标题 | 悲惨世界读后感英文版 |
范文 | 悲惨世界读后感【英文版】 认真读完一本名著后,大家对人生或者事物一定产生了许多感想,写一份读后感,记录收获与付出吧。你想知道读后感怎么写吗?下面是小编整理的悲惨世界读后感【英文版】,希望能够帮助到大家。 Les miserables is a was praised as "Shakespeare of France's famous" great writer Victor Hugo's birth. It features from the failure of napoleon at Waterloo until people's uprising against July dynasty this phase of history and reality, draw a picture of a huge social and political life. It depicts the hero jean valjean bumpy, miserable life, more highlights the injustice of the society at that time, it is like a colorful picture, the whole nearly half a century history in the process of broad social life picture, show the one: provincial remote town, binhai new industry town, terrible court, dark prison, wretched slums in Paris, dark monastery, the graveyard of terror, the suburbs was mean inn, miserable ring of Waterloo, wars of the barricade, shelter evil people and practices of the sewer... This big long scrolls of every scene, all lifelike, its very true very meticulous detail also writes, the format of the image is so bright, color is so magnificent dense, momentum is so majestic, not in the history of literature model of realism and romanticism combination? In this one les miserables, let me, I also appreciate the different great: like jean valjean's great personality; Javert treat the greatness of conscience and responsibility; Bishop of rice has great tolerance; Eponine treat love great... 《悲惨世界》是在一位被人们誉为“法兰西的莎士比亚”的著名的大作家雨果手中诞生的。它刻画了从拿破仑在滑铁卢的失败直到反对七月王朝的人民起义这一阶段的历史现实,绘制了一幅规模庞大的社会和政治生活的`图画。 它描绘了主人公冉阿让坎坷、悲惨的一生,更突出了当时社会的不公正,它就好像是一幅五彩缤纷的画,把整整将近半个世纪历史过程中广阔的社会生活画面,都一一展现了出来:外省偏僻的小城,滨海的新兴工业城镇,可怕的法庭,黑暗的监狱,巴黎悲惨的贫民窟,阴暗的修道院,恐怖的坟场,郊区寒怆的客店,惨厉绝伦的滑铁卢战场,战火纷飞的街垒,藏污纳垢的下水道……这一漫长浩大的画轴中每一个场景,无不栩栩如生,其细部也写的很真切很细致,而画幅的形象又是如此鲜明突出,色彩是那么浓重瑰丽,气势是那么磅礴浩大,不是堪称文学史上现实主义与浪漫主义结合的典范吗? 在这一本《悲惨世界》,让我深有感触,也让我领略到不同的伟大:就像冉阿让人格的伟大;沙威对待良心与职责的伟大;米里哀主教宽容的伟大;爱潘妮对待爱情的伟大…… |
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