标题 | 中考英语优秀作文 |
范文 | 中考英语优秀作文 中考英语作文范例:我的班主任 题目:请以“My Class Teacher”为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。 My Class Teacher 我的班主任 My class teacher is Mr. Wang. He is strict but kind. He has taught us Chinese for two years. 我的班主任是王老师,他是一个要求严格而亲切的老师。他已经教了我们两年语文。 He always tells us to study hard but not all the time. Sometimes he plays with us. He says, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." I think he is a good class teacher. 他总是告诉我们要好好学习,但不是时时刻刻学习。有时他会和我们一起玩。他说:“只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。” 我觉得他是个很好的班主任。 点评:这篇文章取材的是身边熟悉的人,作者也有东西可写,更具有可读性。另外,写人时把主语稍作调整,读起来轻松多了。 I am a 15-year-old girl. My name is [ename]Cherry[/ename]. Now I am studying in the middle school. I want to be an actress because I think it is a funny and exciting job... 写人的常见句式如: This is my friend, Mary. She is... years old. She is a teacher/ an artist/ a singer... She/ He gets up at 6/5... / early/ late. She/ He has sports at school. She/ He likes... She/ He is strong/ fat/ slim/ kind/ thin/... She/ He looks like... She/ He is good at English/ maths/ Chinese/ physics... 中考英语作文范例:给姚明的信 You are one of the fans of Yao Ming. Please write a letter to him. 题目:假设你是姚明的球迷,试着给他写封信。 参考作文 Dear Yao Ming, 亲爱的姚明: How are you these days? 你最近好吗? You are a bit surprised to get this letter. You don't know me but I know you. I am your fan. I have collected lots of information about you. When you left Shanghai, I felt a little sad. I've been missing you all the time. But NBA is really a good place for a wonderful basketball player like you. You've made the right choice. 收到这封信你一定觉得很惊讶。你不认识我,但我知道你。我是你的球迷,我收集了你的很多信息。当你离开上海时,我有点儿难过。我很想念你。不过对于一个优秀篮球运动员来说,NBA确实是个很棒的地方,你的选择很正确。 How about your wound? Do you still feel pain? Take good care of yourself and I do hope to see you win each match in the coming year. 你的伤怎么样了?是不是还很痛?好好照顾自己,希望你来年能赢得每一场比赛。 Yours 你的 Weiwei 魏伟 中考英语作文范例:上海的变化 题目:请以“Changes in Shanghai"为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。 Changes in Shanghai 1 300年前的上海 2 上海的今天(东方明珠、金茂大厦) 3 上海的明天(2010年的世博会) 参考作文 Shanghai was a small town three hundred years ago. There were only a few thousand people living here. Many of them were fishermen and farmers. 300年前,上海只是个小镇,只有几千人居住在这里,其中很多人是渔民和农民。 Today, Shanghai is becoming an international city. Many tall building have been built. Some bridges have been put up over the Huangpu River. More and more foreigners come to Shanghai for a visit every day. 今天,上海已变成一座国际大都市,并建成了很多高楼大厦。黄浦江上架起了很多桥梁。每天都有越来越多的外国人前来旅游。 Shanghai has already won the bid for holding the World Expo 2010. I think the environment will be better and better and the city will be more and more beautiful. 上海已经取得了2010年世博会的举办权,我相信上海的环境会越来越好,并且越来越美丽。 点评:虽然2010年世博会已经结束,但关于城市发展的话题依然热烈,除了上海,像广州、北京、深圳等大城市也有可能是考试的热点。 中考英语作文范例:通知的翻译 假如你陪你校的外籍教师Smith先生去音乐厅听音乐,在门口的布告栏里看见一张观众须知,内容如下: 观众须知 1、一人一票,凭票入场; 2、场内严禁吸烟; 3、食品和饮料请勿带进场内; 4、演出时请勿照相; 5、演出时请勿使用传呼机和移动电话; 6、提前30分钟入场。 Smith先生不懂中文,他很想知道布告栏里写着什么。现在,请你把观众须知的内容用英语告诉Smith先生,并把要讲的话写出来。 Mr. Smith, it is a notice to the audience. It says that we should enter the concert hall 30 minutes earlier before the concert starts. Entrance to the hall is by ticket only, each one each ticket. 史密斯先生,这是一则观众须知。上面说我们应该在音乐会开始前30分钟入场,每人凭票进入。 As a rule, food or drink should not be taken into the hall. Of course, smoking is not allowed in the hall either. 按照规定,食品和饮料不得带进场内,吸烟也是不允许的。 Please don't bring your digital camera with you because no photos can be taken during the concert. And what is more, beepers and mobile phones must be off during the concert. 请不要携带数码相机入内,因为场内严禁拍照。另外,音乐会期间,传呼机和手机必须关闭。 点评:文章的用词和句式有一定的难度,特别是关联词的运用,如of course,as a rule,and what is more使文章读起来朗朗上口,层层紧扣,环环递进,体现了作者较高的写作技巧和水平。 中考英语作文范例:保护环境是我们的义务 题目:请以”It's Our Duty To Protect Our Environment”为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。 It's Our Duty To Protect Our Environment 保护环境是我们的义务 It's our duty to protect our environment. Where do we live? The earth. The earth is the only one place we live in. So you know how important the environment is. 保护环境是我们的义务。我们居住在哪里?地球。地球是我们唯一居住的地方,所以可想而知环境对于我们的重要性。 But now, some people are harming the environment, like cutting down trees, drawing pictures on public walls, littering onto the ground. It's terrible if we still do it. 但是现在,很多人都在破坏环境,比如砍伐树木,在公共墙壁上乱涂乱画,随地扔垃圾。如果我们继续这样下去是非常可怕的。 Now, it's time for all the people in the society to protect the environment. It's our duty. It needs each of us to make a contribution to improving the environment. We should make our environment more and more beautiful. 现在,是人们保护环境的时候了,这是我们的义务,我们都要为改善环境做贡献,我们应该努力让我们的环境变得更好。 点评:作者多用学过的词语,不但保证了正确,还巩固了所学的知识,并且注意句型的多样化,如长句、短句、疑问句,使用了“if,so,now,but”等词,整篇文章读起来朗朗上口。实际上,写文章就像串珠子,连接词就在于把一个个单词串起来。 议论文常用的句型有: 1、论点: Computer is important. We must learn English well. It's very important for us to... In my opinion... 2、论证过程常用一些衔接词可使文章读起来流畅、紧凑。如: Firstly, ... Secondly, ... Lastly, ... Above all, ... 等。 3、结尾强调观点,最好用不同的句型来表达相同的观点,如: So we must... So it's very important for us to... I believe... We should... 中考英语作文范例:树为什么重要 题目:请以"Why Are Trees Important"为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。 Why Are Trees Important 树为什么重要 Trees are very important to us. Do you know why? Let me tell you. 树对于我们非常重要,你知道为什么吗?让我来告诉你吧。 Trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and make oxygen. That's important. People and animals need oxygen to live. Many small animals and s live in the trees. Some of them also get food from trees. Trees can also stop water and soil from going away. If we have a lot of trees, we stop deserts from being large. I think this is very important. You know, trees are green. They can make our country even more beautuful. 树木可以吸收二氧化碳,并释放氧气,这非常重要。人类和动物需要依靠氧气生存。很多小动物和昆虫居住在树里,有些从树里获取食物。树木还可以防止水土流失。如果我们有很多树就可以阻止沙漠扩大。我认为这非常重要。众所周知,树是绿色的,它们能使我们的国家更加美丽。 Trees are our good friends. We should plant more trees and take good care of them. 树是我们的好朋友。我们应该种更多的树,并好好照料它们。 点评:文章先阐明观点,接着论证,最后重申自己的观点。 |
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