标题 | 感受节日英语作文 |
范文 | 感受节日英语作文 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编精心整理的感受节日英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 有一种文化,穿越历史,历经沧桑,因为久远,所以厚重,所以永不褪色。 There is a kind of culture that goes through history and vicissitudes. Because of its long history, it is thick and heavy, so it will never fade. ——题记 -- inscription 感受节日,捧一曲流觞月,漾在心中,追寻那埋没在心底的记忆。 Feel the festival, hold a floating cup moon, ripple in my heart, and pursue the memory buried in my heart. 人需要记忆,但记忆常常会沉睡,美好的记忆,总需要某些事物来唤起…… People need memory, but memory often sleeps. Good memory always needs something to arouse 仿佛是昨日,我还在捕捉随风飞舞的柳絮;追逐藏入花丛的蝴蝶;聆听春雨润万物的声音。 As if it was yesterday, I was still catching catkins flying with the wind; chasing butterflies hidden in flowers; listening to the sound of spring rain moistening all things. 但不经意间,耳畔便响起了节日那跫跫的'脚步声。接下来便是良辰、美景、赏心、乐事,觥筹交错,歌舞升平,花灯弄影,烟火飞舞…… But inadvertently, the sound of the footsteps of the festival's conditions sounded. Next comes the good time, the beautiful scenery, the enjoyment and the entertainment. The wine is ready to be drunk, the singing and dancing are smooth, the lanterns are making shadows, and the fireworks are flying 是谁,给我们紧绷的心放了一个假?当然是节日!她听到了我们吟诗,看到了我们作画,还有我们的放歌,抚琴。酒正酣,兴正浓,我们那一张张绯红的脸庞,灿烂的笑靥……这一切,它都见证了。 Who gave us a break from our tense heart? Of course it's a festival! She heard us singing poems, saw us painting, and our singing and playing the piano. The wine is in full swing, the happiness is in full swing, our blushing faces and bright Dimples It has witnessed all this. 她像是一片灿烂的星空,每点星光,都闪烁着亲人的叮咛与嘱咐; She is like a brilliant starry sky, each point of starry light, are flashing the family member's exhortation and instruction; 她像是一本多彩的画册,每种色调,都流淌着朋友的祝福与欢笑; She is like a colorful picture album, each color, all flowing with the blessing and laughter of friends; 她像是一曲悦耳的歌谣,每个音符,都充斥着生活的激情与梦想…… She is like a melodious ballad. Every note is full of passion and dream of life 她是那么博大,汇聚了一切民族文化的精髓。哪怕倾其一生,也未必能看懂她大山中的一山、一水、一花、一草、一木。唯有感受,我只能化作一缕微风,去采摘一朵小花,去捕捉一滴泉水,从点点滴滴中去感受她,让她唤醒沉睡已久的快乐。 She is so broad, gathering the essence of all national cultures. Even if she spends her whole life, she may not be able to understand a mountain, a water, a flower, a grass and a wood in her mountain. Only feeling, I can only turn into a breeze, to pick a little flower, to catch a drop of spring water, to feel her from every drop, let her wake up the joy of sleeping for a long time. 因为她的到来,那天的荷花一定开得别有韵致;那天的楼阁一定有着别样的风景;那天的云彩一定涂着格外迷人的红晕…… Because of her arrival, the lotus must have a unique charm that day; the pavilion that day must have a different landscape; the clouds that day must be painted with a particularly charming red 而今天,节日里的往事早已成回忆。眼前让人迷茫的是,不知何时才有那样的相聚,才又听见那样的笑语响起,还能找到当初我们那样的依依? Today, the past in the festival has long been a memory. What confuses people at present is that we don't know when we will get together like that, hear the laughter like that again, and find our dependence like that at the beginning? 等待,下一个节日的到来! Wait for the next Festival! |
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