标题 | 暑假郊外秋游英语作文 |
范文 | 暑假郊外秋游英语作文 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是小编收集整理的暑假郊外秋游英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 星期天,爸爸带我到郊外云秋游。一路上,我觉得天空比以前高了许多,蔚蓝蔚蓝的天空中飘着几朵白云。一阵风吹来,使人感到神清气爽。 On Sunday, my father took me to the countryside for a cloud autumn tour. Along the way, I think the sky is much higher than before. There are several white clouds floating in the blue sky. A gust of wind refreshed people. 中午来到田野,首先展现在前面的是一片玉米地。只见玉米秆有一人多高,玉米穗有一尺来长,玉米穗的皮也变干了,变枯了,有的露出黄灿灿的玉米粒,好像在对我们微笑。再往前走,啊,一片火红,原来是一片高粱地,一穗穗高粱涨红了脸,随风舞动…… When I came to the field at noon, the first thing I saw was a piece of corn field. I can only see that the corn stalk is more than one person tall, the ear of corn is one foot long, and the skin of the ear of corn has dried and withered. Some of the yellow corn grains appear, as if they are smiling at us. Go on, ah, it's red. It's a field of sorghum. A spike of sorghum is red. It's dancing with the wind 太阳快落山了,那青翠的远山,被夕阳映得姹紫嫣红,轻风吹来,田野上散发着清馨的芳香。刚刚收割的'庄稼,装满了一车又一车,随着那清脆的鞭子一响,马铃声声,在田间小道上留下了一串串马蹄的“炊烟”。路边,那晚开的野菊花悠然地摇曳着花枝。那密密麻麻的山枣,也被夕阳添上了“胭脂”。 The sun is about to set. The green distant mountain is reflected by the setting sun. The light wind blows. The field sends out the fragrance of fragrance. Just harvest crops, full of a car and a car, with that crisp whip a ring, the sound of the bell, left a string of horseshoe in the field trail "smoke". By the side of the road, the wild chrysanthemum blossomed that night and swayed its branches leisurely. That dense mountain jujube, also by the setting sun added "rouge". 啊,秋天,你用那支神笔,在故乡的土地上描绘出了一幅多么美丽的图画啊!迎着秋风,欣赏着迷人的秋色,我们流连忘返…… Ah, autumn, what a beautiful picture you have painted on the land of your hometown with that magic pen! Facing the autumn wind and enjoying the charming autumn color, we linger |
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