标题 | 怀念蔡老师英语作文 |
范文 | 怀念蔡老师英语作文 【内容提示】 你有一位老师患了胃癌,但他还是坚持上课,就在他不得不去北京治疗的前一天晚上还给你们上课。不久,消息传来,他离开了人世。你要写一篇文章来怀念蔡老师纪念这位老师,把你对他的了解和怀念,把他对你在学习上的'帮助和思想上的教育全都溶于这一篇文章中。 【作文示范】 In Memory of Mr Cai The news that Mr Cai had passed away was known, and I fell into great sorrow. The sound of the rain knocking on the window was so mournful① that it deepened my distress②. My memory brought me back to the class when I saw him for the last time. That evening it was raining, too. We started our lesson as usual at a quarter past six. I sat in the first row, and I saw Mr Cai press his stomach with a hand from time to time, but I didn't know the reason then. The two hours passed quickly. When the lesson came to an end,Mr Cai told us that he had possibly developed a stomach cancer, and would go to Beijing to see a doctor. If there was nothing serious, he would continue to teach us after he came back. He was very calm and his voice was steady③. He still gave us some homework. He said that he would mark the papers as soon as he came back. Then I started to wait for his return. I had not thought that I would not see him any more. The cancer had taken his life, even though he was still young. Mr Cai's words are still ringing in my ears,“I hope you will be one of the best students.” I think I should work hard at English and live up to his expectation ④. I have lost a good teacher. Tears will dry up in time, but the memory will stay for ever. 【词语解释】 ①mournful ['m&:nful] a. 悲哀的;哀痛的 ②distress [dis'tress] n.悲痛;苦恼;忧伤 ③steady ['stedi] a. 沉着的;从容的 ④live up to one's expectation 不辜负某人的期望 【写法指要】 本文以插叙的手法抒发了作者对老师的怀念之情。第一段写作者听到噩耗后的悲痛心情,把对雨声的描写加进来更加深了哀伤的程度。第二、三段是插叙老师忍痛上最后一次课的情形。第四段写作者盼望老师归来和没有料到老师会死的心情。第五段回忆老师对作者的教诲和期望。结尾段是作者发出的感叹。 |
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