The latest scare involves eggs. 最新的恐慌是有关鸡蛋的.。 Spiders scare me stiff. 蜘蛛把我吓坏了。 I hope it doesn't scare tourists from coming. 我希望游客们不会被吓到不敢来了。 Others say the scare tactics can sometimes backfire. 其他人说这些吓人的策略可能会适得其反。 Financing was hard to scare up, and deals were smaller and rarer. 融资难,成交难,交易规模小。 Were all those pandemic warnings just scare-mongering? 那些流行病预警是杞人忧天吓唬人的吗? 上一篇:安徽有哪些大学排行榜 下一篇:as 引导什么从句 |