标题 | 一步与一生英语作文 |
范文 | 一步与一生英语作文 在我们平凡的日常里,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。你所见过的作文是什么样的.呢?下面是小编精心整理的一步与一生英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 建安六年,司马懿同张颌引兵数万,来拒我师。丞相恐其夺街亭,断我咽喉之道,故欲出兵把守。吾因请往斩贼杀敌,为蜀效忠。 In the six years of Jian'an, Sima Yi led tens of thousands of soldiers with Zhang jaw to refuse our division. The prime minister was afraid of robbing the pavilion and cutting my throat, so he wanted to send troops to guard. I ask you to kill the enemy and be loyal to Shu. 时军中有历经百战之魏延、高翔,勇猛难挡之赵云、邓芝,谨慎善谋之王平诸将,而丞相见吾言恳心切,更立军令状,竟以此重任托付于吾,吾大喜之。 At that time, there were Zhao Yun and Deng Zhi, who had gone through hundreds of battles, Gao Xiang, who were brave and hard to resist, and Wang Ping, who was cautious and good at planning. However, when Cheng met me, he was sincere and sincere, and set up a military order, and entrusted me with this important task. I was very happy. 及至街亭,吾自以为是,傲慢不逊,不听王平之良言忠谏,舍要道而屯军山上。孰料司马懿得知,遣大军愤然来攻,复断吾汲水之道,纵火焚山,大乱吾军。吾军疲于奔命,或死或降,大败。此时思之,吾心犹寒矣! When I arrived at the kiosk, I thought I was right and arrogant. I didn't listen to Wang Ping's good advice. I gave up the main road and stationed troops on the mountain. According to Sima Yi, he sent a large army to attack angrily, cut off the way to draw water, set fire to the mountain, and made a mess of our army. Our army is fatigued, dead or down, defeated. At this time, my heart is still cold! 古人云:“一失足成千古恨。”信然! The ancients said, "a slip of foot is a everlasting hate." Believe it! 想当初,关公驰骋沙场,攻无不克,战无不胜,戎马一生,却终败走麦城,惨遭杀戮。何也?岂曰关公不善战,抑或不勇猛耶?非也,人皆强而骄,弱而奋,关公亦然。 At the beginning, Guan Gong galloped on the battlefield, conquered and invincible. In his whole life, he was defeated and killed in Mecheng. Why not? Is it that Guan Gong is not good at war or brave? No, people are strong and arrogant, weak and diligent, so is Guan Gong. 街亭一战,吾自行其是,傲慢骄横,重蹈关公之覆辙也。今违丞相节度,举动失宜,以致败军折将,失地陷城,罪不容诛。此乃一步行之有蹇,今生恨之无穷也! In the first World War of kiosks, I was arrogant and arrogant, and I went through the same mistakes as Guan Gong. Today, the prime minister's actions are inappropriate, which leads to the defeat of the army and the defeat of the general, and the loss of land and the fall of the city. This is a walk of the heart, this life hate infinite also! 吾深知大行之期不远矣,人言“鸟之将死,其鸣也哀;人之将亡,其言也善”,吾今将肺腑之言相告,望蜀之谋臣武将戒之,切勿因饱读军书,熟谙战法而纸上谈兵,草莽行事;勿倚卒多士强而狂妄自重,轻敌不备。正所谓“满招损,谦受益”,当时时勉之。 I know that the time of great action is not far away. People say that "birds will die, and their voices will be sad; people will die, and their words will be good." now I will tell them from the bottom of my heart. I hope that the military generals in Shu will not talk on paper and act recklessly because they are full of reading military books, familiar with the tactics of war; do not rely on the strength of many soldiers and arrogant self-respect, and neglect the enemy unprepared. The so-called "full loss, modest benefit", when Mianzhi. 吾一生东征西战,积于今,杀敌无数,于国于民已无怨矣。然今天下大势未定,吾“—着不慎,满盘皆输”,将魂归黄泉,此乃吾平生之大憾也。幸诸葛丞相运筹帷幄,料事如神,蜀之将卒可尽信之,切莫违其节度。 In my whole life, I fought in the East, accumulated in the present, killed countless enemies, and there was no resentment in the country and the people. However, the general situation of the world is not yet determined. I "lose everything by accident" and return my soul to the yellow spring, which is my great regret in my life. Fortunately, the prime ministers of Zhuge have masterminded strategies and masterminded things like gods. The generals of Shu can believe them and never disobey them. 世事难料,诸君当居安思危,临危不惧,切不可一步重蹈吾之覆辙而遗恨终生。蜀营卧虎藏龙,英才辈出,若戮力同心,则一统天下,兴复汉室指日可待矣!如此,吾虽死亦含笑九泉矣。 It's hard to know that you should think of the danger in safety and never be afraid of the danger. You should never repeat our mistakes one step at a time. There are many outstanding talents in Shu camp. If we work together, we will be able to unify the whole country and revive the Han Dynasty. In this way, I will die with smile. 罪人:马谡 Sinner: Ma Su |
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