标题 | 我的学习英语计划 |
范文 | 我的学习英语计划合集八篇 光阴的迅速,一眨眼就过去了,我们的工作又将迎来新的进步,是时候写一份详细的计划了。想学习拟定计划却不知道该请教谁?下面是小编精心整理的我的学习英语计划8篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 我的学习英语计划 篇1I’ma middle school student. I love English, but it’s hard for me. Now I have agood plan to learn English. I have a pronunciation problem. I can’t pronounce so well. So I plan to listen tothe tape and read after it. I can’t read English passages quickly and can’twrite a passage clearly. Now I plan to read more and practice writing often. Asfor listening, sometimes I can’t understand what others are saying. So I planto improve myself by listening to the radio and TV. Grammar is the mostdifficult for me. I have no idea of it, but I think my English teacher can helpme with it. Withthis English-learning plan, I’m hoping for great progress. 我的学习英语计划 篇2As a middle school student, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a good plan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside for playing. Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. I want to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must work hard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthly plan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task of different. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for everyday and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With these different plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play. 我的学习英语计划 篇3转眼间,小升初到来了,我的英语学习计划也实施的更加顺利。我相信,只有一个良好的学习计划,才能让我的英语更加出色。 晨起听磁带、背单词,午后读书籍,晚上做练习 ,这些都已是习惯了。坚持下来,我的英语在听、说、读、写四大块上都有了全方面的提高,也能应付猛虎般的试题了—— 听磁带,是纠正我们英语发音的一个重要途径。每天模仿磁带里的语音和口吻读,久而久之就会成为一种习惯。有了标准的读音,就不会再为音标题而发愁了。 阅读也是必不可少的一部分,英语书籍、英语杂志、英语小文,都是很好的英语阅读的选择。这样做,既可以开阔视野、增长见识,让我了解更多外国的风俗和习性。更可以学习到更多的英语单词。读得多了,我在对英语的阅读理解上也会有很大的提高。让英语水平步步高升。 我还将购买一些七年级的英语众享课程,和名师面对面学习英语,也是在做一个英语的拔高。这样可以提前学习初中的内容,让我在升学后迅速适应。也为升学考试时的“突击题”做防备,让成绩更加理想。我将把英语的句型结构和表达方法深深地印在脑海里,努力学好每一词、走好每一步。 我在博客里发了2篇英语小文,虽说在语法上还有错误,但在校讯通里热心的老师的指点下,最终改正了过来。我以后也会多多注意这些用法,争取下次不再犯相同的错误。我相信,一点一滴的积累,最终会化为知识传输到大脑里的。学习之余我还会多多学习博友们的'英语作文,好进行对比与学习。 此外,我还要搜集一些名校真题,抽出时间练习一下。只有对自己意中的学校的试题有一个大体了解,把握才能更大。其次,我可以从每次试题的错误中查漏补缺,及时弥补自己的不足之处。 英语是升学考试中必不可少的一门学科,我将不懈努力,向着理想的中学,冲刺! 我的学习英语计划 篇4University has been my dream, now, I am about to become a university student, I am glad that my dream will soon become a reality, Into the university is a new starting point and a new challenge, all will have to start from scratch. In order to enrich my university life that I'm going to start, I make a learning programme. 1.As a student, learning the Korean is very important, I will continue my language learning, so as to better communication. To enter university, I have more opportunities to contact with the Korean people, which is helpful for the language learning. 2.I will be cautious to choose my Major and Minor Subjects, My learning objective is clear, I’ll make a reasonable schedule and finish the learning tasks on time. 3.In the course of the study, carefully arranging the daily study time is necessary, I’ll take a few hours to learn everyday and complete the task of learning step by step. 4.Cultivate the habit of taking notes. Before the class, do the preparation notes, and make notes in class, list the difficulties in order to deepen the understanding and for later inspection and review. 5.Earnestly complete school assignment, develop independent learning habits. According to the requirements of teaching, complete the school assignment and learning tasks in high quality. Cultivate good habits ofindependent study and master the necessary skills. 6.Ask teachers and other students for help as soon as I need. When Problems encountered, it is necessary to consult the teachers in time, or contact with teachers and fellow students via e-mail for counseling and help. 7.It is important to do a good job of review. Because the review is the final stage of the learning process, it is useful to sum up experience conscientiously of the entire course. 8.Make the best use of spare time, enhance learning through computer network. With the new technology, new media development, the Open and Distance Education apply the advanced science and technology to the teaching, I have to use spare time to browse through the Internet regularly, in order to adjust the learning progress and change strategy timely. 9.Actively participated in various activities in university, enhance my communication skills and broaden horizons. I’m sure if I follow these points, I’ll have a beauty and complexity of university life, which is both essential and beneficial to my character development and personal growth. 我的学习英语计划 篇510月7日下午,妈妈和我去萧山日报社参加小记者活动:亲子讲座《聪明的父母教你学习英语》。 主讲人是金山小学涂亿奕小记者的妈妈,她和我们一起分享了她给女儿制定的英语学习计划和她家英语学习的方法和体会。 讲座一开始,涂妈妈就问我们学习英语的动机和目标是什么?一位小记者站起来回答说:“我学习英语是为了以后出国能更好地与外国人交流”。“这是个非常好的目标”,涂妈妈接着说,“那么我们怎样才能学好英语呢?适合自己的学习方法很重要!”涂妈妈介绍了自己女儿的英语学习方法,她给女儿精心挑选了一本英文版《夏洛的网》,让女儿像学习语文一样学习英语,先泛读,再精读,每天读一段,通过每天的坚持,一段时间后她女儿终于读完了整本书,英语成绩也在不知不觉中提高了。接下来,涂妈妈又让女儿通过朗读短文、朗读原版书和学唱英文歌等多种形式来学习英语。涂妈妈说我们的母语学习是从听和看、读和唱、说和写逐步积累起来的,英语学习也是一样,只要坚持不懈就一定能学好! 最后,涂妈妈让我们自己制定一个英语学习计划。我的计划是:我想让妈妈给我买一套涂妈妈推荐的蒲公英英语绘本,从自然拼读学起,通过阅读绘本、观看英语动画片和电影来逐步提高英语水平,同时我也要坚持每天阅读,争取这学期能看完看懂英文版《小王子》。 我的学习英语计划 篇6每天目标 1、每一天保证一定的阅读量 2、每一天保证一定的听力的时间,至少15分钟的时间,集中注意力,并有意识地去记忆好的句子 3、日常思考的时候,尝试用英语思考、想问题以培养语感。 细则 1)听力: 1.从special english做起。每天听写1篇。一定要坚持。 2.每周看一部discovery系列的纪录片。初步定在每周6晚。 2)精读: 1.学习新概念英语。背诵课文。 2.重点领会作者的写作手法,记忆好的结构性的句子和内容性的句子。 3)词汇: 系统背诵六级词汇。选用星火的6级词汇书。每周3个word list,这样3个月时间可以全部背完。词汇是重中之重,万万不可轻视! 4)口语: 每天坚持对同事说一句以上商务英语,交际、问候的英语不算。 5)语法: 主要还是靠使用中掌握,坚持写英语日记的话,会对语法和词汇都大有好处。当然有一本语法书也是很重要的。切忌不可使用文曲星,应该使用纸质英文词典。 每天计划 早上:8:30-9:00(上班途中),在车上听BBC或中国国际广播电台的早间新闻。 中午:12:30-1:00,听Chanel V的英文歌。 下午:5:30-6:00(下班途中),在车上听BBC或中国国际广播电台的晚间新闻。 晚上:9:00-11:00,背单词,听听力,背课文,看语法。听力可选择听4频道的英文新闻;大声朗读英文课文一篇。 每周计划 周一:做好任务背单词 周二:做好任务背新概念英语 周三:做好任务复习语法 周四:做好任务听听力 周五:做好任务朗读新概念英语文章 周六:做好任务看一部discovery系列的纪录片,英文字幕或无字幕 周日:自由安排 篇二:我的英语学习计划范例新一学期又到了,上学期虽然没什么好成绩,但也评到一个三好学生,我没什么优点,只有老实,诚实。然而缺点一大堆,如:不爱看书,不认真听讲,胆小怕事,爱睡觉……,就是因为这些,我才会成绩下降。我非常害怕我会被父母责骂,被朋友无视我的存在。 所以我一定要在六年级阶段拼搏,我会努力地请父母支持我!我的计划如下: 1、老师上课认真听。 2、课堂作业按时按刻去完成。 3、家庭作业要认真,不忘记。 4、不懂问题下课问。 5、计算题要认真仔细。 6、作业字迹要工整。 7、英语书要先预习,上课听的更懂。 8、英语争取好成绩。 9、配合老师要机急。 10、作业不会勤思考,实在不行问老师。 做到以上这十点,成绩优先一定行! 我一定努力学习,新学期加油! 我的学习英语计划 篇7As a middle schoolstudent, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a goodplan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside forplaying. Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. Iwant to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must workhard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthlyplan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task ofdifferent. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks foreveryday and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With thesedifferent plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play. 译文 作为一名中学学生,我的学习负担比以前更重了。因此,我必须为我的学习做一个好的计划,使工作有效,有时一边玩。首先,这学期我必使一个大计划,设定一个目标。我是班里的前三名在期末考试,所以,我必须努力工作。此外,我将制定计划几个短时间内,如月计划和周计划。通过这样做,我可以清楚地知道我的主要任务不同。最后,每天计划是必要的。写下我每天的任务,严格完成。记得明天才把任务。这些不同的计划,我可以合理安排我的时间,有时去玩。 我的学习英语计划 篇8Next term I'll be a middle school student, so I think the ways of study will be quite different. Well begun is half done. Firstly I will prepare for my lessons before class. Secondly, if I have any problems about study, I will ask my teacher for help. I won't leave them till the next day. Thirdly, I will finish my homework by myself. I'm sure if I can do these, I will make more progress than before. 【参考译文】 下学期我就将成为一名中学生了,因此我认为学习方式也会有所不同。 良好的开端等于成功的一半。首先,我要在课前做好预习。第二,如果我学习上遇到问题,我要向老师求助。我决不把问题留在第二天。第三,我要独立完成作业。 我相信如果我做到了这些,我一定会比以前取得更大的进步。 |
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