标题 | 人口增长的英语作文 |
范文 | 人口增长的英语作文(精选16篇) 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的人口增长的英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 人口增长的英语作文 篇1Progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led m the rapidgrowth of the world population. Modern medical science, for example, has made it possible for babies to grow up healthily and for people to live longer.With improved living conditions, particularly in the countryside, people tend to have larger families. As a resuit, the world population has increased so rapidly that it has now exceeded 5 billion. But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society. A large population demands a great deal of food supply and shelter space. However,the limited productivity and scarce natural resources can hardly meet the needs of the ever-Increasing population. Thus in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind. To guarantee the steady development of human society, mankind must realize the consequences resulting from a fast population growth and the importance of carrying out a family planning programme. Only by adopting effectual measures can human society de velop steadily and have a bright future. 科学的进步和生活条件的改善导致了世界人口的迅速增长。譬如,现代医学可以使幼儿健康成长,使人们长寿。由于生活条件的改善,特别是农村生活条件的改善,家庭人门日渐增多。结果,世界人口增长如此迅猛以致于现在人口超过了50亿。 但是,人口过分增长对人类社会的存在构成了威胁。大量的人口需要大批的粮食供给和大量的住宅。然而,有限的生产能力和不足的自然资源几乎不能满足日益增长的人口的需要。因此,从长远的观点看,过多的世界人口将会危害人类。 为了保证人类社会的稳定发展,人类必须意识到人口迅速增长所造成的后果和执行计划生育方针的重要性。只有采取有效措施,人类社会才能稳步发展,才会有光明的未来 人口增长的英语作文 篇2In the present era, culture has become a more and more important source of national cohesion and creativity and a factor of growing significance in the competition in overall national strength, and the Chinese people have and increasingly ardent desire for a richer cultural life. Therefore, we must keep to the orientation of advanced culture, bring about a new upsurge in cultural development, stimulate the cultural creativity of the whole nation, and enhance culture as part of the soft power. 当今时代,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。 因此,我们要坚持先进文化的前进方向,兴起文化建设新高潮,激发全民族文化创造活力,提高国家文化软实力。 Stimulate cultural innovation and enhance the vitality of cultural development. The only way to invigorate culture is to promote innovation in its content and form, its structure and mechanism, and its means of dissemination from the high starting point of our times, and release and develop its productive forces. 推进文化创新,增强文化发展活力。在时代的高起点上推动文化内容形式、体制机制、传播手段创新,解放和发展生产力,是繁荣文化的必由之路。 We must regard encouragement of fine ideological and ethical trends as the priority in energetically building a harmonious society and rejuvenating the country with an ancient civilization. In the meantime, we must persistently foster healthy social trends with ideological strength to provide multitudes of compassionate cares for the unity and progress of all our people. 我们必需坚持把弘扬良好的道德风尚作为积极构建和谐社会和振兴文明古国的重点,同时坚持不懈地用道德的力量弘扬社会正气,为全体人民团结进步提供更多的人文关怀。 人口增长的英语作文 篇3The world today is undergoing extensive and profound changes and contemporary China is going through a wide-ranging and deep-going transformation, which brings us unprecedented opportunities as well as unprecedented challenges, with the former outweighing the latter.(引导独立主格结构) 当今世界正经历着广泛而深刻的变化,当代中国正经历着广泛而深刻的变革,机遇前所未有,挑战前所未有,机遇大于挑战。 In order to accomplish the arduous tasks of innovation and development in a complicated and volatile international situation, managers united with all forces that could be united in overcoming difficulties and risks, creating a new situation in the cause of our firm and attaining a new realm in adapting business philosophy of multinational enterprise to conditions in China. 面对复杂多变的国际环境和艰巨繁重的创新发展任务,公司管理者团结一切可以团结的力量,战胜各种困难和风险,开创了公司事业的新局面,开拓了跨国公司经营理念中国化的新境界。 In the present era, culture has become a more and more important source of national cohesion and creativity and a factor of growing significance in the competition in overall national strength, and the Chinese people have and increasingly ardent desire for a richer cultural life. Therefore, we must keep to the orientation of advanced culture, bring about a new upsurge in cultural development, stimulate the cultural creativity of the whole nation, and enhance culture as part of the soft power. 当今时代,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。 因此,我们要坚持先进文化的前进方向,兴起文化建设新高潮,激发全民族文化创造活力,提高国家文化软实力。 Stimulate cultural innovation and enhance the vitality of cultural development. The only way to invigorate culture is to promote innovation in its content and form, its structure and mechanism, and its means of dissemination from the high starting point of our times, and release and develop its productive forces. 推进文化创新,增强文化发展活力。在时代的高起点上推动文化内容形式、体制机制、传播手段创新,解放和发展生产力,是繁荣文化的必由之路。 We must regard encouragement of fine ideological and ethical trends as the priority in energetically building a harmonious society and rejuvenating the country with an ancient civilization. In the meantime, we must persistently foster healthy social trends with ideological strength to provide multitudes of compassionate cares for the unity and progress of all our people. 我们必需坚持把弘扬良好的道德风尚作为积极构建和谐社会和振兴文明古国的重点,同时坚持不懈地用道德的力量弘扬社会正气,为全体人民团结进步提供更多的人文关怀。 Major changes have occurred in the relations among people in community. If we make a closer interconnection between personal future and destiny of others, the endeavor to make each community a sound friendly place will have registered a better progress. 社区人际关系已经发生重要变化。如果将个人的前途命运日益紧密地与他人的前途命运联系在一起,友好社区的建设会更好地实现。 Upholding respectful, equal and honest principle constitutes the staunch basis for rapid progress of the cooperative relationship. Conducting exchanges, dialogue, consultations and negotiations with any partner is the most effective and extensive way for enhancing mutual trust and properly managing differences. 坚持尊重、平等和诚信的原则是合作关系快速增进的坚实基础。交流对话、协商谈判是增进合作伙伴互信、妥善处理分歧的最有效、最广泛的途径。 Modern science and technology have shown great vitality on Chinese soil, brought more benefits to the people, and enabled the Chinese nation to catch up with the trend of the times in great strides and see the brilliant future of national rejuvenation. 现代科技在中国大地上焕发出勃勃生机,给人民带来更多福祉,使中华民族大跨步赶上时代前进潮流、迎来伟大复兴的光明前景。 Facts have incontrovertibly proved that the decision in the structural reform is vital to the destiny of the corporate, and that structural reform is the only way of carrying forward corporate culture and capture the production market. 事实雄辩地证明,体制改革是解决公司命运的关键抉择,是弘扬公司文化、占领产品市场的必由之路。 The economy sustained steady and rapid growth. The GDP expanded by an annual average of over 10%. Economic performance improved significantly, national revenue rose markedly year by year, and prices were basically stable. 经济保持平稳快速发展,国内生产总值年均增长百分之十以上,经济效益明显提高,财政收入连年显著增加,物价基本稳定。 Living standards improved markedly. Both urban and rural incomes increased considerably. The system of subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents was basically in place, guaranteeing basic living conditions for the poor. 人民生活显著改善。城乡居民收入较大增加,城乡居民最低生活保障制度初步建立,贫困人口基本生活得到保障。 Noteworthy headway was made in reform of investment, pricing, and the system for managing science and technology in 2011. A sound market system was being put in place. The total volume of imports and exports increased sharply. 2011年,在投资、价格、科技等领域改革取得重大进展。市场体系不断健全,进出口总额大幅增长。 To sum up, the fundamental reason behind all our achievements and progress is that we have blazed a path with development characteristics of our corporate. Essentially, to hold and progress the cultural idea of our corporate means to keep to this path. 我们取得的一切成绩和进步的根本原因,归结起来就是:开辟了符合公司特色的发展道路。坚持和发展公司的文化理念,最根本的就是要坚持这条道路。 Practices have proved that only when theory is integrated with the reality, advances in step with the times, and is tied to the destiny of the people can it demonstrate its strong vitality, creativity and appeal. 实践证明,理论只有与实际相结合、与时代发展同步、与人民群众同命运,才能焕发出强大的生命力、创造力和感召力。 Major progress was made in all-directional business. We energetically carried out diplomatic activities, enhanced exchanges and cooperation with other countries in various fields and played a major constructive role in international affairs, which created a favorable international environment for an integrated development. 全方位业务取得重大进展。各项工作积极开展,同各国的交流合作广泛加强,在国际事务中发挥重要建设性作用,为公司全面发展争取了良好国际环境。 We must never forget that the great cause of Apple Corporate was initiated by Steve Jobs at its core leading the whole staffs in the endeavor. In a precarious situation left by the economic crisis, Steve Jobs made the historic policy decision to maintain the high price of Mac, leading the Apple Corporate in striding forward on the great journey. 我们要永远铭记,苹果的伟大事业,是以乔布斯为核心的全体公司职员共同开创的。面对经济危机造成的危难局面,乔布斯果断地实行维持Mac高价的历史性决策,指引苹果公司在伟大征程上跨步前进。 There is no end to practice or innovation. We must continue to emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, keep up with the times, make bold changes and innovations, stay away from rigidity or stagnation, fear no risks, and never be confused by any interference. 实践永无止境,创新永无止境。我们必需坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,勇于变革、勇于创新,永不僵化、永不停滞,不为任何风险所惧,不被任何干扰所惑。 While recognizing our achievements, we must be well aware that they still fall short of our expectations and that there are still quite a few difficulties and problems on our way forward. The outstanding ones include the following: Our economic growth is realized at an excessively high cost of resources and the environment. More efforts are needed to promote ideological and ethical progress. Extravagance, waste, corruption and other undesirable behavior are still serious-problems with them. 在看到成绩的同时,也要清醒地认识到,我们的工作与我们的期待还有不小差距,前进中还面临不少困难和问题,突出的是:经济增长的资源环境代价过大;思想道德建设有待加强;奢侈浪费、消极腐现象仍然比较严重。 All these show that through the uemitting efforts that environmentalists have made, China has scored achievements in environment issues, and experienced far-reaching changes. However, the stern situation in our country’s environment has not changed. 这些情况表明,经过环保组织以及环保人士的不懈努力,我国环境问题取得了举世瞩目的改善,发生了意义深远的重大变化。但我国严峻的环境形势没有变。 We must adopt an enlightened approach to development that results in expanded production, a better life and sound ecological and environmental conditions, build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society, and harmonize economic growth with the population, resources and the environment, so that our economy and society will develop in a sustainable way. 坚持生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,实现经济发展与人口资源环境相协调,实现经济社会持续发展。 By analyzing China‘s own practice and drawing on the experience of other countries, at this new stage in the new century, China’s fishing development shows a series of new features which are mainly as follows: The fishing capacity has increased markedly, but the fishing seasons and areas need a scientific planning, and the longstanding structural problems and the extensive mode of growth are yet to be fundamentally addressed. 总结我国渔业发展实践,借鉴国外渔业发展经验,进入新世纪新阶段,我国渔业发展呈现一系列新的阶段性特征,主要是:捕捞能力显著增强,但捕捞季节和区域还有科学规划及长期形成的结构性矛盾和粗放型增长方式尚未根本改变 Stressing recognition of the basic reality is not meant to belittle yourself, wallow in backwardness, or encourage uealistic pursuit of quick results. Rather, we must always remain sober-minded, based our efforts on the most significant reality, scientifically analyze the new opportunities and challenges, fully understand the new situation and tasks, and strive to open up a broader vista for development. 强调认清自己所处阶段的基本情况,不是要妄自菲薄、自甘落后,也不是要脱离实际、急于求成,而是要始终保持清醒头脑,科学分析所面临的新机遇、新挑战,全面认识新形势、新任务,分离开拓更为广阔的发展前景 I feel honored to come here to your beautiful city. On behave of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land. 拜访贵方这美丽的土地,我感到非常的荣幸。借此机会我谨代表我的团队对接待方诚挚的邀请,以及我们出使以来收到盛情的款待表示衷心的感谢 Cultural development is promoted and the cultural and ethical qualityof the whole nation is notably enhanced. Fine ideological and ethical trends will be encouraged. A basic system of public cultural services will cover the whole society, and a more abundant supply of cultural products will be available to meet the people’s needs. 加强文化建设,全民族文明素质明显提高。进一步弘扬良好思想道德风尚,建立基本覆盖全社会的公共文化服务体系,适应人民需要的文化产品更加丰富。 Bill Bradley, a famous America basketball player, writer and senator, once said: Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy your friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. 美国著名的篮球运动员、作家和议员比尔·布拉德利曾经说过:尊重你的同伴,真诚地信赖他们,诚实地向他们表示你的异议,享受你们的友谊,大胆地提出不同的见解,为一个共同的目标而奋斗,在奋斗的路程中互相帮助。 Our friendship is based on mutual support, particularly during the time of adversity. It is guided by a core principle of mutual respect and equality. It is driven by our joint endeavor to pursue mutually-beneficial cooperation and common development. 患难与共、相互支持是我们友谊的基础;互相尊重、平等对待是我们友谊的核心原则;互利合作、共同发展是我们友谊的关键。 There is a Chinese saying that goes, “As distance can test a horse’s strength, so time can reveal a person’s heart.” I am convinced that as long as we go hand in hand with an innovative spirit and cooperate on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, we will seize opportunities and overcome challenges. 中国有句谚语:路遥知马力,日久见人心。相信只要我们同心协力、开拓进取、平等互利,就能够把握机遇,战胜挑战。 Nowadays the world can’t work well without cooperation, and cooperation has become a springboard for success. With cooperation, we will have a successful life; success is a manifestation of cooperation. Administration of the country needs cooperation of the people; likewise, the normal operation of a plant also needs cooperation of workers. 现在的世界,不能少了合作,合作是成功的跳板。生活中有了合作才会有成功,成功是合作的体现。国家的管理,需要人民的合作;类似地,工厂的正常运行也需要工人的合作。 Nowadays under the multi-cultural background, cultures’ exchange and integration in the world are deepening and strengthening, reflecting that openness and compatibility of all nationalities’ cultures are growing. 在当今世界多元文化的背景下,世界各民族文化之间的交流与融合日益深入与强化,体现了世界各民族文化的开放性和兼容性越来越强。 The culture of any country and nationality has its strengths, but also has its limitations. It is only through absorb nutrients from other cultures that it can remain eternal youth and dynamic, otherwise it will become a “dead culture”. 任何国家和民族的文化有其长处、也有其局限性。它只有从其文化中吸收营养,才能永葆青春,具有活力,否则就会变成“死文化”。 A closed culture system goes into inevitable decline and even demise. The strong vitality of culture is very closely tied to constant collision, exchange and integration among cultures. 一个封闭的文化系统,必然走向衰落以至死亡。文化强大的生命力与文化间的不断碰撞、交流和融合密不可分。 人口增长的英语作文 篇4The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom. On the contrary, demographic history offers evidence that population growth has not been at all constant. According to paleoecologist Edward Deevey, the past million years show three momentous changes. The first, a rapid increase in population around one m illion B. C., followed the innovations of tool making and tool using. But when the new power from the use of tools has been exploited, the rate of world population growth fell and became almost stable. The next rapid jump in population started perhaps 10,000 years ago, when mankind began to keep herds, plow and plant the earth. Once again when initial productivity gains had been absorbed, the rate of population growth abated. These two episodes suggest that the third great change, the present rapid growth, which began in the West between 250 and 350 years ago, may also slow down when, or if, technology begins to yield fewer innovations. Of course, the current knowledge revolution may continue without foreseeable end. Either way - contrary to popular belief in constant geometric growth - population can be expected in the long run to adjust to productivity. And when one takes this view, population growth is seen to represent economic progress and human triumph rather than social failure. 人口增长的`英语作文 篇5Nothing in today’s world is as big a problem as that of population. People begin to worry about the support capacity of the earth. And there might be only standing room for each person in the future. Lima’s population was 5. 7 million in 1985 but it grew to 9. 1 million in 2000. Tianjin’s was 7.9 million in 1985. In 2000, it boosted to 9. 7 million. Such cities as London, Osaka, Moscow, Beijing, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta, Seoul, and Teheran are having a similar population growth. Calcutta, Shanghai, New York, and Sto Paulo see a faster population explosion. Tokyo had 18.8 million in 1985. In 2000 it turned into 20.2 million. Mexic city had 17.3 million people in 1985, but in 2000, its population reached 25.8 million! What does the population growth mean? It means greater and greater consumption and greater pressure for the earth. If more people are added to the world population without our being alert or taking any action, we would have only standing room by the end of the 21st century. Each government and the UN should see that population of each country and each city stops growing for the next fifty years. 人口增长的英语作文 篇6To begin with, as the population grows, people consume much more natural resources, which often leads to excessive hunting. Second, with the increase of human activities, modern people take up more and more space. Which has a great impact on other species. Finally, the problem of pollution becomes more and more serious with the development of modern industry. More and more animals have to adapt themselves to the decaying environment or move to a totally different place, but not all of them are fortunate enough to survive the changes. Solving this problem calls for, above all, the government’s efforts to control population growth, to decrease industrial pollution and to enhance the laws to forbid wildlife hunting. Moreover, common citizens should be aware of this ecological crisis and take on the responsibility of wildlife protection. In a word, only when the government and the common people make joint e f forts can we hope to find a satisfactory solution to this problem. 首先,随着人口的增长,人们消耗更多的自然资源,这往往导致过度狩猎。其次,随着人类活动的增加,现代人占据了越来越多的空间。这对其他物种有很大的影响。最后,随着现代工业的发展,污染问题越来越严重。越来越多的动物必须适应退化的环境,或者搬到一个完全不同的地方,但并不是所有的动物都有幸在变化中幸存下来。 解决这个问题首先需要政府努力控制人口增长,减少工业污染,并加强法律禁止野生动物狩猎。此外,普通市民也应该意识到这一生态危机,承担起保护野生动物的责任。总之,只有当政府和百姓共同努力,才能找到一个令人满意的解决办法。 人口增长的英语作文 篇7The world today is undergoing extensive and profound changes and contemporary China is going through a wide-ranging and deep-going transformation, which brings us unprecedented opportunities as well as unprecedented challenges, with the former outweighing the latter.(引导独立主格结构) 当今世界正经历着广泛而深刻的变化,当代中国正经历着广泛而深刻的变革,机遇前所未有,挑战前所未有,机遇大于挑战。 In order to accomplish the arduous tasks of innovation and development in a complicated and volatile international situation, managers united with all forces that could be united in overcoming difficulties and risks, creating a new situation in the cause of our firm and attaining a new realm in adapting business philosophy of multinational enterprise to conditions in China. 面对复杂多变的国际环境和艰巨繁重的创新发展任务,公司管理者团结一切可以团结的力量,战胜各种困难和风险,开创了公司事业的新局面,开拓了跨国公司经营理念中国化的新境界。 人口增长的英语作文 篇8From nowadays, the world have more and more people, somebody say that when in 2015, the population of the world will achieve about 70 billion. General to say, developing country have much more population and increase than the advance country. The population have brouht many seniors problem ,for example :traffic jams,pollution of the environment,the resources are not enough for us,and so populations problem is to become the most serious probelm of the efore,control the population are the one of the biggest problem of the worlds. 人口增长的英语作文 篇9Currently, there is a widespread concern about the previously neglected connection between growing human population and decreasing wild species. As the two graphs obviously portrayed, American population in 1980 was 250 times than that in 1800, a trend accompanied by the extinction of nearly 70 kinds of wildlife in the past 300 years. A clear correlation is suggested that mankind has exerted a tremendously negative influence on natural species. There are many factors responsible for the aforementioned tendency. First and foremost, to satisfy the space demand for the booming population, the only available solution for Americans is to take occupation of forests and grassland. that used to be habitat of wild animals and plants. Furthermore, the process of industrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that essentially destroys environment and ecosystem. In my point of view, the dearth of wildlife today forecasts an unpromising future for humans tomorrow. In order to eliminate species extinction, relevant laws and regulations must be established and enforced to maintain a large portion of unspoiled areas. Effective measures should also be applied to ensure that the impact of pollution be removed. 译文: 近来人们开始普遍关注以前被忽略的人口增长和自然物种减少之间的关系。正如两幅图表显示,1980年的美国人口是1900年的250倍,同时在过去的300年间大约有70种野生生物在美国灭绝。这清楚地表明人类给自然物种带来了巨大的负面影响。 以上趋势是由诸多原因造成的。首先,为了满足迅速增长的人口对于空间的需求,对于美国人来说最有效的解决办法就是占据森林、草原等其他动植物的天堂。此外,工业化和城市化的进程造成了严重的污染,在根本上摧毁了环境和生态系统。 我认为,今天野生生物生命权的被剥夺预示着将来人类并不明朗的前景。为了减少物种灭绝,应该制定相关的法律法规、强制保护更多的地区保持其原始状态。应该采取有效的措施来减少污染的影响。 人口增长的英语作文 篇10Everything grows in modern times, and it seems that nothing grows as quickly as population. Population keeps growing, and grows rapidly, firstly because people’s living standards keep going up, with better houses, better clothing, better food, secondly because people know how to preserve themselves so as to live longer, and thirdly because they have modern medicine and medical care to ensure that usual diseases can be easily cured. There is another cause for the growth of population. Few countries or governments have realised the importance of family planning. On the contrary, some encourage child-birth. Here are some examples of population growth from 1985 to 2000 (as anticipated). Lima had 5.7 million people in 1985 but there were 9.1 million by 2000. Tianjin used to have 7. 9 million in 1985. By 2000 its population reached 9. 7 million. Such cities as London, Osaka, Moscow, Beijing, Karachi, Delhi, Jakarta, Seoul, and Teheran are having a similar population growth. We would not be shocked if all other cities have this rate. But some cities, like Calcutta, Shanghai, New York, and Sto Paulo boost their population even more quickly than the above-mentioned cities. Tokyo had 18.8 million in 1985. The year 2000 found 20.2 million Tokyo citizens. Mexic city had 17.3 million people in 1985, but as population specialists had predicted, that reached 25.8 million in 2000 ! The population problem is a universal concern nowadays. Any government is a failure if it does nothing about its population growth. 人口增长的英语作文 篇11Progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led m the rapidgrowth of the world population. Modern medical science, for example, has made it possible for babies to grow up healthily and for people to live longer.With improved living conditions, particularly in the countryside, people tend to have larger families. As a resuit, the world population has increased so rapidly that it has now exceeded 5 billion. But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society. A large population demands a great deal of food supply and shelter space. However,the limited productivity and scarce natural resources can hardly meet the needs of the ever-Increasing population. Thus in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind. To guarantee the steady development of human society, mankind must realize the consequences resulting from a fast population growth and the importance of carrying out a family planning programme. Only by adopting effectual measures can human society de velop steadily and have a bright future. 人口增长的英语作文 篇12People crowded into the city, and they produced many babies and people live longer. So the population is increasing very rapidly----that cause a lot of problems, such us it’s hard to live in a house, too mush traffic, noise pollution and water pollution. It’s clear that need to develop some plans to solve all those problems. But what can the government do to solve all those problems? Most people think to Control population growth is the most helpful way. So the government released the family planning policy. Anyway, under the leadership of the communist party of China, our living conditions will improve greatly. 人口增长的英语作文 篇13Nowadays, the population of the world is becoming larger and larger. With the increasing of the population of the world, there are more and more problems. First, there is less and less food for everyone to eat. So some people in poor areas are struggle with hunger. Some people in Africa even die of starving. Second, there is much more pollution. The cities become bigger and bigger, and more and more people have their own cars. This causes much more air pollution and noise pollution. Third, there is less and less resource for people to use. 人口增长的英语作文 篇14The need for birth control methods has developed fairly recently, with the desire among many women to be able to deide when they want to have a baby. At the same time there is a growing awareness of the problem of a rapidly increasing world population. This problem of a rising world population is largely the result of improved medical skills, which have lowered the death rate and, at the same time, raised the birth rate by increasing live births and the number of babies who survive early childhood. There is a growing realization that food production cannot keep pace with these increases, the result of which is that in some countries people are already starving to death while many millions more suffer from malnutrition.This problem is further complicated by the fact that in places like America and Europe we obtain by trade and consume far more food and resources like oil than, say, the average Indian, thus leaving even less for the people in the underdeveloped areas to survive on. World population is rising at a rate of two per cent a year;this means an addition of 70 million people a year to the present population of more than 3,500 million. There are strking regional differences in the population growth trends.The fastest growing region is Latin America which includes South and Central America and the Caribbean, while Africa and Asia closely follow Latin America. However, the largest absolute addition to the world population is in Asia which at present contains about three-fifths of the people of the world. 人口增长的英语作文 篇15It is well-known that there has been a drastic increase in world population. But it is probably les well-known that the extinction rate of wildlife species is experiencing a parallel trend. Take the United States for instance. In 1990, U.S. population reached an unprecedented level of 250 million, which is approximately 250 times of that of 1800. On the other hand, wildlife species are disappearing from the country at an alarming rate. By 1990, about 70 wildlife species would never be seen in U.S. We are fully justified in declaring that the explosive population growth has had an adverse effect on the survival of wildlife species and will be a constant threat to the wildlife resources if no immediate actions are taken. Nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world. It has been demolishing the environment we are living in. 人口增长的英语作文 篇16In recent years, China's urbanization advancement speeding up our economic vitality in stimulated, but also give the city management and development, which pose a great challenge to a series of problems such as associated floating population management, the household registration system, urban and rural, etc have gradually become China's urban management and the development of new topics and even new problem, disposal undeserved, may even become social contradictions outbreaks point, arouse points. 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