标题 | 读书的理由英语作文 |
范文 | 读书的理由英语作文 在学习、工作或生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的读书的理由英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 当代学者余秋雨说:“读书的最大理由是摆脱平庸。”我喜欢读书,喜欢在一字一句的品味中洗炼自己。 Yu Qiuyu, a contemporary scholar, said: "the biggest reason for reading is to get rid of mediocrity." I like reading, like to wash myself in the taste of every word. 平庸者,无所事是,无事生非,是一种被动而又功利的谋生态度。我不想平庸,故将更多的业余时间用来读书、看报。一则以知识丰富自己,二则了解世事、感受时代精神。 Mediocre, nothing is, nothing is not, is a passive and utilitarian attitude to make a living. I don't want to be mediocre, so I spend more spare time reading books and newspapers. One is to enrich oneself with knowledge, the other is to understand the world and feel the spirit of the times. 俗话说:“书犹药也,可以治愚。”任何丑陋愚昧,都将与智慧一起在书中呈现给你,让你回味沉思,同悲同喜……这对树立正确的世界观、价值观、人生观,确立理想信念,使人一心向学向善,摆脱低级庸俗大有裨益。 As the saying goes, "books and medicines can cure stupidity." Any ugliness and stupidity will be presented to you in the book together with wisdom, so that you can ponder, share sorrow and joy This is of great benefit to establish a correct world outlook, values, outlook on life, establish ideals and beliefs, make people focus on learning to be good and get rid of the vulgar. 黄山谷认为要摆脱平庸,就要“用古今浇灌”。他说:“人胸中久不用古今浇灌,则尘俗生其间。照镜觉面目可憎,对人亦语言无味。” Huangshan Valley believes that to get rid of mediocrity, we need to "irrigate with ancient and modern". He said, "if you don't use water from ancient times to modern times in your mind, you will live in the dust.". It is disgusting to look at the mirror and insipid to talk to people. " 人生有限,不可能事事经历,也不需事事经历,一个获得知识、丰富阅历的重要途径便是读书。只有书籍,能把辽阔的空间和漫长的时间毫无保留地浇灌给你,让你驰骋古今,经天纬地。 Life is limited, it is impossible to experience everything, and it is not necessary to experience everything. An important way to get knowledge and rich experience is to read. Only books can irrigate you with vast space and long time without reservation, so that you can gallop through the ages and the world. 青春作伴好读书,读书的感觉真奇妙。有潜心治学的,有应付学习的,有出于无奈被动看书的……。读书,不应是兴趣爱好,更应是充满个性的`自觉行动。有选择、有深度和广度的读书,会使人充满理性、充满智慧的光芒。 It's wonderful to read when you are young. There are those who are devoted to learning, those who deal with learning, and those who have no choice but to read passively. Reading should not be a hobby, but a conscious action full of personality. Reading with choice, depth and breadth will make people full of rationality and wisdom. 让我们抓紧时间,好好读书、利用书。让读书带给你睿智,从书本和生活中,学会做人与生活。 Let's seize the time to study and make good use of books. Let reading bring you wisdom. Learn to be a man and live from books and life. 我读书,我快乐,我读书,我幸福。读书的感觉还真不错。请你也尽早加入到读书者的行列中来吧!共同体验,共同拼搏,为营造学习型的社会而自觉读书,终生学习。 I read, I am happy, I read, I am happy. The feeling of reading is really good. Please join us as soon as possible! Common experience, common struggle, to build a learning society and consciously read, lifelong learning. |
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