标题 | 快乐的英语作文 |
范文 | 【精华】快乐的英语作文9篇 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编帮大家整理的快乐的英语作文9篇,欢迎大家分享。 快乐的英语作文 篇1Today, Mr. Chen said he would take us to play a game. What's the game on earth? I'm looking forward to it. Everyone was staring at the teacher. The teacher picked up a piece of chalk, drew a straight line on the blackboard, drew a semicircle on it, and drew two circles, which made up the simplest crustacean car. The teacher had to be blindfolded in our eyes so that we could draw a same car. I think: isn't it just a carapace of the same size? It's not hard at all! The game began, and the students were eager to try. I was the first to play. The teacher wrapped my eyes in scarves and gave me a piece of chalk to push me to the blackboard. First I drew a straight line to show the body, and I drew a semicircle to show the roof, and then I drew two circles. After the painting, I heard the students laughing. What's up? What did I draw? I hurried to unlock the scarf. I saw that the tires I had painted were very small. I did not touch the roof, and the two tires were tightly together, like two balloons. I was also laughed at by my "masterpiece". Another classmate play, the teacher cast a scarf to him, gave him a piece of chalk, the students with vigorous strides toward the blackboard, waved his hand and finished, he immediately untied the scarf, painting their own cars like three potatoes together, immediately burst into laughter. In the game continues, some tyres have been tires into the car, some tyres have flatten the cars, and all the tires have left the car for a journey. It's fun to draw a car game, and it brings us a lot of happiness! 快乐的英语作文 篇2At the weekend, my mother took me and my sister to visit Rugao park. Enter the gate of the park, not far from the ear and then came the "squelch" sound of water, but also from time to time, came the laughter of visitors. We got to go on. Which know, a bridge to cross in front of us, walk on wobbly, really a bit nervous, I hold on both sides of the rope, buried his head forward, behind the sister from time to time issued "ah, ah" scream, we managed to cross the bridge to the playground. The amusement park project can be really a lot of it: space vehicles, space shuttle, pirate ship, bumper car...... I was dazzled. Let's play the space vehicle, the space vehicle run faster like an arrow, a "toot toot" sound to the steep, voice and my ear, only the "toot" sound. Over the space vehicle, my sister and I also played a bumper car, sister had not opened to a bumper car, while East to west, so we were happy and happy with a collision...... Finally, when we came to the brave envoy, this challenging project, my sister and I climbed the high altitude rope and reached the highest peak, enjoying the happiness of victory. Back when we passed through the woods, the woods came from the "Twitter" "JOJO" "quack" sound of the birds, it seems to me the warm greetings. It's really fun today. I really hope to do this every week! 快乐的英语作文 篇3I am a happy flower.I am a beautiful peach flower.In spring,I wake up and open,I see the nice scenery in the village.We have many friends in the trees,we are pink and white.And the birds set their house in the trees.The trees are not tall, we can see many flowers waving hands at me.So I shake hands with them,too. In summer,I am not a flower,I grow up a peach,I am very happy,because when people eating me,they are happy,and I am happy,too. 快乐的英语作文 篇4Why am I so unlucky? Why things are always getting worse? Why God never favor me? Every time when I hear things like these, I just keep silent, for we couldn t get anything in complain, and then I learn to be appreciated. One day I stayed in a condition where I just felt nervous or worse, be mad. I only looked forward to finding a hole and hided myself. Maybe I am too fragile ,easy to be hurt .When I stayed in a corner and was so scared, a friend of mine came to me ,and said : In this world, nothing can daunt us, in addition to our own. Anyway, I will stand by you. I just cried but didn t realize how it would influence me in the future. We always complain blindly, not knowing much happiness flows. There are many things we couldn t predict, and we don t know how tomorrow will be. However, cherish what you have now and things would be better. 快乐的英语作文 篇5Fun is what we experience during an act, happiness is what we experience after an act. The latter is a deeper, more abiding emotion. Watching a movie or television is fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends. The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness, but in fact, the opposite is tree. More often than not, things that lead to happiness involves some pain. It seems no fun undertaking some hard work, but when you finish it successfully, you will feel happy. The moment we understand that fun does not necessarily bring happiness, we began to lead our lives differently. We should not merely seek fun in life, but try to pursue happiness even if we may undergo pains and difficulties. 快乐的英语作文 篇6When the summer holiday came, my cousin and I went to Huamei International School and joined the English and Art Camp. The camp lasted for three weeks. We had many interesting activities. I enjoyed them so much, and I was always happy. I made more new friends there too. I like studying and playing with them very much and I think they were very friendly. Our classroom, bedroom and canteen were all very comfortable. They are not only bright, but also tidy and clean. The food in the canteen was also very delicious and healthy. I enjoyed the school food a lot. The teachers loved us very much and they took good care of us. I like the life in Huamei International School. 快乐的英语作文 篇7星期四上午,壹位来自加拿大得老师给我们上了壹节快乐得英语课。上课铃响了,这位长着满头金发得外籍老师走进了我们班得教室。同学兴奋极不已,热情地向老师问好,教室里热闹极了!课堂上,同学们聚精会神,老师教得每壹个字母,我们都认真地读,老师说得每壹句话,我们都认真地听。这节课,老师教了我们“笑”、“哭”、“想”等很多英语动词,还教我们给单词配上了有趣得动作,我们很感兴趣,每个人都学得津津有味。不知不觉,下课得时间到了。老师动情地大声对全班同学说:“iloveyou!”可同学们都舍不得这位英语老师,簇拥着老师离开教室。我希望下个星期快点到来,再壹次见到这位漂亮得外国老师,再上那快乐得英语课。 快乐的英语作文 篇8“妈妈,你什么要我学英语?”五岁的女儿在去英语学校的路上,一本正经地问我。我正在思考晚上一个重要的专访的事情,因此心不在焉地作答:“这个你还不明白吗?”女儿抬起头,眼睛直视着我说:“难道就因为英国比我们强大,我们就要学习他们的语言吗?”“什么?”我惊讶地看着女儿。“妈妈,你知道吗?现在也有很多外国人在学习我们的汉语呢!”女儿一板一眼地继续她的话题,“那你为什么还要我学英语,而且要学的最好呢?” 我不禁暗自感慨:眼前这个小脑袋里竟然在思索这么深奥的问题?我可不能等闲视之,一定要给女儿一个圆满的答案。告诉她我们要学好英语以便学习国外先进的技术,为中国的繁荣昌盛而努力;告诉她熟练地掌握英语,可以更好地与外国人交流沟通,增广见闻,就像《天方夜谭》中那个能听懂动物说话的人一样“万能”;还是说多学一门语言就是增长了一项技能,如同游戏中的主人公又得到了一个克敌致胜的法宝……思之再三,我反问女儿,“你长大以后不是想周游世界吗?而英语是世界上广泛使用的语言,如果不学好英语,你怎么去啊?”“对啊!你说的`对!我要像格列佛那样周游世界,不会英语怎么行?而且到那个时候,我还要教他们说汉语呢!”女儿心满意足地朝我点点头说。 目送女儿蹦蹦跳跳地走进教室的时候,我在心里对女儿说:“妈妈之所以没有给你讲那么多形而上的道理,是因为妈妈觉得:其实学好一种语言,首先是为自己的心灵打开了一扇窗,让我们可以看到、听到、感受到外面的精彩世界。我希望你能够把学习英语当作一件快乐的事情来做,而且我也并不要求你去‘考级’!”然而,真的可以快乐学习吗? “这么简单,你都不会?好好说,如果再不会,你今天晚上就甭想看《比克曼的世界》(儿童科普片)了!”先生一副恨铁不成钢的样子,给女儿下了“最后通牒”。原来,淘气贪玩的小女儿在英语课上专心致志地玩遍了身边所有可以玩的东西,所以回家后只好让先生加班加点地给她补课。本来小孩子注意力不集中是常有的事情,我们并没有责怪她。但是,在补课的时候,她依然东张西望的样子终于惹恼了先生…… “This is my father。”女儿抗议似的大声说。“你这不是说的很好吗?我不跟你急,你就不好好说!”先生无奈地说。“哈哈!小淘气!”女儿开始志得意满地自我“表扬”。如此较量了几个回合,先生“悲壮”地说:“这究竟是谁教谁英语呢?她倒是快乐了,我可是被她整惨了!”我同情地安慰先生,“老师说她最近表现得不错,已经能够不乱动东西了,就是还有点‘走神’。我们慢慢来吧,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的!”“是啊,冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”小女儿摇头晃脑地在一旁补充。 快乐的英语作文 篇9这学期我报名参加了英语培训班,每个星期上课一次,学的是《彩虹与风筝》,还有《迪士尼英语》。 我们班上有七个同学,他们是Mini、Ami、ken、Tony、Wendy、Anna,还有我,我的英文名字叫Mary。同学中Mini给我的印象最深刻,他的年龄最小,上课的时候常常要让他的妈妈坐在旁边陪着,玩游戏的时候他会经常跑到教室外面去,惹得我们哄堂大笑!还有Tony和Wendy,他们两个上课的时候老是吵架,老师经常让我坐在他们两个中间,这样他们就不吵架了。通过一个学期的相处,大家都成了好朋友! 为了让大家上课认真听讲,同时做好课前的复习、预习,老师在课上要求我们用英语回答问题,答对问题的小朋友就可以加分。下课的时候我们就按照分数的高低来拿礼品。这个学期我经常拿冠军,校长还请我和其他班的冠军一起吃饭呢! 通过一个学期的英语学习,我学会了用英语问候、自我介绍、讲小故事……我发现我挺喜欢上英语课的。下学期我一定要继续努力,周周拿冠军,让他们羡慕去吧! |
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