标题 | 英语日记带翻译爸爸生气了 |
范文 | 英语日记带翻译爸爸生气了 一天的`生活不知不觉间结束了,一定会有值得记录的想法吧,是时候抽出时间写写日记了。是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?下面是小编为大家收集的英语日记带翻译爸爸生气了,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 今天,数学试卷发下来了,我一看,30分,“我滴天啊”我大声叫到,我怎么才考了30分。 Today, the math paper was handed out. When I saw it, it was 30 points. I cried out, “oh my God.” how could I get 30 points in the exam. 中午,我慢慢地走着,手上紧紧握住试卷,心里想:我去同学家里玩,晚点回家吧。一拖再拖,还是走到了家门口,我心里不停地祈祷着:爸爸千万别在家,爸爸千万别在家。我打开了家门,咦!没人在家?我提心吊胆,心里怦怦直跳。此时,门又开了,开门进来的是爸爸,爸爸一进门,看见了我,笑着说:“数学考试考得怎么样啊?”我慢慢地把试卷递给爸爸,爸爸看了脸迅速黑了下来。不一会,爸爸就大发雷霆,大声说:“你是怎么回事,才考这么点分。”举起手就打了我一记耳光。 At noon, I walked slowly, holding the test paper tightly in my hand, thinking: I’ll go to my classmates’ home to play, and go home later. After a long delay, I went to the door. I kept praying in my heart: never stay at home, Dad. I opened the door, eh! No one at home? I was afraid, my heart pounding. At this time, the door opened again. It was dad who opened the door. As soon as Dad came in, he saw me and said with a smile, “how was the math exam?” I slowly handed the paper to Dad. Dad looked at it and quickly turned black. After a while, my father was furious and said loudly, “what’s the matter with you, that’s why you got such a score.” He slapped me in the face when he raised his hand. 我跑回房间,用被子捂着头,大哭起来,不一会我心里想:爸爸工作这么辛苦,而我却天天不认真读书,我真不应该。以后我一定好好学习,考个好成绩回报爸爸。 I ran back to my room, covered my head with a quilt, and burst into tears. After a while, I thought to myself: dad works so hard, but I don’t study hard every day. I really shouldn’t. After that, I will study hard and give my father a good test result. |
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