标题 | 证券评论员贺信 |
范文 | 证券评论员贺信 证券评论员贺信(一)致XX证券投资者的新年贺信 XX证券的广大投资者、亲爱的朋友们: 在20XX年新年到来之际,谨向您们致以诚挚的新年问候,恭祝各位新年快乐! 首先,我们向各位报道两个好消息:一个是,我们刚从香港星岛日报和经济通等著名财经媒体上获悉,XX证券在20XX年发行的新股中涨幅第一,被评为香港主板新股升幅王”;另一个是,关于设立香港子公司的申请已获中国证监会批准。 就像一个刚刚学会走路的幼儿,XX证券香港上市半年来,我们正是靠着各位朋友的关心和帮助,才一步步走过来的。上市半年来,我们从您们那里得到了许多赞扬和鼓励,但也听到了一些不解和误会。我们将这一切悉数收下,将其作为今后改进工作、推动公司发展的强大动力。 在公司上下共同努力和各方面大力支持下,20XX年我们取得了很好的经营业绩。我们深知,之所以会有好的业绩,与上市后公司资本实力增强、品牌形象提升及由此而带来的'新业务机会增多等,也不无关系。我们正和审计机构普华永道会计所一道,加紧工作,争取尽快完成年报审计,及时向投资者披露20XX年的年报业绩。 有了好的经营业绩,就要向投资者慷慨分红,这是理所当然的事情。我们正全力以赴,加紧工作,争取在最快的时间内向投资者兑现分红,即按不低于20XX年可供分配利润的50%,向投资者兑现现金分红。 关于20XX年的工作,最近我们专门召开了由公司各部门副总以上管理人员参加的务虚会,要求人人发言,个个献计献策。在此基础上,明年公司的利润目标基本上也已经有了。我们将更加努力地工作,争取明年取得更好的业绩。 盈利水平稳步增长、对投资者高度负责、风险控制严而又严、充满社会责任和担当,我们将按照这四条标准,努力把XX证券打造成香港的一个精品上市公司--这是我们的美好愿望,我们将和广大投资者一起,努力促成这一美好愿望的实现。 多年来,我们一直按照朴实善良、诚信厚道”的原则,进行人际交往,开展商业活动。上市后我们将继续遵循这一原则,对各位朋友一是一、二是二,诚心诚意地与广大投资者保持联系和沟通,以汇集各方智慧,把XX证券的事情办得越来越好,使公司稳步发展,逐步做大做强。 我们两人的邮箱分别是:XX 希望各位好朋友随时与我们联系,及时给予批评指导。 衷心祝愿广大投资者新年大吉、阖家幸福、万事如意! 证券评论员贺信(二)ACIIA主席致中国证券业协会的贺信 A Welcome Message to the SAC December 20XX As Chairman of the ACIIA? (Association of Certified International Investment Analysts), I would like to extend a warm welcome to the SAC on the occasion of the inauguration of CIIA? exams in China for the 2006 March session. Since the SAAC (an internal committee of the SAC) joined ACIIA as a Funding Member back in November 20XX, the SAC/SAAC have been greatly contributing to the development of the ACIIA as a Council member association and have also made great efforts over four years to develop and enhance their national educational program in cooperation with the CSRC. In January 20XX, the national program was unanimously accredited by the International Examinations Committee (IEC) of the ACIIA, and, as a result, candidates who successfully pass the SAC national specific exam will be able to sit for the CIIA final exams. I am very glad to learn that the SAC will commence offering the CIIA final exams in March 2006 and would like to express my sincere respect for the enormous efforts SAC have made. As for the CIIA exams, motivated by the challenges of globalisation, the ACIIA has worked hard to design an innovative examination of high quality which examines a unique combination of international and local knowledge in the sphere of finance and investment analysis. Respecting and acknowledging different cultures, languages and national values are not only fundamental for doing business worldwide but also for creating an education and qualification program for investment professionals on a global basis. In this respect, we are proud to provide the CIIA examination scheme that is already available in eleven different languages, and to increase this scope as demand increases. The prestigious Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA?) designation genuinely signifies that the holder has the essential skills and knowledge required for professionals working across the major financial centres of the world. The qualification is technically rigorous and has academic creditability. It has been developed under the umbrella of the world’s best and most experienced financial market experts. Thus, I am confident that CIIA holders in China will contribute to the further development of China’s capital market. The ACIIA, and myself, as Chairman of the ACIIA, hope that as many participants as possible will find the CIIA a competitive, practical, and promising designation in the global financial and investment market, and decide to take the CIIA examination. Let’s challenge the CIIA exams! Kiyoto Hagiwara Chairman The Association of Certified International Investment Analysts |
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