例句 1、They really like you. 真的是喜欢你。 2、And so that means they need someone like you to lean on. 也就是说他们需要像你这样的人去依赖。 3、Cherish them like you only have one last day with them. 像你仅有最后一天时间和他们呆在一起那样珍视他么。 4、Some probably do, but most are like you and me. 有些也许是这样的,但是大多数人就像我和你。 5、God saves sinners like you and me on one condition. 上帝挽救像你我一样的罪人,只有一个条件。 上一篇:四川理工大学是一本还是二本 下一篇:南京艺术学校是几本大学 |