标题 | 老人与海英文版读后感 |
范文 | 老人与海英文版读后感范文(通用3篇) 看完一本名著后,你有什么体会呢?这时候,最关键的读后感怎么能落下!但是读后感有什么要求呢?下面是小编精心整理的老人与海英文版读后感范文(通用3篇),供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 老人与海英文版读后感1最近我看了海明威写的《老人与海》这本书。海明威是美国著名小说家,x年曾获得诺贝尔文学奖。他被誉为“美利坚民族的精神丰碑,并且是“新闻体”小说的创始人,他的笔锋一向以“文坛硬汉”著称。海明威的写作风格以简洁著称,对美国文学及2世纪文学的发展有极深远的影响。这本书给我启发很深。 这本书的内容是:从前古巴有一个名叫桑地亚哥的老渔夫,他已经八十多天没有打到鱼了。这天他决定去很远的地方打鱼,于是,他还没有等天亮就划着小船去打鱼了。幸运的是他看到一条十分罕见的“怪兽”——两米长的马林鱼。老渔夫立即拿起船上的绳子套住马林鱼,可鱼大劲大拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,最终马林鱼因疲惫不堪死了。老渔夫高兴得一蹦三尺高,然后使出九牛二虎之力将马林鱼拖到船头。正当老渔夫沾沾自喜时灾难又降临在他的头上:一群凶狠的鲨鱼正侵略着他的“战利品”。老渔夫立即拿起鱼叉跟鲨鱼做殊死搏斗,可最终马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了,老渔夫最后拖回家的只剩下一副光秃秃的鱼骨架了。 虽然老渔夫最终还是输,但他这种顽强拼搏永不言败的精神永远感动并激励着我。正如音乐大师贝多芬所说“我可以被摧毁,但我不能被征服”。 我相信只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心去迎接挑战,就永远是一个真正的胜利者! Recently I read the book "The Old Man and the Sea" written by Hemingway. Hemingway is a famous American novelist who won the Nobel Prize in Literature for x years. He is hailed as the "mental monument of the American nation and the founder of the "news style" novel. His strokes have always been known as the "hard man of the literary world." Hemingways writing style is known for its simplicity. It has a profound effect. This book inspired me deeply. The content of this book is: There used to be an old fisherman named Santiago in Cuba. He hadnt caught fish for more than 80 days. That day he decided to go fishing far away, so he rowed a boat to catch fish before dawn. Fortunately, he saw a very rare "monster"-a two-meter long marlin. The old fisherman immediately picked up the rope on the boat and caught the marlin, but the fish dragged the boat for two days and two nights, and finally the marlin died from fatigue. The old fisherman was so happy that he jumped three feet high, and then used the power of nine cows and two tigers to drag the marlin to the bow. Just as the old fisherman was complacent, disaster struck him again: a group of fierce sharks was invading his "trophy". The old fisherman immediately picked up the harpoon to fight against the shark, but the marlin was still eaten by the shark. The old fisherman finally dragged home with only a bare fish skeleton. Although the old fisherman lost in the end, his spirit of perseverance and hard work never fails to touch and inspire me. As the music master Beethoven said, "I can be destroyed, but I cannot be conquered." 老人与海英文版读后感2《老人与海》的主人公是一位勇气可嘉的老人,他充满了自信,在一连八十多天没捕到鱼的情况下,还坚持出海,好不容易钓上大鱼,但鱼却拖动了小船,向远方驶去。老人毫不惊慌,在缺水断粮的情况下,他却没放弃,依靠一点水和捕到的一点鱼保存体力。好不容易,鱼显出了自己的弱点——鱼捕到了。但鱼血引来了鲨鱼。老人为了保鱼,奋力赶鲨鱼。最后鱼还是被吃光,但老人却受到赞扬。 我觉得老人的意志,耐性和勇气都来源于他的自信。他很相信自己的能力不然他早就放弃了这条大鱼,也不会让我们看到这样的一个不畏险阻,追求梦想的,充满勇气的老人呢? 看到他一个老人都那么对自己有信心,而且那么有勇气,我不禁想到了以前的我总是遇到困难就像退缩。 记得,有一次。上语文课时,我很想回答老师的问题,为了说话不结巴,我干脆把答案写在书上,看着一个个同学踊跃回答,我也想试一试。可才把手举起了一点。我突然想到,:我会不会答错?我犹犹豫豫,想了半天,也没把这沉重的手举起来,直到下课。 现在,当我读完《老人与海》这篇文章,我顿时开窍了你!这老人八十多天没捕到鱼都信心满满,相信自己一定可以应付大鱼;在面对众多鲨鱼,也从容应付!我怎么能不相信自己,没勇气呢?况且,我也没经过什么多大的失败呀!于是,现在我打算鼓起勇气,不在胆小! 读完《老人与海》,我总结道了一个大道:只要自己的条件不算差,就要对自己充满信心。信心就是力量哦!只要充满信心去做好自己,那你就是成功的,因为你克服了自卑。 别忘了,主人公可只是一位老人。大家都说,人老了,就不方便,并觉得离死亡近了。可主人公却不服输,他不就捕到大鱼了吗?尽管大鱼被鲨鱼吃光了,但他却得到了大家的认可了!他拥有了一颗自信,不老的心,他成功了!我感谢这本书给我带来的感触和启迪。 The protagonist of "The Old Man and the Sea" is a courageous old man. He is full of self-confidence. In the case of no fish caught for more than eighty days, he insisted on going out to sea, and finally caught a big fish, but the fish was dragged. I moved the boat and sailed away. The old man did not panic. In the absence of water and food, he did not give up, relying on a little water and a little fish caught to save energy. Finally, the fish showed its weakness-the fish caught it. But fish blood attracted sharks. The old man struggled to catch the shark in order to protect the fish. In the end the fish was still eaten, but the old man was praised. I think the old mans will, patience and courage all come from his self-confidence. He believes in his abilities. Otherwise, he would have given up this big fish long ago, and would not let us see such a courageous old man who is not afraid of danger and pursues dreams. Seeing him as an old man who has so much confidence in himself and so courageous, I cant help but think that I always encountered difficulties like backing down. remember once. When I was taking a Chinese class, I really wanted to answer the teacher’s questions. In order to not stutter, I simply wrote the answer in the book and watched the students answering actively. I also wanted to give it a try. But he raised his hand a little. I suddenly thought, "Will I answer wrong?" I hesitated and thought for a long time without raising this heavy hand until the end of get out of class. Now, when I finish reading the article "The Old Man and the Sea", I suddenly enlighten you! The old man was full of confidence without catching fish for more than 80 days. He believed that he would be able to cope with the big fish; he was also able to deal with many sharks calmly! How can I not believe in myself and have no courage? Moreover, I did not experience much failure! So now I plan to be brave, not timid! After reading "The Old Man and the Sea", I summed up a avenue: as long as my condition is not bad, I must be confident in myself. Confidence is power! As long as you are confident to be yourself, then you are successful because you have overcome inferiority. Dont forget, the protagonist is just an old man. Everyone said that when people are old, they are inconvenient and feel close to death. But the protagonist refused to accept the defeat, did he catch the big fish? Although the big fish was eaten up by the shark, he was recognized by everyone! He has a confident, immature heart, he succeeded! I am grateful for the feeling and enlightenment brought to me by this book. 老人与海英文版读后感3记得一位伟人以往说过:“仅有精神的胜利才能使我们感动,为其悲壮而落泪。” 《老人与海》讲的是这样一个故事:老人圣地亚哥是古巴一个经验丰富的老渔夫,他有一位忘年交,小男孩马洛林。由于运气原因,他连续84天都没有捕到一条鱼,孩子也因为父母的原因离开了老人,去了另一条渔船。但他仍然坚信下一次自我总会钓到一条了不得的大鱼。的确,他成功了。在费尽千辛万苦,经历了无数次失败之后,他最终凭借着惊人的毅力打败了大鱼,钓上了一条长达十八英尺,比他渔船还大的马林鱼。但命运之神 似乎仍没有眷顾对方,在他用尽全力,花费了两天两夜捕获到这条大鱼,正准备返航时,鱼的鲜血散发出血腥味却又引来了成群结队的鲨鱼。在精疲力竭赶走了全部鲨鱼之后,他才发现那条十八英尺的大鱼已经被撕咬得只剩下一条脊骨…… 费尽周折,却只带回一具残骸,历尽艰辛,却只留下了一身的.伤。但尽管这样,老人仍然与孩子相约一齐去打鱼。看到那里我潸然泪下——这是一种多么值得人敬佩的精神啊!这篇文章给我带来了感官上的刺激,但更多的则是反思。敢问在我们这些从小娇生惯养的00后可曾有这样的精神?作业稍多,便叫苦连天;受点挫折,便萎靡不振;甚至有许多成年人都无法做到这一点!写到那里,作为一名少先队员,我感到深深的惭愧,不禁扪心自问:这种本应当长久留存下去的优良品质去哪了?海明威笔下一个普普通通的老人圣地亚哥却让我感受到了这种永不腐朽的品质。 此刻中学生阅读的普遍是一些所谓的“青少年流行读物”,那些真正的名著却堆在家中的书柜里无人问津。在那里,我要向全世界儿童呼吁:那些“少年读物”无法带给你任何东西。有空,多去翻翻那些名作,那是世界几千年文化积累的精华!其它只是转瞬即逝的风景,仅有那些经典之作才是经久不衰的! I remember a great man who said in the past: "Only spiritual victory can move us, and weep for its sorrow." "The Old Man and the Sea" tells a story: Old Man Santiago is an experienced old fisherman in Cuba, he has a boyfriend Mallorin. Due to luck, he did not catch a fish for 84 consecutive days, and the child left the old man because of his parents and went to another fishing boat. But he still believed that the next time he would catch a big fish. Indeed, he succeeded. After strenuous efforts and numerous failures, he finally defeated the big fish with amazing perseverance and caught a 18-foot-long marlin larger than his fishing boat. But the god of destiny still didnt seem to care for the other party. After he tried his best, he spent two days and two nights to catch this big fish. When he was about to return, the blood of the fish gave off a bloody smell but attracted groups of sharks. After exhausting all the sharks, he discovered that the 18-foot fish had been bitten to the point that there was only one spine... exhausted all the troubles, but only brought back a wreckage, and went through all the hardships, but left only one wound. But despite this, the old man still meets with the children to go fishing. When I saw it, I burst into tears-what a respectable spirit! This article brought me sensory stimulation, but more reflection. Dare to ask if we have such a spirit after the 00s we have grown up with since childhood? With a little more homework, it is called bitterness; after a bit of frustration, it is depressed; even many adults are unable to do this! Writing there, as a young pioneer, I feel deeply ashamed and cant help but ask myself: Where is this good quality that should be kept for a long time? Hemingways ordinary old man San Diego made me feel this kind of quality that will never decay. At this moment, middle school students generally read some so-called "teenage popular books", but those real masterpieces are piled up in the bookcases at home. There, I want to appeal to children all over the world: those “junior books” can’t bring you anything. When you are free, go over those masterpieces, that is the essence of thousands of years of cultural accumulation in the world! Others are just fleeting scenery, and only those classics are enduring! |
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