高分子材料加工机械专业个人简历 姓名: XXX 国籍: 中国 无照片 目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 贵州 身材: 175 cm?80 kg 婚姻状况: 已婚 年龄: 37 岁 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职? 应聘职位: 厂长/副厂长:生产厂长 生产管理 生产经理 工程管理 工程经理 工作年限: 15 职称: 无职称 求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 一个星期 月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 广东省 上海 江苏 个人工作经历: 2004.8-至今 广州喜莱实业有限公司 厂长 工作职责:主管全厂的工作,包括生产.工程.品管.行政等一切工作 2000.8-2004.7 镇泰集团(中国)工业有限公司 生产经理 工作职责:1.SMT&BONDING.电子车间工艺及生产的跟进;2.SMT&BONDING电子车间.设备的维修管理;3.生产设备人员的培训. 1998.7-2000.7 创英玩具有限公司 PE高级工程师 工作职责:1、新产品投产的工艺设计以及相关指引文件的制定,生产流程的编排以及生产线正式生产的审核;2、次品分析及模具,工艺等改进;3、客户投诉的反馈及处理;4.PE组人员工作的安排及跟进. 1995.9-1998.6 美泰玩具技术咨询有限公司 生产支持工程师 美泰为全球最大玩具商,其大部分产品均放单给供应商生产。 工作职责为:1、确保供应商理解本公司对所需要物料的要求并保证提供合格的产品;2、供应商交付物料品质的监控与提高;3、审核供应商的品质保证体系以及生产技术能力是否具备满足本公司要求的.条件;4、供应商生产中出现问题的跟进及解决;5、供应商的沟通。 1993.3-1995.8 鑫达玩具有限公司 QA工程师,QA主管 工作职责:1、产品检验标准的制定;2、公司内部品质系统的监控与提高;3、客户投诉的协调处理;4、ISO9000知识的培训。 1991.7-1993.1 机械工程中国人民解放军3537厂 机械工程师 工作职责:负责全厂标准设备的维修和改进;非标准设备的设计和制造工作。 教育背景 毕业院校: 华南理工大学 最高学历: 本科 毕业日期: 1991-07-01 所学专业一: 高分子材料加工机械 所学专业二: 受教育培训经历: 1987.9--1991.7 华南理工大学 高分子材料加工机械 本科学士学位 CET-4证 语言能力 外语: 英语 良好 国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 优秀 工作能力及其他专长 1、具备优秀的管理技能,熟悉MRP II ,SAP运作以及JIT,TQM等管理模式。 2、熟悉ISO9000&ISO14000的知识,能建立品质监控和保证系统. 3、熟悉OHSAS18000知识,获SGS公司颁发的OHSAS18001内审员资格证书. 4、具备负责新产品投产的丰富经验。 5、具有勤奋的工作态度以及良好的合作精神和沟通能力。 详细个人自传 English Resume: ZouYu's Resume 
English Name: Johnson Sex: male Update: 2006-07-12 Nationality: Han Residence: LiupanshuiGuizhou Age: 36 Wedlock: Married Stature: 175cm Location: GuangzhouGuangdong TargetLocation: Guangdong Shanghai Beijing Target Jobs: Branch Manager/Director Product Manager PQA Manager/Director DesiredSalary: interview When Can Start: half a month Education&Training
1987-09 ~1991-07 South China University of Technology Chemical engineering andmechanism Bachelor Degree Work Experience 15 years 0 months work experience,and served on 5 Companies.
▌GuangZhou Hilio Industrial Co.,Ltd (2004-08 ~ Now) Company Type: Personal Firm Company Category: Manufacturing Job Title: Factory Director Job Description: Managed all job of factory,includ in product.engineering.quality&administration. Reason forLeaving: POPEI ▌Jetta(China) Industrial Co.,Ltd (2000-08 ~ 2004-07) Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Manufacturing Job Title: Product Manager Job Description: Charged electro-workshop all job,included in tailgate the technics and manufactoring of SMT.Bonding&plug in board of electron;Servicing ang management all manufacturing equipment in the workshop;Training the worker ,included in manufacturing and fixture. ▌ChuangYin Toy Co.Ltd (1998-07 ~ 2000-07) Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Manufacturing Job Title: Sr.PE Engineer Job Description: Responsibilities: 1.Process design and set up for new product,define related instruction document,and perform process audit; 2.Failure analysis and process improvement. 3.Dispose customer feedback and complain ▌Mattel Toy Technology consultant Co.Ltd (1995-09 ~ 1998-06) Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading, Commerce ,Imports and Exports Job Title: Manufacture Supporting Engineer Job Description: Responsibilities: 1.Align the product requirement with supplier and ensure supplier can deliver passed parts: 2.Supplier quality management and improvement; 3.Audit supplier quality system and manufacturing capability,estimate whether the supplier can meet the requirement; 4.Supplier quality issue solved and follow up; 5.Supplier communication. ▌Zindart Toy Co.Ltd (1993-03 ~ 1995-08) Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Manufacturing Job Title: PQA Engineer Job Description: Responsibilities: 1.Define product inspection criteria; 2.Internal quality system monitor and improvement; 3.Customer complain disposition; 4.ISO9000 Training. Skills Language Skills: Mandarin Excellent , Cantonese Excellent Foreign Languages: English General Computer Skills: intermediate Concrete Technical Abilities: Correlative Skills: Experience of product management 6 years; Experience of engineering management 5 years; Experience of quality management 2 years. Development Target Position:1.factory director 2.product manager 3.quality manager Want Self Assessment Excellent management skills,be familiar with MRPII,SAP and JIT,TQM etc. Can use SPC,FMEA to perform failure analysis,and solve the problems or prevent the failure occurred timely. Be familiar with ISO9000 and ISO14000,can set up quality monitor and assurance system. Rich experience on new project development. Hard working and good corporation and communication skills Contact Telephone: Mobile: 1 Pager: Email: Homepage: Instant Messenger: |