They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side. 他们虚晃一招,然后集中兵力攻打敌方最坚固的阵线。 The volunteers were fortified by their patriotic belief. 爱国信念更加坚定了志愿者们的信心。 The tower is a relic of grim days when big houses had to be fortified against invaders. 这座塔是那些灰暗岁月的.遗迹,那时大房子不得不被加固,以抵御侵略者。 The position of that country was fortified by economic recovery. 该国的地位因经济复苏而得到加强。 上一篇:男生就业前景比较好的专业 下一篇:以ing为名词后缀的单词 |