标题 | 读书英语作文 |
范文 | 读书英语作文(通用5篇) 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是小编为大家收集的读书英语作文(通用5篇),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 读书英语作文1歌德说过,读一本好书,就像是在和高尚的人谈话,但是我小时候一看见书就头疼。 我渐渐长大,记得一二年级的时候,我因作文不会写,瞎编乱造,丢了5、6分,妈妈也为此感到烦恼,我也很烦,于是我开始尝试读书,果然书中有我许多不知道的知识,我越来越喜欢读书,我看了《安徒生童话》、《狼牙山五壮士》、《格林童话》、《海底两万里》等,我深深地陶醉在了书的海洋里,作文分扣的越来越少,爸爸妈妈为我感到很欣慰。 有一次,我看了变来变去的麦小朵,它把我逗的哈哈大笑,直到妈妈进我的房间里吃饭,我才听见。 我曾在一本书上看见这样一段话:“读书能医愚,读书能治穷,读书能疗病,读书能励志,读书能致远,读书能练达,读书能聪慧,读书能知道怎样交友,怎样识人,怎样说话,怎样做事,怎样活着才身心健康,读书能明白什么样的人生称得上完美无憾。”是啊!读书的好处无穷无尽。 Goethe said that reading a good book is like talking to a noble person, but when I was a kid, I had a headache when I saw the book. As I grew older, I remember that when I was in the first or second grade, I couldn’t write because of the composition and made up a mess. I lost 5 or 6 points. My mother was also troubled by this. I was also very upset. There are many things I don’t know, and I like to read more and more. I watched "Andersens Fairy Tales", "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", "Green Fairy Tales", "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea", etc. I was deeply intoxicated In the ocean of books, my composition is getting less and less, and my parents are very happy for me. Once, I saw Mai Xiaoduo, who was changing, and it made me laugh, until I heard my mother enter my room for dinner. 读书英语作文2泡一杯香茗,取一本书籍,满屋飘荡着艾尔顿·约翰饱经沧桑的歌声,静下心来,好好享受这难得的闲暇时光。 香茗冒出的袅袅热气,撩拨着我的脸颊,痒痒的,但我却顾不上,因为我全身心都投入到书中了…… 书在每个人的心中有不同的位置,对知识有渴求的人认为书是一道正餐,特别需要;对一些忙碌于工作的人来说则是一包零食,可有可无,适当为自己补充一些能量…… 书在我心中的位置是属于零食类型的,它供我娱乐消遣,当然也可以在忙碌之余补充、拓宽自己的知识面。它使我领略了秦文君的幽默,郭敬明的浪漫以及张小娴的淡淡忧伤。书使我拥有巨大的词汇量,使我对文学有了更深的了解:文学并不是“教科书”上那些乏味的文章,文学可以搞笑幽默,文学可以浪漫唯美,文学也可以故作深沉。 从幼年薄薄的《好儿童》到现在比较厚的《少年文艺》,从有趣的《安徒生童话》到回味无穷的《红楼梦》,我也明白了各种书的价值。有些校园小说,读过后就觉得热热闹闹一场,过几个月就基本上没印象了。但古典文学不但可以增加你的文学涵养,还可以学到一些难懂的古诗词,岂不乐哉? Take a cup of tea and fetch a book, the house is full of Aton Johns vicissitudes of singing, calm down and enjoy this rare leisure time. Heavy heat from the fragrant tea, flicking my cheeks, itchy, but I cant take care of it, because I was devoted to the book... The book has a different position in everyones heart. People who have a desire for knowledge think that the book is a dinner, especially needed; for some people who are busy with work, it is a pack of snacks. Some energy... The book is a snack type in my mind. It is for my entertainment. Of course, I can supplement and broaden my knowledge while I am busy. It made me appreciate Qin Wenjuns humor, Guo Jingmings romance, and Zhang Xiaoxians faint sorrow. The book gives me a huge vocabulary and gives me a deeper understanding of literature: literature is not the boring articles in "textbooks". Literature can be funny and humorous, literature can be romantic and beautiful, and literature can also be pretentious. From the thin "good children" in childhood to the thick "junior literature and art", from the interesting "Andersens fairy tale" to the endless aftertaste of "The Dream of the Red Chamber", I also understand the value of various books. After reading some campus novels, I feel that there is a lot of excitement. After a few months, I basically have no impression. But classical literature can not only increase your literary culture, but also learn some incomprehensible ancient poetry. Wouldn’t it be fun? 读书英语作文3一本好书,不仅给人带来快乐,还有慰藉;不仅能让你深思,还能给你启示。好书是智者,是良师,是诤友,也是伴侣。我最喜欢的'事情就是读书。 书也给我带来快乐许多快乐。记得有一次,妈妈给我买了一本《昆虫记》,书记载着许多昆虫和它们的生活习性。我爱不释手,一回家就拿起书津津有味地读起来。当我读到荧火虫这一昆虫时,我的脑海里立刻浮现出美好的情景来:在一个夏夜里,我在公园散步,此时有许多荧火虫在我身旁飞来飞去,给我照亮前进的道路……我越想越兴奋,读得又更认真了。当我读到蚂蚁这一昆虫时,不禁为它的团结一心而震撼,蚂蚁团结起来能搬动比它们重好几倍的东西,我也觉得我们要向蚂蚁学习它们的这种精神。读着读着,我忘记了时间。直到妈妈来叫我吃饭,我才依依不舍地放下书,吞了一口唾沫,好像把智慧吞进了肚子里,我的心仍在那丰富多彩的昆虫大世界。 高尔基曾说过:“我扑在书籍上,就像饥饿有人扑在面包上。”粮食哺育的只是我们的身体,而书籍哺育的是我们的灵魂。书可以让我们增长知识,开阔视野,提高写作能力;可以给我们带来启示,带来快乐。“书到用时方恨少”,所以我觉得我们要多读书,多读好书,才能让我们的成绩如芝麻开花——节节高。 A good book not only brings happiness to people, but also comforts; it can not only make you think deeply, but also enlighten you. A good book is a wise man, a mentor, a friend, and a partner. My favorite thing is reading. books also bring me much joy. I remember one time, my mother bought me "Insects", the book records many insects and their habits. I couldnt put it down, and when I got home, I picked up the book and read it with interest. When I read the firefly insect, a beautiful scene immediately appeared in my mind: On a summer night, I was walking in the park, and at this time, many fireflies were flying around me. Illuminate the way forward... The more I think about it, the more excited I am, and I read it more seriously. When I read about ants, an insect, I couldnt help but be shocked by its unity. Together, ants can move things that are several times heavier than them. I also feel that we must learn from the spirit of ants. Reading and reading, I forgot the time. It wasnt until my mother came to ask me to eat, I reluctantly put down the book and swallowed a spit, as if swallowing wisdom into my stomach, my heart was still in the colorful world of insects. Gorky once said: "I am on books, like hungry people are on bread." Food feeds only our bodies, and books feed our souls. Books can increase our knowledge, broaden our horizons, and improve our writing skills; they can bring us inspiration and happiness. "When the book is used, we hate less", so I think we need to read more and read more books to make our achievements bloom like sesame seeds. 读书英语作文4高尔基说过:"书是人类进步的阶梯!"可见读书是多么重要啊!读书可以让我们学到丰富的知识,还可以使人进步。 平时我们还应该多读一点书,而且要读好书,比如说:科幻、作文、童话、寓言、神话等一些有用的。有意义的书。不过,像漫画这样的书,最好还是少看点。 "读书破万卷,下笔如有神。"我认为多读书对写作是有好处的,在读书的时候要多积累一些好词好句好段,再把它们抄在笔记本上。还要多学习别人的写作手法。内容,这样在写作的时候,积累的和学习到的东西就可以派上用场了! 书,是我们的好朋友;书,也是我们的好老师;我们谁也离开不谁,书这个知心的老师,这个称职的老师! Gorky said: "Books are the ladder of human progress!" It is obvious how important reading is! Reading books allows us to learn a wealth of knowledge, but also make people progress. Usually we should read more books, and we must read good books, such as: science fiction, composition, fairy tales, fables, myths and other useful. Meaningful book. However, for books like comics, it is best to read less. "Reading through thousands of books, writing pens is like a god." I think that reading more is good for writing. When reading, you should accumulate some good words and good sentences, and then copy them on your notebook. Learn more about other peoples writing skills. Content, so that when writing, the accumulated and learned things can come in handy! Books are our good friends; books are also our good teachers; none of us leave anyone, book this intimate teacher, this competent teacher! 读书英语作文5我最喜欢的事情就是读书。阅读时时刻刻在我们的身边,每天伴随着我们的成长,把我们带进知识的海洋。 我读过许多的书,使我受益无穷:不论是《鲁滨讯漂流记》所描述的荒岛上的艰难生活,还是《钢铁是怎样炼成的》中保尔的顽强毅力,都增添了我战胜困难的信心;读了《海底两万里》和《八十天环游世界》,给我插上了科学幻想的翅膀,漫游未来世界;我被《福尔摩斯侦探》那一件件惊心动魄的案件深深的吸引,又从中懂得了观察力的重要性……不过最令我沉醉其中的是《假如给我三天光明》这本书。书中的海伦·凯勒刚出生几天就成了盲人和聋哑人,她从小到大凭着自己顽强的毅力,长大后终于金榜题名,海伦·凯勒在成长过程中付出了比我们多十倍的汗水,付出了比我们多十倍的艰辛与刻苦,才会有她今天的成就。我们作为一个平常人,怎么会比不上一个残疾人呢?我们应该努力奋斗,朝正确的方向前进,不能半途而废,要知难而进,坚持不解,我相信这样,胜利就在不远的将来等着我们。 书是知识的结晶,书是思想的宝库,书是无尽的海洋。读书让我丰富了知识;读书让我打开了智慧的大门;读书让我开阔了视野、了解了课外生活。 My favorite thing is reading. Reading is always with us, and as we grow, we take us into the ocean of knowledge every day. I have read many books that have benefited me a lot: Whether it is the difficult life on the desert island described in "Robin Xun Drifting", or the tenacious perseverance of Paul in "How Steel Is Made", they have added My confidence in overcoming difficulties; after reading "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea" and "80 Days Around the World", I ed the wings of scientific fantasy and roamed the future world; I was shocked by the thrilling case of "Sherlock Holmes" I was deeply attracted and understood the importance of observation... but the book that most intoxicated me was "If You Give Me Three Days of Light." In the book, Helen Keller became blind and deaf and mute just a few days after she was born. She grew up with her tenacious perseverance. When she grew up, she finally made the gold list. Helen Keller paid more than us in the process of growing up. Ten times more sweat, ten times more hard work and hard work than we will have her achievements today. As an ordinary person, how can we not compare with a disabled person? We should work hard and move in the right direction. We must not give up halfway. We must advance in the face of difficulties and persevere. I believe that in this way, victory will await us in the near future. Books are the crystallization of knowledge, books are a treasure trove of ideas, and books are an endless ocean. Reading has enriched my knowledge; reading has opened the door to wisdom; reading has broadened my horizons and my extracurricular life. |
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