。所以,我要奉劝这些人:喊“我怎么这么倒霉呢”一定要适可而止,该刹车时必须刹车。 In life, no one can always be smooth, "the moon has its ups and downs", there are some mistakes in work, some whirlpools in marriage, points deducted for running the red light, fake and shoddy products bought in shopping malls, entangled in the streets by rogues, robbed and blackmailed for handling affairs in organs, etc. When something happened, spit out bitter water, complain two or three times, shout "how can I be so unlucky" to the sky, relieve the inner tension, and obtain a temporary psychological balance, which is not a good way. However, if you indulge in the whirlpool of "how can I be so unlucky", I think it's a very dangerous mood: the light, the mood is in a kind of abnormal field, no mind to work, no spirit to enjoy life, which will affect your quality of life, but also affect your family, friends, colleagues; the heavy, let this unbalanced mood multiply and overflow, may affect your family, friends and colleagues Others and society produce anonymous hostility. Under impulse, they may also do irrational things, harm others and themselves. Therefore, I would like to advise these people: shouting "how can I be so unlucky" must be enough. When braking, it is necessary to brake. 心理平静下来,换一个角度看问题:工作出差错是谁的责任?如果是别人的原因,想一想是有意还是无心之失?如果是自己的原因,想一想该怎么补救?闯红灯被扣分罚款,是不是理所应当?买了伪劣产品,应该怎样去维护自己的权利?被无赖纠缠,应该怎么与之斗智斗勇?遭“衙役”冷眼,要想想该如何挺直“主人”的腰板……少一些抱怨,多一些争取;少一些牢骚,多一些阳光笑脸,那样的话,挂在嘴边的将不再是“我怎么这么倒霉呢”,而是“我怎么这么勇敢、大度、幸运呢”。 Calm down and look at the problem from another angle: whose responsibility is it to make mistakes at work? If it's someone else's fault, do you think it's intentional or unintentional? If it's your own reason, think about how to remedy it? Is it reasonable to be fined for running a red light? How to protect one's rights when buying fake or inferior products? How to fight against the rogue for wisdom and courage? Being ignored by the yamen runner, we should think about how to straighten the waist of the master Less complaints, more efforts; less complaints, more smiling faces. In that case, what will be said is not "how can I be so unlucky", but "how can I be so brave, generous and lucky". 换一种思维,就应了那句常被某些人挂在嘴边的广告词:“原来生活可以更美的!” In another way of thinking, we should use the slogan that is often said by some people: "life can be more beautiful!" 名师点评 Famous teachers' comments 这是一篇议论性散文,也是一篇难得的考场佳作。面对“生活不顺、事业受挫,人际关系紧张、意外遭遇打击等等不如意”,有人抱怨,有人勇敢面对,你会怎么办?本文考生给了我们答案。考生以生活中经常能听见的“我怎么这么倒霉呢”为写作对象,选材精准,扣题严密。此外,这句话也是一句比较消极的话,考生从这个角度选材,与众不同,很有新意,具有创新意识。行文时,考生先提出这句话,指出这句话出现的背景,进而指出这句话的含义,为下文议论做好铺垫,树好靶子;然后作者联系生活实际,采用一分为二的辩证思维方法,指出了这句话的危害,告诉读者,喊这句话“一定要适可而止,该刹车时必须刹车”;最后考生指出了该怎么办:“心理平静下来,换一个角度看问题”,这样你就会发现:“原来生活可以更美的!”全文条理清晰,语言流畅,论说严密。 This is an argumentative essay and also a rare excellent work for examination. In the face of "life is not smooth, career setbacks, interpersonal tension, unexpected attacks and so on", some people complain, some people face bravely, what will you do? The examinee gave us the answer. Candidates often hear in life "how can I be so unlucky" as the writing object, accurate material selection, tight deduction. In addition, this sentence is also a relatively negative one. From this point of view, candidates are different, innovative and innovative. In writing, the examinee first puts forward this sentence, points out the background of the sentence, and then points out the meaning of this sentence, which paves the way for the following discussion, and sets up a good target; then the author combines the reality of life, adopts the dialectical thinking method of one part and two, points out the harm of this sentence, and tells the reader to call this sentence "it must be enough to stop, the brake must be stopped"; finally, the exam Students pointed out how to do: "psychological calm down, to see the problem from a different perspective", so you will find: "the original life can be more beautiful!" The full text is clear, fluent and rigorous. |
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