The ability to work logically and systematically, with good time management. 系统逻辑思维能力,时间管理能力。 A phase or an aspect of a logically developing process. 契机一个按逻辑发展过程的阶段或方面。 Logically, there was only one course of action open to us. 逻辑上讲,摆在我们面前的只有一条路。 I think they developed their ideas step by step logically. 我觉得他们一步步有逻辑地展开了自己的'观点。 Do the results logically follow from the methods? 由方法产生的结果是否合乎逻辑? 上一篇:mark作为成绩可数吗 下一篇:天津大港大学城有哪些大学 |