标题 | 电影《火星救援》里的经典台词句子 |
范文 | 电影《火星救援》里的经典台词句子 导语:大家有没有看最近热映的科幻影片《火星救援》(The Martian)?小编看完之后,最突出的想法就是,崇拜所有掌握了物理和化学知识的理科生,在困境下,他们总能用科学的方法求救或自救。当然了,团队之间的协作也是必不可少的。下面是由YJBYS文学网小编J.L为您整理的电影《火星救援》里的经典台词句子,更多杂文欢迎访问文学网。 It's space. It doesn't cooperate. I guarantee you that at some point, everything's going to go south on you. You're going to say, 'This is it. This is how I end.' Now you can either accept that, or you can get to work. 这里是太空。太空不会主动配合你。我可以很肯定地告诉你,在某些时刻,发生在你身上的每件事都会很糟糕。你可能会说:就这样了,我可能就这样完蛋了。”现在,你要么接受这个现实等死,要么就开始动手想办法。 No matter what happens, tell the world, tell my family that I never stopped fighting to make it home. 无论发生什么,告诉全世界,告诉我的家人,我一直在努力想办法回家。 If I want water, I'll have to make it from scratch. Fortunately, I know the recipe: Take hydrogen. Add oxygen. Burn. 如果我需要水,我就得自己造。幸好,我知道造水的配方:来点儿氢气,加点儿氧气,再把它们点燃。 It's a strange feeling. Everywhere I go, I'm the first. Step outside the rover? First guy ever to be there! Climb a hill? First guy to climb that hill! Kick a rock? That rock hadn't moved in a million years! I'm the first guy to drive long-distance on Mars. The first guy to spend more than thirty-one sols on Mars. The first guy to grow crops on Mars. First, first, first! 这感觉很奇特。无论我走到哪里,我都是第一个。踏出火星车,第一个涉足此地的家伙!爬上一座火星山?史上第一人!踢走一块石头?那块石头可能已经有100万年没有动过地方了!我是第一个在火星上开长途车的人。第一个在火星上待了超过31个太阳日的人。第一个在火星上种庄稼的人。什么都是第一,第一,第一! They say once you grow crops somewhere, you have officially colonized it. So, technically, I colonized Mars. In your face, Neil Armstrong! 他们说,你要是在一个地方种了庄稼,那里就算是你的殖民地了。所以,从技术上来说,我把火星变成了我的殖民地。你牛什么啊,阿姆斯特朗! Every human being has a basic instinct: to help each other out. If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people will coordinate a search. If a train crashes, people will line up to give blood. If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world will send emergency supplies. This is so fundamentally human that it's found in every culture without exception. Yes, there are assholes who just don't care, but they're massively outnumbered by the people who do. 人类都有本能,会互相帮助。有人爬山时迷路了,会有人组织搜救。火车出事故了,人们会排着队去献血。有城市被地震夷为平地,全世界的人都会输送应急物资。这是基本的人性,全球各地无一例外,都是这样。没错,是会有一些不顾他人死活的混蛋,但是,关心他人的人要比这些混蛋多得多。 *Language Tips* Go south: 如果说某件事go south,意思就是事情发展得不顺利,出了岔子。比如,影片中的Mark想要自己用氢气和氧气造水,结果发生了爆炸。 Make something from scratch: 从无到有,自己制造某样东西。From scratch是从零开始”的意思,在描述一些人的创业历程时,我们经常会说某人created the company from scratch,其实就是白手起家”的意思。 In your face: 字面意思是当着某人的面,在这里其实就是跟第一个登上月球的阿姆斯特朗说:我都登上火星了,你登上月球算什么啊!”有点挑战的意思。 |
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