狄金森的诗译文及练习 原文: Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. Not one of all the purple Host Who took the Flag today Can tell the definition So clear of victory. As the defeated-dying— On whose forbidden ear The distant strains of Burst agonized triumph and clear! 译文: 紫袍华衰的诸公 如今执掌着大旗 他们谁也说不清 胜利的确切含义— 只有垂死的战败者 失去听觉的耳朵里 才迸出遥远的凯旋歌 如此痛切而清晰 注解: 狄金森(1830---1886)美国十九世纪杰出的女诗人。她的诗通常短小精悍,简洁明快,善用具体而独特的.意向,感情真挚,寓意深刻,在平易自然中见出她对人生的思考,她与惠特曼一道成为现当代美国诗歌的开拓者。 练习: 翻译句子: Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. 答案: 从未成功的人们 认为成功最甜蜜 要领略仙酒的滋味 须经最痛楚的寻觅 |