标题 | 名著老人与海英语读后感 |
范文 | 名著老人与海英语读后感范文 这是部浪漫又现实的爱情。爱情没有浪漫就失去其美好的色彩了。但是小说中种种关于门当户对,以及财富对婚姻的考量却充斥其中。 伊丽莎白为自己家人的行为给自己带来的影响万分懊恼,达西也因此劝宾利先生离开 简,后来自己也是在理智与情感较量之后万分矛盾地向伊丽莎白吐露心事。所以说什么是爱情?那种纯粹的感情,爱的不顾一切,单纯的洁白如雪的`爱情是不是真如镜中花水中月,是不是只不过是人们心中的美好幻想和追求罢了,而现实生活中人们总是寻找二者之间的最佳平衡点。 伊丽莎白在知道威克姆的真实面目前对其充满好感,她的姨妈却说这样的青年托付终身不会幸福,因为他没有财产没有稳定收入,伊丽莎白接受这样的看法,并且主动克制了自己的感情。小说描写了一位老渔夫在海上捕鱼,经过了84天,他还没有捕到一条鱼,大家都说他运气不好,不吉利,等到第85天,他决定去渔夫们从未去过的深海去打鱼,以证明自己的能力和勇气。在海上,老人发现了一条很大的马林鱼,它克服了重重困难,经过艰难的搏斗,终于在第三天早晨,把鱼叉刺进了马林鱼的心脏。在返回的途中,老人与到了鲨鱼的五次袭击,他用鱼叉、船桨和刀子勇敢反击。当他驾驶小船回到港口时,马林鱼只剩下一幅巨大的白骨架。 “一个人可以被消灭,可你就是打不败他”。 The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingways most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me. I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday. Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre. My first impression of this story was from screen. Its long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I dont remember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume. I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. Its pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the heroine,though I didnt think shes beautiful. But shes smart. However, I didnt pay much attention to the plot. I thought its so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I havent read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice. |
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