标题 | 文明礼仪英文名言 |
范文 | 文明礼仪英文名言 礼仪是人类为维系社会正常生活而要求人们共同遵守的最起码的道德规范,下面是关于文明礼仪英文名言的内容,欢迎阅读! 1、家庭是文明的核心。 Family is the core of civilization. 2、礼仪周全能息事宁人。 Considerate etiquette can avoid trouble. 3、无礼是无知的私生子。 Rudeness is the illegitimate child of ignorance. 4、宽容是文明的唯一考核。 Forgiveness is the only civilization. 5、文明其精神,野蛮其体魄! Civilization its spirit, savage its body! 6、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。 Politeness is the key of human coexistence. 7、爱国是文明人的首要美德。 Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized men. 8、礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。 Manners make human co-existence of golden key. 9、学校者,文明进化之泉源也。 Also the springs of school, the evolution of civilization. 10、医生是我们文明世界的精华。 The doctor is the essence of our civilization. 11、文明就是要造就有修养的人。 Civilization is to make cultured man. 12、侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。 A tiny and idler is poor, and force and waste is rich. 13、文明就是要造成有修养的人。 Civilization is to has the tutelage of people. 14、人人需要赞美,你我都不例外。 Everyone need to praise, you and I are no exception. 15、亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐。 Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brings harmony. 16、文明的建立的不是机器而是思想。 The establishment of a civilization is not the machine but the ideas. 17、良好的礼貌是由微小的牺牲组成。 Good manners are made up of tiny sacrifice. 18、为人粗暴意味着忘却自己的尊严。 A violent means to forget their own dignity. 19、礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。 Politeness and the civilization is the key we coexist. 20、礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。 Good manners often can replace the most noble feelings. 21、文明抑揄多数人,赞扬极少数人。 Currently civilization or the majority of people, praised the few. 22、礼貌是有教养的人的第二个太阳。 Courtesy is the second sun in our educated person. 23、学校是学习之所,文明是成功之本。 The school is the place of learning, civilization is the parent of success. 24、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵! Hand spare flower like brocade, spare grass at the foot of the carpet! 25、弘奖学术启文明,栽桃种李最多情。 Hong award for academic and civilization, planted peach kind of lee's most affectionate. 26、礼貌周全不花钱,却比什么都值钱。 Worth civility at no cost, but more than anything. 27、讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。 Aggressive, are not necessarily makes sense. 28、白天文明不精神,晚上精神不文明。 The day is not spiritual and mental civilization at night. 29、只有尊敬别人的人,才有权受人尊敬。 Only have the right to respect for others, respect. 30、没有充分闲暇,就不可能有高度文明。 No good leisure, is impossible to have highly civilization. 31、没有礼貌的人,就像没有窗户的.房屋。 Rude people, like a house without Windows. 32、随着文明的发展,诗歌几乎势在必衰。 With the development of civilization, poetry almost potential will decline. 33、礼节及礼貌是一封通向四方的推荐信。 Etiquette and manners is a letter to the four sides of recommendation. 34、不是不能见义,怕的是见义而不勇为。 Can't see, not afraid of is righteous and not doing. 35、真正的文明是所有人种植幸福的结果。 The real civilization is the result of all people grow happiness. 36、富裕并不带来文明,而文明产生财富。 Wealth does not bring civilization, and civilization to produce wealth. 37、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。 Reason is higher than the soul thought than relationship is reliable. 38、让我们把不名誉作为刑罚最重的部分吧! Let's put the dishonor as part the heaviest punishment! 39、在宴席上最让人开胃的就是主人的礼节。 In the banquet on the most let a person appetizer is the master's etiquette. 40、微笑是我们的语言,文明是我们的信念。 A smile is our language, civilization is our belief. 41、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。 A man the most sad thing is the conscience of die out. 42、在人与人的交往中,礼仪越周到越保险。 In interpersonal communication, the etiquette is more considerate more insurance. 43、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼貌。 There are two kinds of violence of peace, that is the law and politeness. 44、普通话同青春携手,文明语和时尚并肩。 Language and mandarin, hand in hand with youth civilization fashion side by side. 45、彬彬有礼的风度,主要是自我克制的表现。 Polite manners, mainly is the expression of the self-restraint. 46、知识使人变得文雅,而交际使人变得完善。 Knowledge makes one become elegant, and communication makes people become perfect. 47、礼节是所有规范中最微小却最稳定的规范。 Etiquette is the smallest specification of all but the most stable specification. 48、一个文明的社会不应当有这样野蛮的法律。 A civilized society should not have such a brutal law. 49、礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。 Courtesy is the most easy to do, which is the most precious thing. 50、人间的面孔从未像在葬礼中看上去那么世俗。 Human face has never looked so secular in the funeral. |
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