标题 | “战争与和平”英文读后感 |
范文 | “战争与和平”英文读后感 导语:《战争与和平》小说通过对安德烈、彼埃尔、娜塔莎三人在1812年俄国卫国战争前后的经历,展示了当时俄国社会的风貌、反映了1805年至1820年间的许多重大历史事件。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语读后感,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! If we say that when I was holding "War and Peace" This book is, with respect mood , then, when I read "War and Peace" this book, I heart it can not be quiet for a long time. Because, before that, on the Russian writer Lev? Tolstoy "War and Peace", I have heard a lot of that today, when I complete the study of "War and Peace" after the novel of the novel and its author had a deeper understand . Russian writer Lev Tolstoy is one of the world no one can almost anywhere else in the a great writer. He literary creation, not only numerous, but the rich genre known as the 19th century social life of Russia encyclopedia as a mirror reflection of the real Russian social life during that period all the contradictions and the great social change. "War and Peace" by Paul, Bezuhov, Rostov, Huaxi in the four noble family in the years of war and peace life for plot clues, vividly demonstrated from 1805 to 1820 inter - Russia Austrian coalition with the French army in Austerlitz battle, the French invasion of Russia, Moscow fire rout the army of Napoleon and a series of important historical events, showing the soldiers patriotism and heroism spirit, extolling the spirit of the Russian people and the people of enemy forces a great victory. Spectacular scenes, structural clarity, with a strong sense of the times. Experience the deepest is that the novel is very vivid characters, rich character. Andrew personality as introverted, strong-willed, strong social activities; Pierreemotional, lack of practical activities, more emphasis on moral ideals pursuit; heroine Natasha is Emotion is a rich, vibrant, loving nature, closer to the people, with national temperament a woman. They defend the homeland, war has been tempered and the growth of the main characters in the image of these have a higher recognize the value and aesthetic value. By Kula payments on behalf of court nobles greed, hypocrisy and degradation personality, has been portrayed by the naked, and carried out a ruthless whipping. I think, "War and Peace" This novels, for me, though a bit esoteric but fresh, but through this study, I do the world's masterpiece of the initial understanding and the desire to learn. 【参考译文】 如果说当我捧着《战争与和平》这本书时,怀着一种心情,那么,当我读《战争与和平》这本书时,我的心早已沉寂不可。因为,在那之前,俄国作家列夫?托尔斯泰《战争与和平》,我今天听了很多,当我完成小说《战争与和平》的研究后,作者对小说有了更深的了解。 俄国作家Lev Tolstoy是世界上几乎没有人可以在任何其他地方的伟大作家。他创作的文学作品,不仅数量众多,而且丰富的体裁被称为第十九世纪俄罗斯社会生活百科全书,反映了当时俄罗斯社会生活的真实矛盾和社会大变革。 战争与和平”的保罗,Bezuhov,Rostov,花溪四个贵族家庭在战争与和平的生活情节线索来,生动地展示了从1805到1820间俄罗斯Austrian联盟与法国军队在奥斯特利茨战役中,法国入侵俄罗斯,莫斯科消防击溃拿破仑军队和一系列重大历史事件,展示了战士们的爱国主义和英雄主义精神,歌颂了俄罗斯人民的精神和人民军队的伟大胜利,敌人。场面壮观,结构清晰,具有强烈的时代感。体验最深的是,小说人物性格十分生动,人物性格丰富。 安得烈性格内向,意志坚强,社会活动强烈;彼埃尔情感丰富,缺乏实践活动,更加注重道德理想的追求;女主人公娜塔莎是一个富有感情、充满活力、热爱自然、亲近人、具有民族气质的女人。他们保卫家园,战争得到了锻炼和成长,在这些人物的形象中有了更高的认识价值和审美价值。由库拉支付法院代表贵族的贪婪、虚伪和堕落的个性,被赤裸裸的描绘,并进行了无情的鞭打。 我认为,《战争与和平》这部小说,对我来说虽然有些深奥但新鲜,但通过这项研究,我对世界名著的初步了解和学习的愿望。 |
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