Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. 鸟利用暖气流助飞。 The birds are found in over 70 different localities. 现已发现这种鸟栖息在70多个不同的地区。 The lake is noted as a home to many birds. 这个湖作为许多鸟类的.栖息地而闻名。 The cat was on the wall, watching for birds. 那只猫在墙上伺机捕捉鸟儿。 Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare. 有些曾经随处可见的鸟类现在日益稀少。 上一篇:湖南有什么大专学校名单 下一篇:重点本科 211 |