标题 | helps是什么意思? |
范文 | She claims to be psychic and helps people to contact the dead. 她自称有通灵术,能帮助活人与死者沟通。 A conciliation service helps to settle disputes between employers and workers. 调解机构帮助解决劳资纠纷。 This new discovery helps amnesiacs keep their memory. 这一新的发现有助于遗忘症患者保持记忆。 Music helps me unwind after a busy day. 音乐使我在忙碌一天后得以放松。 My family helps to keep me centred. 家人帮助我保持冷静。 Moisturizing cream helps to keep your skin soft and supple. 保湿霜有助于保持皮肤柔软有弹性。 上一篇:车后面l是什么意思 下一篇:celebrities是什么意思 |
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