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标题 疯狂英语演讲稿




Yesterday was Father's Day。 I had planned to give my father a present。 ButI didn't remember it until in the morning。It was too late to post a card to him。So I decided to buy something。 When I was in the department store。 I found itwas not easy for me to choose something right for him。

Suddenly I got an idea。 I ran home and opened my puter。 I made a beautifulcard and mailed him through the Internet。 then I began to make supper。 Whenfather came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table。 then I askedhim to check his e-mail。 He was amazed to find a beautiful card in hise-mail-box。

What a wonderful surprise!


now of course, this does not mean that we should all stop collaborating __ and case in point, is steve wozniak famously ing together with steve jobs to start apple puter __ but it does mean that solitude matters and that for some people it is the air that they breathe. and in fact, we have known for centuries about the transcendent power of solitude. it's only recently that we've strangely begun to forget it. if you look at most of the world's major religions, you will find seekers __ moses, jesus, buddha, muhammad __ seekers who are going off by themselves alone to the wilderness where they then have profound epiphanies and revelations that they then bring back to the rest of the munity. so no wilderness, no revelations. this is no surprise though if you look at the insights of contemporary psychology. it turns out that we can't even be in a group of people without instinctively mirroring, mimicking their opinions. even about seemingly personal and visceral things like who you're attracted to, you will start aping the beliefs of the people around you without even realizing that that's what you're doing. and groups famously follow the opinions of the most dominant or charismatic person in the room, even though there's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas __ i mean zero. so ... (laughter) you might be following the person with the best ideas, but you might not. and do you really want to leave it up to chance? much better for everybody to go off by themselves, generate their own ideas freed from the distortions of group dynamics, and then e together as a team to talk them through in a well-managed environment and take it from there.


The Definition of a Gentleman


Hence it is, that it is almost a definition of a gentleman, to say he is one who never inflicts pain. This description is both refined and, as far as it goes, accurate. He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him; and he concurs with their movements rather than takes the initiative himself. His benefits may be considered as parallel to what are called forts or conveniences in arrangements of a personal nature: like an easy chair or a good fire, which do their part in dispelling cold and fatigue, though nature provides both means of rest and animal heat without them. 一个人行事而不给他人招致痛苦,则于君子之义相去无几。上面这话既不失为雅正,而所指范围也极为确切。他致力于为他周围的人解除行动障碍,使其行事自由自在;他总是与周围的人行动一致,而不是抢占风头。而他所能给予的帮助也多少带有主人待客的性质,即在照顾他人时,尽量使其舒适方便:仿佛安乐椅之能为人解乏或一团炉火之能为人祛寒;虽说没有这些,自然仍能予人以其他休息与取暖之法。

He is never mean or little in his disputes, never takes unfair advantage, never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments or insinuates evil which he dare not say out. From a long sighted prudence, he observes the maxim of the ancient sage, that we should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend. He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults, he is too well employed to remember injuries, and too engaged to bear malice. He is patient, tolerant, and resigned, on philosophical principles; he submits to pain, because it is inevitable, to the death of family members, because it is irreparable, and to death, because it is his destiny. If he engages in controversy of any kind, his disciplined intellect preserves him from the blundering discourtesy of better, though less educated minds; who, like blunt weapons, tear and hack instead of cutting clean, who mistake the point in argument, waste their strength on trifles, misconceive their adversary, and leave the question more involved than they find it. 在与人辩论时他丝毫也不鄙吝偏狭,既不无道理地强占上风,也不把个人意气与尖刻词语当成论据,或在不敢明言时恶毒暗示。他目光远大,慎思熟虑,每每以古代哲人的格言为自己的行动准则,即我们之对待仇人,须以异日争取其做友人为目标。他深明大义,故不因受辱而生气,他事务繁忙,故不暇对毁镑置念,他尽有他事可做,故再无精力对人怀抱敌意。他耐心隐忍逆来顺受,而这样做都以一定的.哲理为根据;他甘愿吃苦,因为痛苦不可避免;他甘愿忍受失去家人的孤独,因为这事无法挽回;他甘愿直面死亡,因为这是他的必然命运。如果他涉入任何问题之争,他那训练有素的头脑总不致使他出现一些也许比他更聪明但却缺乏教养的人所常犯的那种失检无礼的缺点;这类人仿佛一把钝刀那样,只知乱砍一通,但却不中要害,他们往往把辩论的要点弄错,把气力虚抛在一些琐碎细节上面,并且对自己的对手并不理解,反而把问题弄得愈加复杂。

He may be right or wrong in his opinion, but he is too clear headed to be unjust; he is as simple as he is forcible, and as brief as he is decisive. Nowhere shall we find greater candor, consideration, indulgence: he throws himself into the minds of his opponents, he accounts for their mistakes. He knows the weakness of human reason as well as its strength, its province and its limits. 他的看法有时正确有时错误,但由于头脑极为清醒,故颇能避免不公;在他身上,我们充分见到了气势、淳朴、果断、简练。在他身上,坦率、周到、宽容得到了最充分的体现:他对自己对手的心情最能体贴入微,对他们的错误也能找到原因。他对人类的理性不仅能识其长,亦能识其短,既知其领域范围,又颇知其不足。


Zoos should be banned.

Nowadays, lots of people start to realize that zoos are not a good place for animals. People need zoos because it is an easy way to close the animals and also because it's convenient for people to observe them. However, zoos are in fact a cruel place for animals. Animals should live in their natural habitat. An animal's natural instinct is to run and to hunt. But that's not for animals kept in zoos. Everyday, people feed them. They've never been taught how to hunt for food and will gradually lose their natures. That will be quite cruel for a animal, especially for wild animals such as tigers and lions. You can often find in zoos that a tiger kept in cage has a loose expression in its face.We set animals in zoos and therefore feel that they won't meet danger and may be able to protect them from dying out. This may be just a excuse we find for ourselves to make animals in cages just as entertainment. We always say animals are our friends, then why we put our friends in cages?


DREAMA word that has changed the world

Hello,everybody !it is my great honor to be here to share my idea with you .Today,I will talk something about DREAMA word that has changed the world . “What do you think is the word that has really changed our world ”

When I was asked about this question for the first time ,without thinking it too much ,a word flash into my mind DREAM ,D-R-E-A-M.People more or less dream about different things ,to be a teacher ,a doctor ,a scientist ,a businessman and so on .All these people who have dreams should be respected ,because Dreams make the world go around .We grow great by our dreams.All big men are great dreamers in their youth.Everyone has a dream ,and everything starts as one’s daydream. Martin Luther king had a dream.He desired for a future where blacks and whites would coexist harmoniously as equals.By speaking the way he did,he educated,he inspired,he informed not just the people there,but people throughout America and unborn generations.He pushed forward the pace of American black society towards the racial equality . Thomas Edison had a dream.He dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity,began where he stood to put his dream into action,and despite more than ten thousand failures,he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality!And today,his dream lights up the world at night. Walt Disney had a dream.This,in itself,wasn't unusual __ he was always dreaming.He dreamed of making the first animated feature film,and of building an amusement park that parents could enjoy right along with their kids.Walt Disney empowered his dream and today,Disneyland,Disney world and Disney theme parks attract around the world thrill millions of visitors each and every year. John F.kennedy had a dream.He wanted to land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth so as to restore faith in the American way of life.John F.kennedy empowered his dream and 8 years later Neil Armstrong stepped on the face of the moon.The moon landing certainly gave Americans new found confidence. Dream __ A word that has changed the world Yes ,I would say so ,wouldn’t you

Youth is a special life relay station ,the growth with the worry ,the life feeling e aware happily with the dream ,collected a unique youth melody in here . We decide.We choose.And as we decide and choose,so are our lives formed.In the end,forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.And most importantly ,You are the one you choose to be. It is easy to waste our lives ,our days ,our minutes .It is easy to exist than living .So hold fast to your dreams,For if dreams die,life is a broken-winged bird,That cannot fly.Hold fast to your dreams,For when dreams go,life is a barren field,Frozen with snow. 梦__一个改变世界的词

大家好!我很荣幸能在这里和大家分享我的想法,今天我将谈论一个关于梦想的东西__一个改变世界的词。 “你认为什么是真正改变了我们世界的这个词呢”



爱迪生托马斯做了一个梦,他梦见一个能用电来供电的电灯,他开始在那里站着把自己的梦想付诸行动,尽管有一万多个失败,他站在那一个梦中,直到他成为现实!今天,他的梦想照亮了世界。 沃尔特迪士尼有一个梦想,这一点,在它本身并不寻常,他一直在做梦,他梦想制作第一部动画电影,并建设一个娱乐公园,父母可以享受与他们的孩子。


梦__一个改变世界的话是的,我会这样说,是不是你 青春是一个特殊的生命接力站,随着烦恼的成长,生活的感觉变得与梦的幸福感,在这里收集了一个独特的青春旋律。 我们决定,我们选择,并且当我们决定和选择,我们的生活也在我们的生活中,最终形成我们自己的命运是什么样的野心是什么,最重要的是,你是你选择的那个人。



Dream, with each one of us.

Dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heart the most beautiful expectations, so the dream also e our long-held beliefs. Dream is the sun, it makes people from impetuous to solid, from the hesitation to the firm, and on the road to success. Dream is powerful, it is the life source of forward momentum; Lofty dreams can inspire a life all potential. Because of this we will go to dream, to grasp the dream, the pursuit of dreams. And because of country's dream is the one people's little dream, is not affected by big dream small dreams, but just because one little dream realization and achievement of the establishment of the great dream, why not? My dream, our dream, to improve the Chinese dream. To you the day of my dreams to realize, is standing at the time of China.


Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges Good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to e a teacher. As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don’t expect plete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life. I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction. I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of ic and cartoon away. They could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. That’s the real munication of heart to heart. I have the belief that my dreams should e true. I am looking forward to some day ing when I am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.


On New Year's Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap. Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted our, “The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn.” The hall After that, they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:“The dog stands out among a group of chickens.”

Then we all sang and played games until it was eleven o'clock at night. The old man on night watch came to turn off the lights. We had to tear ourselves away from the party. From this activity, I discovered that many of our classmates are really talented singers.


A Loving Gentleness


Do you know what a loving gentleness is like? Have you had a taste of it or shown it to others? 知道什么是爱的温柔吗?你曾经感受过它或者让他人感受过吗?

Surely you can get some idea of it from swallows under the eaves. They show it when they are busy flying to and fro to feed their nestlings. You can see it from the moon shedding cool light over the scorched land so that it es fortable. You can also feel it when you listen to the clock ticking steadily, so considerate as not to disturb a sweet dream. Again you can find it in the heart of a young girl. She is charming because of her loving tenderness. 当然,你可以从屋檐下的燕子身上对爱的温柔有一些感悟,当它们匆匆忙忙地飞来飞去哺育巢中的雏鸟时,它们就显示出了这种温柔。你可以从月光上看到这种温柔,它清泠的光辉映照在枯黄的大地上,让人感觉到舒适。在聆听钟表有条不紊的嘀答声时,你也可以感觉到它,那声音如此体贴,不忍惊醒任何一个甜美的梦。你也可以在年轻女孩的心中发现它,由于爱的温柔,她变得魅力四射。

It's also a picture of loving tenderness for a youngster playing a pampered child in his or her mother' lap. But later, the person is so much changed by fate that tenderness is gone together with values of life. Some people are born uncouth. But tossed by life's storms they e gentle and good-humored unexpectedly, like mushrooms sprouting from the root of the tree of life. 在妈妈膝下撒娇的孩子也是一幅温柔的图画,之后,这个孩子在命运的支配下渐渐被改变,他的温柔也随着生命的.价值一同消逝。有些人生来就是粗鲁不文的,但经过生命的暴风雨的洗礼,他会出人意料地变得温柔而亲切起来,就像在生命之树下面萌发出来的蘑菇。

True, gentleness or a tender care is often associated with love and kindness. It can also be found in a good- natured or broad-minded person. It is not fair to think that it has anything to do with weakness. 的确,温柔与关切通常与爱和善良结伴同行,在脾气温和或心胸宽广的人身上,也可以发现到这种品质。认为温柔与软弱有关,是一种不公平的看法。

Gentle as spring breeze, it cracks the frozen river with its light touch. Soft as cotton, it renders a steel ball bouncing high from the ground paralyzed in its embrace. Similarly, tenderhearted as friendship, it melts the toughness of an ironwilled man and reduces him to grateful tears. 温柔就像春天的风,它轻柔的触摸让冰冻的河流开裂,它像棉絮一样柔软,从地上高高弹起的钢球也会在它的怀抱中麻痹。同样,温柔又像友谊,它能柔化一个有着钢铁般意志的男人,并让他流下感动的眼泪。

A loving gentleness is too subtle to describe. Though it seems invisible, inaudible and evasive to the touch, it is still perceptible. It is the quintessence of kindness, enthusiasm, love and moral support. It gives strength and power. It is the source of beauty. 爱的温柔过于微妙,难以言传,尽管它是看不见、听不着、摸不到的,但它却可以被人们感受到。它是善良、热情、爱与美德的结晶,它带来坚强与力量,它是美的源泉。


讲Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It’s great to be here. First of all, thanks for your ing. Tonight, what I am gonna talk about is innovation. Who can tell me what is innovation? We all know that, since 1978, China has been through the greatest changes brought by the reform and opening-up. So what we can see from the reform and opening-up? The power of innovation. That’s why I am here. I am here to show you my Chinese dream. I want to talk about the future and how we're going to win it. If we want to make innovation. But firstly, we should make sure that China is a place where we can make it if we try, where we can go as far as hard work and big dreams will take us. We understand that it’s not going to be a cakewalk, this petition for the future, which means all of us are going to have to do our best. We are going to have to win the future by being smarter and working harder and working together. Innovation is the spirit of our country, the motive force for our country’s prosperity.

Sparking the imagination and creativity of our people, unleashing new discoveries __ that's what China will do better than any other country on Earth. From the moment we have a new idea, we can explore it; we can develop it with a research grant; we can protect it with a patent; we can market it with a loan to start a new business. We’ve got a chain that takes a great idea all the way through. We must be confirmed that, today, the challenges we face are real. They are serious they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But we will somehow find a way to e the difficulties. My major is . My is to discover or create new drugs for many diseases like cancer. You know that laboratory is the place where miracles happen. Believe it or not. What I do can save millions of people’s lives. For a long time, what challenges me is how to mercialize research. You e up with a great idea, but moving that new discovery from theory to practice or from the lab to the marketplace, that's really a big . That’s what we should focus on. We need to act with a sense of urgency-to study and work and create as if the fate of the country depends on us-because it does. It depends on us. Thank you!


It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty. Everybody was born with a heart for beauty. Today in China,with the rising of our living standard, people's requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly. Some people spare no money or energy on beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses and even the improvement of their looks. But it seems to me,all these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty. In my opinion,we shouldn't only pay attention to beautiful appearance and neglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be the perfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty. As we all know,so far as objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to be mentioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters, the inner beauty is much more important. This was confirmed by a famous Russian writer in words much like this: "A person is not lovely for being beautiful but beautiful for being lovely. " Here, I'd like to quote two typical instances and I'm sure, my dear friends,from them you'll find out what real beauty is. Recently I learned from the radio an unpleasant incident about a well known singer. She is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous for singing the song."Devotion of Love". Not long ago,she was invited to Zhejiang Province to give performance. The momentshe was to appear on the stage,she suddenly asked for more reward. Worse still,after her request was satisfied, she didn't begin to sing at once. Instead,she took her time to count all the money piece by piece. Thus she kept the audience waiting for half an hour. So when she at last showed up and started to sing "Devotion of Love",a man rose up from his seat and shouted at her,"You don't have any devotion of love. You are not qualified to sing this song ! "Hearing this, the singer stopped singing and began to shout abuses with her finger pointed at the man. At this time the whole audience burst into an uproar. How disappointed her keen listeners were when they learned this! It is the singer herself who spoiled her beautiful image in the eyes of others. Now, I'm ing to another true story. It's about a poor, ordinary looking old woman. She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps. However,she took in more than ten homeless orphans successively and managed to bring them up. Every day she labored from morning till night. In order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school,she even went to a hospital regularly to sell her blood. She got so weak for the loss of blood that she sometimes fell in a faint on her way home. When asked why she chose to burden herself with so many children,she smiled and simply answered,"Oh,I love children and I like to have their pany. " Though the old woman was poor materially, she was full of affection and rich in spirit. She was loved dearly by her children. She was also highly appreciated by the local government, and truly respected by people in her munity.

Maybe you can't help wondering, "What makes that ordinary woman so extraordinary?" It is nothing else but her inner beauty, her true devotion of love without any thought of rewarding. What a sharp contrast there is between the great woman and the selfish singer So,to answer the question "What is real beauty?", I declare definitely,it is the beauty lying in one's heart of hearts and embodied in his actions and deeds,that is,the inner heauty!


In the end of the year, people held many activities to celebrate e the New Year. In my school, we held a New Year party every year.Students like taking part in it very much, because it is really funny. Thisyear, I dance with my classmates. We prepare for it a month ago. Our teacherhelps us a lot. We work very hard to dance it well. Now, tomorrow is the partytime. I am sure we will be great in the party. 今年年底,人们举行了许多活动来庆祝新年。在我的学校,我们每年举行一次新年晚会。学生们非常喜欢参加,因为它真的很有趣。今年,我和同学们跳舞。我们一个月前就准备好了。我们的'老师帮助了我们很多。我们很努力地把它跳得很好。现在,明天是聚会时间。我相信我们会在晚会上表现得很好。


Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings themboth knowledge and entertainment。 By reading, we can learn lots of informationand know our history。 But for some people, reading is not their priority。 Theywill choose to watch movies to have fun。 However, I think people can benefit alot by reading。

说起读书,很多人都很兴奋,读书不仅仅能带给他们知识,而且也能带给他们娱乐。透过读书,我们能得到很多信息,了解我们的历史。但是对于一部分人来说,阅读并不是他们的首选。他们会选取看电影来找乐子。但是,我认为,读书能让我们获益。 First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history。 Sincehistory is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what havehappened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of theage。


Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge。 By reading, we can knowdifferent kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things fromhappening。 Books record a wide range of things about life。 Through reading, wecan know various aspects of life。


Thirdly, reading teaches us skills。 There are so many books about how tolearn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to bee popular in yourcircle, how to cook and so on。 Thus, these kinds of books can make us moreskillful if we do a certain thing。


All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading。



In the matter of courage we all have our limits. There never was a hero who did not have his bounds. I suppose it may be said of Nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had e to its limit. I have found mine a good many times. Sometimes this was expected__often it was unexpected. I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor. I never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. I should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. If I attempt to talk across a room I find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods I have part of the audience behind me. You ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do. I'll sit down.




我从来就没有勇气在狭长房间的中央发表讲话。我得站在房间的一头,面对全体听众。如果我试图站在房间中央讲话,我就会不断地转身,这样,就不断有部分听众在我背后。你们永远不能让自己背后有听众;你们永远闹不清他们要干什么。 我得坐下了。


Hello everybody! My name is Chen Xuanlin. It is my pleasure to be here to share my opinions of growing pains. Grow up, like a boat in my life, driving the wave surface. Sometimes, be in calm, sometimes be in rough. But the boat I was growing up, not everything is going. For me, sour,sweet,bitter,ho t,everything . Now, as I grow up, are ing adults, so in the eyes of parents, I was no longer to be a kid. Sometimes, they say "you've grown up,not a children!" When I listen to this,my head will be pain. When I was a little boy, my life is so relaxed.But now, in front of the waves are bigger, and more twists and turns the sea,I e a middle school student, that I have all gone past. I'm taller, homework more, study more subjects,have more test.When I was a boy, I am wrong no matter what happened, no one to blame me.But now,if I do something wrong,my parents will shout. The relaxe time will far away from me.I will be more busy. Study pressure always troubling me. Grown up, more work gradually like hills. After school, I do not dare to play, to see their favorite book, I'm afraid I can't plete the work, I can only try very hard to make the pen in my book on wave, for example, I have to run on the way home. The course also gradually heavy. Every home in the evening review, I looked at a lot of books, I really do not know to study what subject, is Chinese? Or math? Or geography? Or。

What should I do? To look life in the future.


dragon boat festival, often known as tuen ng festival or duan wu festival,is a traditional chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month ofthe chinese calendar. it is also known as the double fifth.[citation needed] ithas since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of east asia as well,most notably korea. the exact origins of duan wu are unclear, but one traditional view holdsthat the festival memorializes the chinese poet qu yuan of the warring statesperiod. he mitted suicide by drowning himself in a river because he wasdisgusted by the corruption of the chu government. the local people, knowing himto be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes toprevent them from eating qu's body. they also sat on dragon boats, and tried toscare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and thefierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.

in the early years of the chinese republic, duan wu was also celebrated as“poets' day", due to qu yuan's status as china's first poet of personalrenown. today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes)and race dragon boats in memory of qu's dramatic death.


Many people regard money as the most important thing in their life but I don’t agree with them. There are so many things that money can’t buy. The first money can’t buy us knowledge abilities and experience. The second money can’t buy us a happy mood and a good health. However money plays a significant role in our daily life. We can’t live without it because we have to use money to buy our daily necessities like food drinks clothes books and so on. And we also need money to pay for our houses and education. All in all we should have a correct concept of money. We can’t live for money but take it as a tool leading a better life. 许多人认为金钱是生活中最重要的东西,但我不同意他们的'观点。有很多东西是金钱买不到的。第一,金钱不能为我们买到知识,能力和经验。第二,钱不能买来快乐的心情和健康的身体。 但是,金钱在我们的日常生活中扮演着很重要的角色。没有金钱我们无法生活,因为我们必须要用钱来买日常必需品,如食物,饮料,衣服,书籍等等。我们还需要钱来买我们房子获得教育。



Dining safty has long been a major concern of human race, so, how can we assure that we are dinning safely? As the basic element of dining safty, source of the food is perhaps the most essential issue that we should focus upon, if the raw metrial itself can cause negative effects to the human body, nothing can be done to put it right. Kitchen hygiene will pehaps be another element that should be taken into consideration, including water source, type of cooking oil,quality of spicery used and blending of cooking material. To sum up, we have a lot to do to ensure dining safty





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