标题 | 难忘的童年英语作文 |
范文 | 难忘的童年英语作文 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编为大家整理的难忘的童年英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 想起最初入学时,最让我记忆犹新的是幼儿园的老师给我们上的第一课,这一课让我懂得了成功其实并不难,其实有一个能为我们播种自信的好老师,那么我们就离成功不远了! When I remember the first lesson that the kindergarten teacher taught us when I first started school, I learned that success is not difficult. In fact, there is a good teacher who can sow confidence for us, so we are not far from success! 我的幼儿园老师给我们上的第一课是在图书馆,她从书架上抽出一本书,讲了一个很浅显的童话。讲完后她说:“这本书是一位作家写的,你们长大了也一样能写这样的书。” The first lesson my kindergarten teacher gave us was in the library. She took a book out of the shelf and told us a very simple fairy tale. After that she said, "this book was written by a writer, and you can also write such a book when you grow up." 老师停顿了一下,接着问:“哪一位小朋友也能给大家将一个故事?”我立即站起来,紧张的说:“我有一个爸爸还有一个妈妈,还有我姐姐和我……”幼稚的童声在图书馆中回荡。然而老师却用一张非常好的纸,很认真很工整地把我语无伦次的故事记录下来。 The teacher paused for a moment and then asked, "which child can tell you a story?" I immediately stood up and said nervously, "I have a father, a mother, my sister and me..." Childish children's voices reverberate in the library. However, the teacher used a very good paper to record my incoherent story carefully and neatly. 接着老师又问:“哪个小朋友能给这个故事配个插图呢?”又一位小朋友站起来了,画了一个“爸爸”,画了一个“妈妈”,再画一个“姐姐”和“我”。当然画的很不像样子,但老师同样认真的把它接过来,附在那一页故事的后面,然后取出一张精美的封皮纸,把它们装订在一起,写上作者的`姓名和插图者的姓名,“出版”的年、月、日。 Then the teacher asked, "which child can give this story an illustration?" Another child stood up and drew a father, a mother, and then a sister and me. Of course, it's not like the painting, but the teacher took it over seriously, attached it to the back of the story, and then took out a beautiful cover paper, bound them together, and wrote the author's name and the name of the illustrator, "publication" year, month, day. 老师把这本“书”高高举起:“孩子们,瞧,这是锦程写的第一本‘书’。孩子们写书并不难。你们还小,所以只能写这种小‘书’,等你们长大了,就能写大‘书’,成为伟大的人物。” The teacher held the book high: "children, look, this is the first" book "written by Jincheng. It's not difficult for children to write books. You are still young, so you can only write such a small book. When you grow up, you can write a big book and become a great person. " 我的第一课结束了,在不知不觉中我们的心里都被播种下了希望的种子,都有了美好的梦。 My first lesson is over. Unconsciously, our hearts are seeded with the seeds of hope, and we all have good dreams. |
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