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There's nothing better for a father than when his child shines brighter than he ever did. 最让一位父亲高兴的事莫过于他的孩子比他更成功。——《嘻哈帝国》

If we root ourselves too deeply in the past, we'll miss what's right in front of us. 如果我们对过去扎根太深,就会错过现在。——《不死法医》

Every experience you ever had, every seeming mistake or blind alley, was actually a straight line to who you were meant to be. 你的每个经历,每次错误,每次失败都帮助你走向了你应该成为的那个人。——《灵书妙探》

There's more to life than scores and book learning. 生活中不只有分数和书本。——《神烦警探》

Knowledge has made you powerful.知识让你变得强大。——《权力的游戏》


1、"If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss。 你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思。 《吸血鬼日记》"

2、我这一生有许许多多的不如意 我也确信未来只会愈加艰难 可你却如此之好 《破产姐妹》

3、"Father,Smith,Warrior,Mother,Madien,Crone,Stranger I am hers.and she is mine. from this day until the end of my days 天父,铁匠,战士,圣母,少女,老妪,陌客 我是她的,她是我的。从今日开始,直到尽头 《权力的游戏第三季》"

4、"I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than beans and rice. 一见倾心,再见倾情,我爱你,此生不渝。"

5、"The wrong one could be problematic.Shoot an attractive college coed in the head,all bets are off. 杀错人的话就麻烦了。如果向个的漂亮女大学生开枪的话,一切都玩完。 ——John Tucker 《暴君》"

6、"They say the passage of time will heal all wounds,but the greater the loss,the deeper the cut, and the more difficult the process to become whole again. 人们说时间能愈合一切伤口,但是损失越大,伤痕越深,再度变完整就变得愈"加困难《初代吸血鬼》

7、take a minute for youself put on your best gracious voice find a way to wear a smile and then come into conference room ready to thank the equity partners for giving you this opportunity because what is given can quicklybetakenaway《傲骨贤妻》

8、"To remember, to let go, and to move on. 铭记,释怀,然后继续前行 《迷失》"

9、"No matter how much we try to escape our past , we seem destined to repeat it. 无论我们多想逃避过去,似乎命中注定历史会重演 《复仇》"

10、"Grief demands an answer, but sometimes there isn't one. 悲伤让人想要答案,但有时真的就没有。 《纸牌屋》"

11、Three?words.?Eight?letters.?Say?it...and?I'm?yours. 《绯闻女孩》

12、"My point is we can all shape our destiny, but none of us get to escape our fate. 我想说,我们可以改变自己的命运,但没人能逃脱掉 So when my time's up, that's it. 等我的时间到了,一切就结束了 《康斯坦丁》"

13、"No matter what I go through to get her back,trying to fight against my blood lust and control of my life again.None of that matter if she has feeling for someboby else.无论我做什么来赢回她的心,试着控制我的嗜血并重新掌握"我的人生;但是如果她心里还有别人,我所做的将毫无意义。 ——Stefan 《吸血鬼日记》

14、很多人都觉得爱是一种祝福,但忽略了爱其实也是累赘,是枷锁。 ——艾霍斯特 《嗜血菌株》

15、This?is?my?design. —这是我的设想。 ——威尔 《汉尼拔》

16、"Welcome to the real world, it sucks, but you are gona love it. 《老友记》"

17、"Because I actually like it when you interrupt me ,Which is often,by the way.I love you because you make no apologies about being exactly who you are–Beautiful, smart, sexy as hell. 《破产姐妹》"


Fashion knows not of comfort.


I miss you, and I’ve been missing you for a while.


You don't belong with anyone.


Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. 诚信是维系一段关系之本

Don't speak until spoken to.


Sunlight creeps in between the curtains.


Way to be forgotten, but that's how you get remembered. 被人遗忘,也是被人记起的方法

Do you like this skirt on me?


No need to rehash details of decades past.


That's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.


If the correct way to do it is the wrong way, then I yield.


It was an embarrassing failure.


Yep, come for the breasts, stay for the brains.


I'm actually not that into music.


That's too bad, you would have made a cute couple.


If you don’t mind, I’d like to stop listening to you and start talking. 你不介意的话,我想停止听你说话,开始发言。

This is Steven Hawking! Perhaps my only intellectual equal! 这可是史蒂芬.霍金啊!也许是唯一一个和我智商相当的人

I wish you all could be inside my head. The conversation is sparkling.






1.There's something that you should know. 有件事情应该让你们知道。

2.I can't stand your friends. 我受不了你的朋友。

3.I've decided to break up with Alan. 我决定跟亚伦分手。

4.Does the knuckle-cracking bother everybody? 扳关节会影响到大家吗?

5.I am a little relieved. 我松了一口气。

6.Try to accept his flaws. 尝试去接受他的缺点。

7.We're just gonna need a little time. 我们只是需要一点时间。

8.Anyone want to see it? 有人想看吗?

9.Did he mention us? 他有提到我们吗?

10.So that's it? It's over? 就这样结束了?

11.It's not that bad. 没那么糟糕。

12.I am really sorry. 真的很抱歉。

13.I could go on pretending. 我可以继续伪装。

14.What is up with the universe?! 这个世界怎么了?

15.Are you guys gonna be okay? 你们还好吧?你们不会有事吧?

16.It's not fair to me. 这对我不公平。

17.I got no reason to live! 我没有理由活下去。

18.She told me about that. 她告诉我了。

19.I just want things back. 我只想要回失去的东西。

20.Do you think that was wrong? 你觉得那样不对吗?

21.Why is it unfair? 为什么不公平?

22.There's really no easy way to say this. 真的很难启齿。

23.If I were omnipotent for a day, I want world peace, no more hunger. 如果有一天我变得全能的话, 我想要世界和平,没有饥饿。

24.I'm getting a deja vu. 我有似曾相识的感觉。

25.What would you do if you were omnipotent? 如果你变得全能,你会做什么?

26.He said he's really gonna miss you guys. 他说他会想念你们的。

27.So how'd it go? 情况怎样?

28.He's a big boy, he'll get over it. 他长大了,能熬过去的。

29.We have to talk. 我们得谈谈。


The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu.


Ive been stranded here for 5years.


Ive dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then.


For 5 years,I have had only one thought ,one goalsurvive,survive and one day return home.


The island held many dangers.To live,I had to make myself more than what I was,to forge myself into a weapon.


I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked,but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city.My name is Oliver Queen.


The Starling City resident was found by fishermen in the North China Sea 5 days ago.5 years after he was missing and presumed dead following the accident at sea which claimed The Queens Gambit.


Queen was a regular tabloid presence and a fixture at the Starling City club scene.Shortly before his disappearance,he was acquitted of assault charges stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi.


Queen is the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen,who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased.


20% of his body is covered in scar tissue,second-degree burns on his back and arms.X-rays show at least 12 fractures that never properly healed.


Has he said anything about what happened?


No.Hes barely said anything.Moira,Id like you to prepare yourself,the Oliver you lost might not be the one they found.


Your room is exactly as you left it,I never had heart to change a thing.


Oliver,Its damn good to see you.Im Walter.



Give me a 'for instance'. 比如说?/ 举个例子。

I got a job. 我找了份工作。

Why are you so tanned? 你怎么晒得那么黑?

I really wanted to thank you. 我真的得感谢你。

I thought we were happy. 我以为我们很快乐。

Spit! 吐出来。

Thank you for giving it to me. 谢谢你把它送给我。

Thank you for giving it back. 谢谢你把它还给我。

Why is she in the title? 为什么她会有份?

She gets a credit. 她把功劳都抢走了。

Any nausea? 想呕吐吗?

I don't want to be involved in this thing. 我不想卷进这件事。

Isn't that amazing? 很神奇吧?

What are we supposed to be seeing here? 我们要看什么?

Tilt your head to the left. 头向左边移。

You're gonna be an aunt. 你要当姑姑了。

It was a cheap shot. 阴招。/ 贱招。

We should do it again. 我们得再做一次。

Since when? 什么时候开始的?

Relax your hand! 手放松。

Give it to me. 把它给我。

Don't think of it as a cigarette. 不要把它当成香烟。

I feel complete. 我感到满足。

That's ridiculous! 那太荒谬了!

What did they do to you? 他们对你怎样了?

There's five hundred extra dollars in my account. 我的帐户上多了500美元。

Keep it. 你留着吧。

We're with you. 我们支持你。/ 我们站你那边。

You've been so good, for three years! 这3年来你表现很好。



1.My brain in better than everybody's!


2 你害我分心

You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you.



I think you might find the support you're looking for, if you realize that realtionship are a give and take.



The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it.



Your words fall like acid rain on the wounded petals of my heart.



When you got to go space, it was hard for me. Because it made me realize they'll just send anyone up there.



If you weren't my friend, there'd be a hole in my life!



From now on, I'm gonna say yes--yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life, whatever it maybe, the answer's going to be yes.



You have to have the courage to end the relationship. Break it off, shake hands, walk away.I know it's hard, honey, but that's how you grow.



Just make sure, you know, you appreciate those who... who are still there for you.






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更新时间:2025/3/17 10:18:29