标题 | 大象的耳朵英语作文 |
范文 | 大象的耳朵英语作文 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的大象的耳朵英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 以前,大象的耳朵小小的,现在为什么大象的耳朵又大又垂呢?还有个故事。 Before, the elephant's ears were small. Now why are they big and drooping? There's another story. 一天,一个神仙来了,说:“谁有不满意的地方,我来帮它。” One day, an immortal came and said, "I will help anyone who is not satisfied." 鸭妹妹说:“我的扁嘴巴太短了。想改长。”神仙不同意。 "My flat mouth is too short," said Sister duck. Want to grow. " The immortals disagree. 兔姐姐一蹦一跳地说:“我的尾巴太短了,想加长。”神仙又不同意。 "My tail is too short. I want to lengthen it," said Sister rabbit The gods disagree. 老虎叔叔说:“我的尾巴太长了,想变短。”神仙还是不同意。 Uncle tiger said, "my tail is too long. I want to be shorter." The immortals still disagree. 最后,大象说:“我的耳朵太小了,不能当扇子扇走热风,想大点儿。”神仙听了,立刻把大象小的耳朵变走,换上大耳朵。 At last, the elephant said, "my ears are too small to be a fan, so I want to be bigger." When the immortal heard this, he immediately changed the elephant's small ears into big ones. 从此,大象的耳朵变大了。 Since then, the elephant's ears have grown larger. |
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