例句: My main role was to analyse human excrement. 我的主要任务是分析人体排泄物。 Effects of Adding Chicken Excrement to Feed on Production Performance of Growing Pigs. 饲料中添加鸡粪对猪育肥效果的'影响。 The excrement of sea birds; used as fertilizer. 用作肥料的海鸟粪便。 Study on the Utilization of Maize Straw and Chicken Excrement as Feed. 利用玉米秸秆、鸡粪资源开发粗饲料的研究。 When necessary, they also take a careful look at the patient's excrement. 必要时,他们还会查看病人的排泄物。 上一篇:安徽合肥有哪些大学985 下一篇:x开头的单词有哪些3 |