标题 | 爱,有时也会是一种伤害英语作文 |
范文 | 爱,有时也会是一种伤害英语作文 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是小编精心整理的爱,有时也会是一种伤害英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 长者对幼者,父母对儿女,孩子们对小动物,总自然而然地产生一种保护的'欲望。这是因为他们有爱。爱一样东西才会去保护,让它生活得更好。殊不知,有时保护也是一种伤害。 The elderly, the parents, the children and the children naturally have a desire to protect the small animals. It's because they have love. Love something to protect, let it live better. However, sometimes protection is also a kind of injury. 国家为了保护濒临灭绝的野生物种,修建了接近大自然条件的野生动物园,让那些野生动物免受自然的严酷考验和人的伤害。这本应是一件好事啊,可结果呢,我们看到了什么?一群狮子面对自己的午餐——一头活生生的黑牛——竟不知进攻,反而被吓得连连后退,不能不让人为其感到悲哀。在原始丛林中,即使是几只未成年的幼狮也能击倒壮牛,分而食之,这到底是因为怎样的原因呢? In order to protect the endangered wild species, the state has built wild zoos close to the natural conditions to protect those wild animals from the harsh test of nature and human injury. This should have been a good thing, but as a result, what did we see? A group of lions face their lunch - a living black bull - and they don't know how to attack. Instead, they are so scared that they step back. They can't help but feel sad. In the primitive jungle, even a few young lions can knock down the strong cattle and eat them separately. What's the reason? 野生动物园中的狮子习惯了人类的保护,根本不晓得自己的先辈们也曾在自然界中为生存而拼搏,它们已经丧失了攻击对手和保卫自己的能力,这不能不说是人类的保护造成的伤害啊! The lions in the wild zoo are used to the protection of human beings. They don't know that their ancestors have fought for survival in the nature. They have lost the ability to attack their opponents and defend themselves, which is the damage caused by the protection of human beings! 许多父母出于对子女的爱,为保护其免受伤害,筑造起“花儿”的“温室”,遮挡外界的雨打风吹。从孩子成长的路上不难看出,这也是一种伤害。孩子在“温室”中学会了什么?也许学到了很多书本上的知识,也许掌握了一两门艺术技能,可他们往往没学到最重要的一门学问——如何生存。成长的道路上总会遇到各种突发状况,父母不会永远跟在身边,学会保护自己,在社会中更好的生存才是一辈子的财富。急于保护孩子的父母们,不妨试着松开你们的手,让他们自己迈出人生的每一步,摔了跤才知道什么是痛,绊倒了才知道什么样的路不能走,不要让你们的“保护”束缚了他们的翅膀,阻碍了他们向更高更远的地方飞去。 Many parents, out of their love for their children, have built a "greenhouse" of "flowers" to protect them from the outside world. It's not hard to see from the way children grow up that this is also a kind of injury. What did children learn in the greenhouse? Maybe they have learned a lot from books, maybe they have mastered one or two art skills, but they often fail to learn the most important knowledge - how to survive. Growing up on the road will always encounter a variety of emergencies, parents will not always be around, learn to protect themselves, a better life in society is the wealth of a lifetime. Parents who are eager to protect their children may as well try to release your hands, let them take every step of their lives, fall to know what is pain, trip to know what kind of road can't go, don't let your "protection" fetter their wings, hinder them to fly higher and farther. 年幼的孩子们,也许你家笼中的小鸟生活得很快乐,那是因为他们已经习惯了周围木栏的保护,不愿再做另外一只小鸟,你的世界不是一只鸟笼,而是整片天空。 Young children, maybe the birds in your cage live happily. That's because they are used to the protection of the surrounding wooden fence and are unwilling to be another bird. Your world is not a birdcage, but the whole sky. 狮子只有在丛林中才是那充满野性的兽中之王,驯养过的只是充当着一种活生生的教具,告诉后来的人,世上曾存在这种动物。我们人呢,难道也要舍弃真实的人的身份,在被充满爱心的“保护”之箭所射伤后变成另外一种“教具”吗? The lion is the king of wild animals only in the jungle. What he has domesticated is to serve as a living teaching aid to tell later people that there was such an animal in the world. Do we have to abandon our real identity and become another kind of "teaching aid" after being shot by the arrow of "protection" full of love? |
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