标题 | 时空旅行英语作文 |
范文 | 时空旅行英语作文 在我们平凡的日常里,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的`重要手段。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编为大家收集的时空旅行英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 今年是三○○七年,我又活了一百年,这世界已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。现在全世界都已以和中国结交为荣,中国早已成为了经济与科技最发达的国家了。 This year is 20xx. I have lived for another 100 years. The world has changed dramatically. Now the whole world is proud to make friends with China, which has already become the most developed country in economy and technology. 我用了二百亿人民币买了一架时空机。我将要到时空中去旅游了。可法律上规定只允许穿越到以前,不允许向未来时空走去,否则将处于绞刑。 I bought a space-time machine with 20 billion yuan. I'm going to travel in time and space. But in law, it is only allowed to cross to the past, not to go to the future time and space, otherwise it will be hanged. 我开始穿越了,由于我不精通驾驶技术,一下子就返回到了几百万年前。我看到的全是高山、大树,火山在不停地喷发。我有一种不祥的预感。我觉得后面有许多眼睛盯着我,它们在议论:“唉,这家伙应该用火烤呢,还是白煮?”我一听吓坏了,把马力拉到最高,以超火势行驶。也就这样,我不小心撞了一颗星星,使它偏离了运转轨道,直向地球飞去。这造成了恐龙的灭绝,也许这就是它们想吃我的报应。我又向古代飞去,在时空机上,我随意打开了我用二十元钱买来的《三国演义》。 I started crossing, and because I wasn't proficient in driving, I went back millions of years. All I saw were mountains and trees. The volcano was erupting constantly. I have a bad feeling. I think there are a lot of eyes staring at me at the back. They are talking about: "well, should this guy bake with fire or boil in white?" I was terrified to hear that. I pulled the horsepower to the top and drove in a super fire. In this way, I accidentally hit a star, which deviated from its orbit and flew straight to the earth. This led to the extinction of dinosaurs. Maybe that's what they want for me. I flew to the ancient times again. On the space-time machine, I opened the romance of the Three Kingdoms which I bought for 20 yuan at will. 由于刚才我把机上的窗子撞坏,不小心把这本书掉下去了。最后被一个叫诸葛亮的人拾到了。他把这本书全背熟了,这使他成了有名的军师,百战百胜。因为他早已知道未来的一切。 I accidentally dropped the book because I broke the window on the plane just now. Finally, it was picked up by a man named Zhuge Liang. He memorized the book well, which made him a famous military division, winning every battle. Because he knew everything in the future. |
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