He hit the other boy again and again as his friends egged him on. 他在朋友的煽动下一次又一次地打了另一个男孩。 Its difficulties appear so great that, however hard we work, we fail again and again. 它的困难似乎如此之大,无论我们多么努力,我们一次又一次地失败。 I've told you again and again not to do that. 我一再告诉过你别干那种事。 He would go over his work again and again until he felt he had it right 他会反复检查自己的工作直到他认为正确为止。 The same changes took place again and again. 同样的变化一再发生。 上一篇:ter后缀的单词50个 下一篇:安徽二本有哪些学校 |