标题 | 缤纷成就和谐英语作文 |
范文 | 缤纷成就和谐英语作文 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的缤纷成就和谐英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 三人进商店寻解渴之物,喜甜者偏爱果汁,喜淡者选择矿泉水,喜欢又苦又甜者买下咖啡,三种味道不同,但却因不同而和谐―――和而不同方为和谐,若这世上只一种饮料,则不免单调而索然无味。 Three people go to the store to find the thirst quencher. Those who like sweetness prefer juice, those who like lightness prefer mineral water, and those who like bitterness and sweetness buy coffee. The three tastes are different, but they are harmonious because they are different -- harmony is different. If there is only one drink in the world, it is monotonous and tasteless. 缤纷成就和谐,试看暮春三月,鹅柳淡烟的嫩黄,映阶碧草的翠绿,出墙红杏的艳红,卷云时舒的碧空,它们的颜色各不相同,但这又有何妨?“万紫千红总是春”,本来万物都欣然生长的春日就不是由一种色彩来主宰的。不同的是表象,和谐的是本质,缤纷成就的是多彩的丰富,是真正意义的和谐。 Colorful achievements of harmony. In late spring and March, the yellow of goose and willow, the green of green grass, the red of apricot on the wall, the blue sky when the clouds are rolling, their colors are different, but what's the matter? "All colors are always spring", the spring day when all things are growing happily is not dominated by a kind of color. The difference is the appearance, the harmony is the essence, the colorful achievement is the colorful enrichment, is the real meaning of harmony. 轻叩红楼之门,寻那桩百年来曼远悠长的梦,你说《红楼梦》里众相纷芸,钟灵秀丽的女儿如此之多,谁是读者的最爱?从来是众口难调,然而亦从来是雅俗共赏,轻抚着略微卷起的书页,我们仿佛听到,那“我来迟了,不曾迎接远客”的张扬,那“花落人亡两不知”的忧伤,那“这个妹妹,好像哪里见过”的惊喜,那“爱哥哥,爱哥哥”的叫唤,汇成了一曲和谐的乐章,不绝于耳,味之不尽…… Tap on the door of the red chamber to find the dream of a hundred years. You say that there are so many beautiful daughters in the dream of the red chamber. Who is the reader's favorite? It has always been difficult for everyone to speak, but it has also always been the common taste, caressing the slightly rolled up pages, we seem to hear the publicity of "I'm late, I haven't met a distant guest", the sadness of "I don't know when the flowers are falling, I don't know where I've seen this sister", the cry of "love brother, love brother", which has become a harmonious movement, which can never be heard , endless taste 和谐不是一把尺子,硬生生地丈量万物,用同一个标准命令世间万物达成量的一致;和谐是一位总揽全局的决策者,抑或说是指挥家,让万事万物各就其位,让它们演泽真实的自己,成就真正的`和谐。 Harmony is not a ruler, which measures everything forcefully and orders all things in the world to achieve a great deal of consistency with the same standard; harmony is a decision-maker who takes the whole situation as a whole, or a conductor, who makes all things in their own place, makes them perform their real self and achieve real harmony. 千年之前,春秋战国的战乱年代里却上演了空前而惊世的文化盛宴,诸子百家的争鸣之声穿透史册、书卷,穿越时空仍然在耳畔掷地有声;千年之后,蔡元培先生的“不以自己思想来束缚他人,亦不以他人之思想来束缚自己”这一名言震醒了求索中的多少中国人,而“学术自由,兼容并包”的思想又延续至今,令人感佩。 Thousands of years ago, there was an unprecedented and shocking cultural feast in the Warring States period of spring and autumn. The voices of hundreds of schools penetrated through historical records and books, and they were still ringing in their ears through time and space. After thousands of years, Mr. Cai Yuanpei's famous saying "do not fetter others with his own thoughts, and do not fetter himself with others' thoughts" awakened many Chinese people in search, And the thought of "academic freedom, all inclusive" continues to this day, which is impressive. 所以,请尊重不同的看法,不同的选择,请用心去领会并呵护真正的和谐,各个民族的不同风俗习惯,请给予保护;各个地区的不同生活习性,请给予宽容;尊重商店里买不同饮料的人;尊重音像店里买古典音乐或是流行摇滚音乐的顾客……正是每个人的不同特性构成这变幻的多彩的大千世界,没有不同就没有真正的和谐。 So, please respect different views and choices, please carefully understand and care for the real harmony, different customs of different nationalities, please protect; different living habits of different regions, please give tolerance; respect the people who buy different drinks in the store; respect the customers who buy classical music or pop rock music in the store It is the different characteristics of each person that make up this changeable and colorful world. Without difference, there is no real harmony. ―――问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮? Who is the master of ups and downs? ―――缤纷的色彩, -- colorful colors, ―――为何? Why? ―――缤纷成就和谐! -- colorful achievements in harmony! |
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