标题 | 医学类个人简历 |
范文 | 医学类个人简历 时间过得太快,让人猝不及防,我们找工作的日子已悄悄来临,这时一份好的简历可以起到很好的作用哦。好的'简历都具备一些什么特点呢?下面是小编精心整理的医学类个人简历,欢迎大家分享。 姓名 性别女 年龄43 name: sex: female age: 43 联系地址:上海市东汉阳路(200080) address: suite , no. , lane , east hanyang road, shanghai 电话:手机e-mail phone: mobile: e-mail: 教育情况 educational background: 1994 - 1996年日本神户学院大学药学研究科获硕士学位 1994 - 1996 had studied at pharmaceutical research institute of kobe gakuin university, japan. had obtained a master’s degree. 1992 - 1993年○○○○○○○○日本语学校日语进修 1992 - 1993 had studied japanese language at japanese language school. 1979 - 1983年中国华东理科大学生物化学专业获学士学位 1979 - 1983 had studied specialty of bio-chemistry at east china science university. had obtained a bachelor’s degree. 工作经历 career experience: 20xx年6月-至现在中央直属大型集团企业(中国○○集团)制药事业部高级经理 主要承担组建集团下属大型液体制剂生产基地投资项目相关以下工作 june 20xx - now has acted as a senior manager of medicine manufacturing division of a big-sized group enterprise the “china xx group corp.” - a subsidiary company directly owned by the chinese central government. had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company 输液产品选择、市场调研、项目策划(市场部) l selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the marketing division) 项目立项、设备招标、技术引进等国内外的合作事务(对外事务部) |
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