标题 | 游上海科技馆英语作文 |
范文 | 游上海科技馆英语作文 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是小编为大家收集的游上海科技馆英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 今天,我和妈妈去上海科技馆参观了。远远望去,科技馆像个大圆球,走近才发现科技馆有四层楼,大门口立着一个世博会的`吉祥物——海宝。 Today, my mother and I visited Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. Looking from afar, the science and Technology Museum is like a big ball. Only when approaching can we find that the science and Technology Museum has four floors and a mascot of the World Expo, Haibao, stands at the gate. 我们先去了地下一层的外星人馆厅,整个厅里展示的都是与外星人有关的东西。有个屋子的柜子里面躺着一个外星人,有6个手指,6个脚指,肚子很大,好像里面有个小孩子。这个外星人的头也很大,腿上还有一个血淋淋的伤疤。 First, we went to the aliens hall on the first floor underground. All the things displayed in the hall are related to aliens. There is an alien lying in the cabinet of a room. There are six fingers, six toes and a big stomach. It seems that there is a child in it. The alien has a big head and a bloody scar on his leg. 接着我们去了二楼的飞禽走兽馆,我们走进了一个蝙蝠洞,洞里倒挂着一群蝙蝠,人一走进去就发出吱吱的叫声。妈妈被吓得浑身发抖,连连尖叫。我一点也不怕,告诉妈妈这是模仿真的动物造出来的。 Then we went to the birds and animals Museum on the second floor. We went into a bat cave. There were a group of bats hanging upside down in the cave. As soon as people went in, they made squeaking noises. Mother was shaking and screaming with fear. I'm not afraid at all. I told my mother that it was made by imitating real animals. 然后,我们又去了动物世界,听工作人员说,这些都是标本。瞧,那只豹子咬着一头小鹿,正在奔跑,做得栩栩如生,真是逼真极了! Then, we went to the animal world again. The staff said that these were all specimens. Look, that leopard is biting a fawn, running, making it lifelike. It's so lifelike! 最后我们去了机器人厅,那里到处是各种各样的机器人。最利害的机器人会坐在钢琴前给人弹琴佯奏,你唱什么歌,它就弹什么曲子。真是佩服! Finally we went to the robot hall, where there are all kinds of robots. The most interested robot will sit in front of the piano and pretend to play. It will play whatever song you sing. I really admire it! 这次参观让我大开了眼界,我以后一定要努力学习,争取长大了也当个科学家。 This visit opened my eyes. I must study hard and strive to be a scientist when I grow up. |
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