标题 | 英文生日贺信「带翻译」 |
范文 | 英文生日贺信范文「带翻译」 英文生日贺信怎么写才好?下面请看小编给大家整理收集的英文生日贺信范文,欢迎阅读参考。 BIRTHDAY LATTER --By Bob Garbon (This is the continuation of a Farther’s letter to his son on his 18th birthday) And now as you are an adult, everything you do at present and what you want to be in the future will entirely depend on you, on how you strive, work and fight. After all, this is a world wherein everything does not come at the click of your fingers nor by dreaming. You must exert efforts for result to come. Remember that the world does not revolve around you. You revolve around the world. The world does not fit you; you must fit into it. As you grow older, you will find out that what you get is just exactly the same amount of what you give. And for that reason, you should never stop trying and trying. There are a few things which you should follow as a matter of principle and as a way of life. Guidelines that would make you and could lead you on a path towards greatness and glory. Among them is the preservation of your integrity. This goes with your name, honour and your family. Another is giving to the best of your ability in everything and anything you do. Never show that you are too lax or unconcerned nor to be remiss in your responsibilities. Always aim high, for the best and to be number one. Show that you know how to repay kindness through your gratitude. Always be true to yourself and to others and avoid plasticity. People should not be taken for granted. Lastly, never fail in your believe and trust in God. He should not only save as your pillar of strength and confidence and answer to your spiritural needs. He too, must equally be remembered in times of happiness and success. There are a lot of people who love you very dearly. Friends, males and females, relatives and admirers. The will come and they will go. Some for short time, others longer. We who are in the family will probably care for you longest. At least as long as we are alive and have that capacity to love and care. Hopefully you, too can provide the time, attention and care for us. On my end, the only thing I would aspire for is that I hope I have not failed as a father. I think I could proudly say to your brothers and sisters, to everyone, to God and to you that I tried. I pray that the best is still to come. Remember, we love you very much. Again, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Yours DADDY 译文: 生日贺信 致你的十八岁生日。 今天起你已经长大成人了。你现在要做一件事就要靠自己了,你将来想成为什么样的人也完全取决于你自己的努力了。你的未来取决于你如何去奋斗,如何对待工作和如何去拼搏--总之,这个世界,天上不会掉馅饼,也不会弹指一挥就可以梦想成真。这是一个你必须为达目的而竭尽全力的世界。 你要明白:这个世界不会围着你转,而你却要围着这个世界转。社会不会适应你,而你却要去适应这个社会。随着你逐渐成人,你会发现你得到的恰恰是你所付出的。为此,你要不停的奋争。 有几件事情你要作为做人的行为准则而牢记终生。这些准则将照亮你的人生之路。首先要正直。这一品质将永远伴随着你的名字,你的名声和你的家庭。其次是,无论你做什么事情,你都要全力以赴。永远不要马马虎虎,漫不经心。对工作要保持强烈的责任感。每时每刻总是朝着最高目标,争取最好,争取第一。你要显示出你是个知恩图报的人。对自己对别人都要真诚。要有原则性。不要将别人的好意都看作理所当然。要坚持自己的信仰,相信上帝。那是你力量和自信的支柱,也是你的精神需求的源泉。无论是幸福之时还是成功之后都不可忘记。 你未来的日子里会遇到各种各样的人,男人、女人、亲戚和知己朋友。你来他往,有的.时间长有的时间短。作为家人的我们可能陪伴你的时间最长。起码在我们的有生之年和能力所及期间始终关注着你。同样,希望你也能对我们付出你的时间和关爱。 最后,我唯一期望的是我希望自己是个合格的父亲。我想我可以骄傲地对你的兄弟姐妹们,对所有人,对上帝,对你说:为你我尽心尽力了” 我为更加美好的未来而祈祷。记住:我非常爱你。 再次祝你生日愉快! 你的 父亲 |
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