标题 | 龙舌兰英语作文 |
范文 | 龙舌兰英语作文 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是小编收集整理的龙舌兰英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 我家有一盆非常漂亮的花,叫龙舌兰。 I have a basin of very beautiful flowers called agave. 龙舌兰外形独特,叶子长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像一把把冲天的剑。叶子的中间是绿色的,而且有一道道波纹,真像西瓜皮。叶子的边缘是淡淡的白色,似乎给叶子镶上了一道银边。 The agave has a unique shape. Its leaves are long, sharp and hard. It looks like a powerful sword. The middle of the leaves is green, and there is a ripple. It's really like watermelon skin. The edge of the leaf is light white, which seems to be inlaid with a silver edge. 花盆的一角长出了一棵新芽,它的颜色和老的可不一样了,淡绿色的,旁边的黄色边纹也不明显。用手一摸,哇,新芽的叶子又软又嫩,就像一张小纸片。新生的幼芽就像一个小宝宝,真可爱! A new bud grows in one corner of the flowerpot. Its color is different from that of the old one. The light green one has no obvious yellow edge. Touch with your hand, wow, the leaves of the new buds are soft and tender, just like a piece of paper. The new bud is like a little baby, so lovely! 听妈妈说,龙舌兰不仅可以把我们家装扮得更美丽,而且可以净化空气。如果我们家有被污染的空气,龙舌兰就会把有害气体全都吸掉。我觉得呀,龙舌兰就像是一个吸毒机,有它在,我们家的空气永远都是安全的、清新的。 Listen to my mother, Agave can not only make our home more beautiful, but also purify the air. If there is polluted air in our house, Agave will suck up all the harmful gases. I think agave is like a junkie. With it, the air in our home is always safe and fresh. 龙舌兰真美呀,我喜欢龙舌兰。 Tequila is so beautiful. I like it. |
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