标题 | because的用法及短语 |
范文 | because的用法: because的用法1:because的基本意思是“因为”,强调直接造成某种结果的理由和原因,所引导的原因状语从句多置于主句之后,有时为了强调,也可置于主句之前,并用逗号与句子的其他部分隔开。 because的用法2:because还可用来引导让步状语从句,这时,通常用于否定句或疑问句中。 because的用法3:because有时还可引导表语从句。 because的用法4:because可用于强调句。 because的用法5:not...because...结构有时否定主句,有时否定从句,须根据上下文正确判断。一般来说,否定主句时because前多有逗号,而如果because前有just,则多半否定从句。 because的用法6:because可用于省略句。 because的常用短语: 用作连词 (conj.) because of 因为,由于 by reason of; as a result of because的用法例句: 1. She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs. 她觉得自己掉价了,因为她知道丈夫有了外遇。 2. I denied my father because I wanted to become someone else. 我和父亲断绝了关系,因为我想成为一个不一样的`自己。 3. I get very nervous because I'm using a lot of expensive equipment. 因为正在使用很多昂贵的设备,所以我非常紧张。 4. Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat. 由于没有消耗卡路里,你吃的所有东西都会变成脂肪。 5. He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight. 他视力不好,算不上是一个出色的射手。 6. The man was known to the police because of previous convictions. 因为有犯罪前科,警察们都认识这个人。 7. I thought they were laughing at me because I was ugly. 我觉得他们嘲笑我是因为我长得丑。 8. The boy was unhappy because he thought he was friendless. 这个男孩自认为没有朋友,所以闷闷不乐。 9. He won the election because the Democrats self-destructed in their primary. 民主党在初选中自毁长城,所以才让他赢得了选举。 10. His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal. 他的政府由于一起金融丑闻而开始瓦解。 11. Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers. 出租车司机的抗议使得阿比让陷入了混乱。 12. Most of them are destroyed because they've served their purpose. 它们中大多数在完成使命后被销毁。 13. The reason women are drinking is just because they like it. 女人喝酒只是因为她们喜欢喝。 14. They actually moved down from upstairs because the rent's that expensive. 他们确实从楼上搬到了楼下,因为房租太贵了。 15. Don't try and double-cross me, Taylor, because I'll kill you. 别跟我耍花招,泰勒,要不我会杀了你。 上一篇:含有a的英语短语 下一篇:cma报考条件和要求 |
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