标题 | 发车仪式主持人主持词 |
范文 | 发车仪式主持人主持词 主持词可以采用和历史文化有关的表述方法去写作以提升活动的文化内涵。在如今这个中国,各种场合中活跃现场气氛的任务都交给了主持人,相信写主持词是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是小编整理的发车仪式主持人主持词,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 发车仪式主持人主持词1尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们: Our distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends: 今天,我们齐聚丝绸之路开拓者张骞的故里城固县,举行20xx环中国国际公路自行车赛汉中赛段发车仪式。首先,我代表汉中市委、市政府和384万汉中人民,向本次赛事的举行表示热烈祝贺!向所有参赛的运动员、教练员和裁判员,向出席本次活动的.各位来宾、各位朋友表示诚挚欢迎!也向本次赛事的主赞助商—汉王药业表示感谢! Today, we are gathered here to hold the opening ceremony of Hanzhong Stage, Tour of China 20xxin Chenggu County, the hometown of Zhang Qian who is remembered as the pioneer of Silk Road. First of all, on behalf of Hanzhong municipal committee of CCP and the people’s Government as well as 3.84 million Hanzhong people, I would like to express my warm congratulations to this event and my sincere welcome to all athletes, coaches, referees, all guests and friends. At the same time, I want to extend my gratitude to the major sponsor of this race, Hanwang Pharmaceutical Company. 印迹中国,梦环世界。环中赛历经四年磨砺,始终弘扬着更高、更快、更强和挑战极限、挑战自我的奥林匹克精神,已成为亚洲第一的国际公路自行车顶级赛事。各位选手经过古都西安的紧张比赛,带着竞逐胜利的激情,来到了美丽富饶的天汉大地。在汉中厚重的文化底蕴、秀美的自然风光衬托下,更有助于展示高水平自行车赛事的风采,更有利于为自行车爱好者打造放飞梦想的舞台,更能够激励团结拼搏、超越不息、互助友爱的人文精神。 With the theme of “Ride to tour China, dream to cycle the world”, Tour adhering the Olympic sprits of higher, faster and stronger, and challenging the limits, challenging oneself in the past four years, Tour of China has come a long way from where it started, it has earned its cult status of the number one international road cycling race in Asia. We understand that you have finished fierce competition in Xi’an and now you come to this picturesque and fertile land, longing for another victory. Rich culture and beautiful nature of Hanzhong will help participants perform better, add another dimension to this high level cycling event, and stimulate humane spirits of unity, striving, transcendence and mutual friendship. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。我们相信,通过这次大赛,必将充分展现自行车运动的独特魅力,必将彰显“两汉三国、真美汉中”城市品牌,必将架起欢聚汉中、结缘天下的彩桥,成为让世界认识汉中、让汉中走向世界的窗口,成为推动汉中文明进步的新动力。作为本次赛事的承办方,我们将提供优质、高效、周到、热情的服务,让各位朋友度过一个美好而难忘的自行车运动节日! It is such a delight to have friends coming afar! We believe this big event will fully show the unique charm of cycling and offer the chance for Hanzhong to demonstrate the magic of a historical and truly beautiful city. It will also build up a bridge for people to come to Hanzhong and make friends around the world. We believe, too, the event will be a window for the world to know Hanzhong and a window for Hanzhong to go to the world while serving another push for the development of civilization and progress of Hanzhong. As the organizer of this event, we endeavour to offer you excellent, effective, considerate and hospitable services to make your stay an enjoyable and unforgettable festival. 预祝比赛圆满成功! 祝所有选手赛出水平、高奏凯歌!谢谢大家! May the race a great success. I wish every contestant a good performance. Thank you all. 发车仪式主持人主持词2尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位车队经理及车手、各位新闻界的朋友、女士们、先生们: 大家早上好! 在这春意浓浓,花香四溢的`日子里,我们又相逢、欢聚在这景色优美、壮丽迷人的魅力东川,又迎来了这一让所有汽车越野运动爱好者欢欣鼓舞的全国体育盛事,第六届中国东川泥石流汽车越野赛—20xx全国越野系列赛“凯通”杯东川站暨中国东川泥石流国际汽车越野邀请赛的发车仪式。 1、请东川区委副书记、东川区人民政府区长田文先生致欢迎词。 2、请东川区人民政府副区长马俊先生介绍赛事基本情况。 3、请中汽联副主席陈学众先生讲话。 4、最后,请昆明市委、区委书记高德明宣布车发车仪式开始。 5、请领导及嘉宾为赛车发车。(发车领导由政府办刘宇确定,车手资料由文体局杜迎玉提供) 在这隆重、热烈的气氛中,我们一起观赏了中国东川泥石流汽车越野赛精彩、刺激、炫目的瞬间,我们一起目睹了赛车模特的美丽。20xx全国汽车越野系列赛“凯通”杯东川站暨中国东川泥石流国际汽车越野邀请赛发车仪式到此结束! 谢谢大家! |
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